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DAILY RACING FORM 21 I PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. *" M 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. Enured aa second-class matter. April 2. MM, at ] the port-office at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act M j March :i. lsjo. ______ - New York City Office: 501 fifth Ave. j 1 dealers npplM from i his office. Ba I. lumbers and monthlies supplied, i I ..i Hh ;il .ill hotels :iH"l news stands. 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. J Per M.llth * 1-52 Half War •_ one 17.00 The febOVO rates are for sliiKle copies as sealed letters tii st class mail. HACK NUMBKB8 5 CENTS EACH. If sent l y mail llrst class only six cents. ciiliM.o. ILLINOIS. JULY I. IMS.