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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER. COLO.. June 22. 1915. Ninth ,| iy Colorado Agricultural Fair and BaeUBg --o,ia- tions Summer Meeting of 20 days, overland Iark Weather clear. Presiding steward. P. A. Brady. Presidiag ladge, A. T. Dohson. Starter, Edward Tribe. Kaciue Secretary. W. W. Iitin. 21241 First Race :: 1 Mil,-. Curse 50. and upward. Selling. Net value lo win net- 75: second. ii; third. 5. Kiptiv. odds Ind. Horse. WI. Fin. Jockey. Straight 21132 South. Cold 111 1-- c Riddle l» 106 2 I 14 I " Cos. a- MB l1 C Gross : ■ Phi 21123 far c:,thay MS .; B Denny 810 loo 21145 Lira W. MB 4- M Spi.ll, ::.", pi,l 2 1080 si. I. liff 111 r.o w Kelsay l 101 2 1180 Hick Benaon 111 6| T Nolan 34S Iih 1X255 liownlainl M8 74 G V Carroll B«fl too 18229 Valadolhl III S C Baanuil 401.. 100 17572*Cnsamea 1o!» S* P Stevens 1372W 106 21079 Ortla III 10 .1 Muiphv BS phi Ti 2:;4;. 48, 1:13. Track fast. S2 niuliiels paid. Southern Cold. 3.: ::o straight. .!hi place. 84.20 show: Rosea*. .50 place .70 show: Far Cathay. .18 show. Winner W. lenwicks I,, g, S. by QaU Heels Stmt hern Cirl Irai I by W. Scuilto. Start goad. Won easily: soond and third tlriin£:. 21242 Second Race l 1 2 rartamji Curse 50. 2-year oMs. Selliti,. Net value to winner 7,, second. 0; third. 5. K.piiv Odds Did. Bocae. wi. Fin. Jockev. Straight. 21182 Handy Andyll2 lit Q Warren 17. 1*8 21177 P. Patterson 107 2 v Oraaes 21:. 100 ! I 132 I .aimh. :: 11 Qentry SuS-hM 21130 J. Ii. Sukk 113 I ■ W Pinkstaff 1335 108 21132 Lola lof, :,-. 1; Mol.sw,,ith r: o Phi 16216 T... 1- 1 master Pis 0 dross 3250-106 21132 OJita 105 7*1 T Nolan L71i Hh Bbux rahla HH 8 J Culhnan KS KM lime. 234-,. 48-.,. and4-»r . Track fast. inutiiels paid. Hand Andy, .*", SO ttrai hi 76 place. . show: Prank Patterson, $:: imi place, .00 show: Laughing Water, .90 sh,.v . Winner Jam It 6 James b. r, l,v 1.11 Tromp Andre we tta 1 trained hv it. Inrrett. Start good: Won driving; neeowl and third aantei Overweights J. D. Su;;«. 2 pounds; Ojitn, :;. 21243 Third Race :; I Mile. Parse 8226. I v,a7 olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75: second. H; third, 5. C.ptiv. Odds Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21200 l.u Hill 111 1»| H Smith S43 IO0 21150 Tallow Dip ill - I; Peeney 870-109 21 136s Black Mai,- ill ::: w Ormes i- phi 21134 Wasatch H» 4] .1 Prach i::.oi.ti 21 173 Eva Padwicklta .. J Rynn 195 l«l 21 I l« /....I MM «. • c Cross 580 160 21173 M Kennedy 113 7 J Murphy It:, lot 2 1 173 1 is. -ur.. Ill 8»* .1 Ku-s. II • ■ lot! 21140 Deerfoot Ml ■ O Oentry 11 . hni 1!«»7 Haniiis P„l 10 T Dealy 3110 100 I 234,, 47i;.. 1:14. Track fast. S2 miitueis paid. Lew Hill, .80 xtralgbt. SI. 70 place. .*:: 50 show; Tallna Mb, 0.50 ohtce, .:io Kb is : Clack Mate. on -how. Winner W. Remmells 1,1k. ir. 7. l,y Mstor Hain-gernebl Bnddhist trained hy J. R. Haenas Start •_,.., 1 Won es ilv: aecond and third driving Irverwelghts Mark Kennedy, 2 pounds 21244 loiirih Bare 3-8 Mile. Curs,. .mi 1-year ..Ids and upward. Selling. Net value l win 11, r 75: sec. -ml. 0; third. 5. K.piiv. Odds Ind. Heme. