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FIRST FOALS REGARDED WITH DISFAVOR. In breeding Circles tin-re is a prejudice, probably a most foolish one, against first Toals. and many men never dream of putting their young marcs to ■ hlgh- class stall!.. u the first lime while, in addition to tins, it is n ditiicult matter to gel maiden mares covered by fashionable stallions even if desired, as man owners of sires are avers,- to employing them in tiiis manner. First foals to win the Derby only number live, these being Daniel . Bourke, Favonlus, Rock Sand, Spread Eagle and Wild OayrelL With the exception of the tirst and fourth of those named. these were all racers 0 merit, and Rock Sand. winch also won the Tw.. Thousand Guineas and St. l.eger, did extremely well as a sire prise to his all too eariv sudden death from heart failure when only fourteen al the Bel-Eba Stud, on .Inly 20, 1914. The pick Of his Offspring was Tracery, winner of the St. l.eger in 1912, but he was American bred, and 1 am only now dealing With horses fouled in the I ulted Kingdom. Among other good horses of the past, which were fust foals, and many of whose names can be found in nearly all the latter-day pedigrees, may be instanced The Baron, Beat Man. catefin, nie OotoneL lr. syntax. Bager, Fllho da Puta. Hampton, Ion, Kingston. Liverpool. Melbourne, Pot-8-OB, Sir Hercules. Sultan and Touchstone. Inking those dropped in the last twenty years that is. from 1896 Inclusive maiden mares nave produced such as Aniadis, AMford, Amoureuse, A|Uhsciitiini. Atlas. Attic Salt. Bachelors Double, lb- Veiv Wise. Blackatoae, Bourne Bridge. Rrance-peth. Bridge of Canny. Chili 11.. Clerical Error. Cresalngham, Dark Queen, iiist Spear, ;iass .lug, Glenapp, Goblet, Golden Gleam Graenbsck, The Gnllar, Half a class. Hanover Square, Huntly, l.ady Josephine, La Marquise, Light Brigade. Lance Chest. Usehana, Maid of the Mist. Martin. Melet. Mel-iwiue Milford Lad, Missel Thrush. O ellc. Iowder Puff, "The Raft, Ranetite, Skyscraper, Soa-hvLaw, Spanish Prince. Spectrum, Snowfjight. Throw aw ay. Tippler