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1!»851 s. arh 1 oaks p,| i ,.i Hullman Ho 1 INI 2M73iCal WorthlOC 21 R Peeney 1C50-100 21145 Cioid lul ::llo lentry -.r.TO Khi 21673*Jge Chens 1 in a «; W Carroll 185-148 21145 Ant;. Ins MS .. I : Denn Euwt-loil I7HI0 H Hawkins i ,7 mg Warren 5150-100 21 173 Iovi- MB 7- It Small I87O-100 Slluiar Co . Ph; 8 I Nolan 3240 loO Time, 23VS, 48 i, 1:00%. Track fast. S2 tllllt Mils l:lii|. Scarlet Oaks. landJt straight. .30 place, 83.09 show Real Worth, * place. v,.; mi show Leford, Sii.c.O show. nun -r Nevada St i k 1 .inns b. f. 4. by DM* Welle* Gleua trained i»v G. 11. Strate. start IW4. Won easing up; second ami third drlvinr. The winner, entered for 80, was bid on to i,v c. Dleta and bought in. Overweighta Helen Hawkins, 1 pound; Anjrelus. 1. 21245 rifth Race -1 Mile. Patau hB..o. 4-jear-,Hs and apward. Selling. Net value to wiu-ner jiTo; second, 0; third, 5. Enule. odds tod. Bane. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight ___c. ll47 st Avano 109 1J R Peeney 615-10D ■ .I i493Phl1 Mohr MS l- t Nolan 105-MO ▼M142 Ihrnms Bra M 8* P Full, r IS tOB 2117B*Oru htcGei M aj* R Small 1S15-M8 21141 Nana. McDeelQB B] .1 Donovan 1340-100 21179 Cantem Ml 9* O Gentry 4380-100 21 I lO-Orb. st 105 7 Q Mol.sworth 1O20-100 Time. 24, 48. 1:132£,. 1:40V,. Track fast. niutuels paid. St. Avan... 2.30 straight. .00 place, *."..lo show. Phil Mohr. .90 place. ?2.50 show; Christmas Ere, $: .10 show. Winner K. K. Greeaa ch. in. . by St. .onicus orsora trained by It. It. Green. start good. Woaj liandil.v : second and tliird driving- overweights — Phil Mohr, 1 pound: Orbeat, 1; Ore McGee. 1. £1246 Sixth Race— 3-f Mile, lurse 9289. :; yoar-uMs and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; sci "lid, 0; third. ?27j. E.iuiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Tin. Jockey. Straight. l2114S Oaapte lit; l C Qroaa 135-100 .1133-Uohliinn 113 . It Small 1470-HH S114S*Coo«ter Ml 8* J Washer *J15-100 19740 Mater HO 41 II dark 2200-100 219S2*P.Antoinctt IM Bl J Nelson 1200-100 iillHODelan. v 112 V W Ornies 470-100 21175 W. C. West 11- 7" It Brooka 185-100 21082 Zamloch 105 and X Nolan odO-100 Time, 23. 473r . 1:13. Track fast. niutuels paid. O-aple. .70 straight. .50 place. $.".10 show: Coldtiun. ,70 place, . JO show; Cooetor, .10 show. Winner — Kairlmrv Stables eh. e. 4. by Keep oDay Miss Anne trained by P. P, Borland. Stan flood. Wen easily : second and third driving. The winner, entered toe 09. was bid up to 05 bj A. P. Yeoman and bought in. overweights — Cooater. 2 pound* : Phyllia Antoinette, ;;: Zamloch. :.; W. C West, 4. 21247 Berentk Bace 3 4 Mile. Paraa 50. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; set and, 9; third. 5. E iuiv. Odds Ind. Horse VI. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 21178 Lukcmac 113 l»t J Murphy 115-100 17234 Viander IM : Q Moteaworth tSSO-100 10020 A Ida 10- 3*1 K Carter 21178 Pela 1":; 4" W ormes 22SO-100 21082 Comiaaionar i«7 5l G Warren 13SO-100 21076-Cano MB 9* C Cross 250-100 18620 Hatchler . 107 71" It .Small 1135-100 The Ruhr M5 b C Uasquil .205-100 tCouplcd In betting. Time. 233s. 48-.. 1:14. Track last. niutuels paid, l.nkeiuae. .S4.::o straight, $:.00 place, .90 show: J. C. Kerris entry, .10 place. .00 show. Winner — 1. E. larks b. g. by Luke Ward — Jessie Mae trained by It. N. Vestal. Start good. Won driving; second and third same. Overweights — lcls. 1 pound; l.ukemae, 1: Alda, 2; tonmiissiouer. 5.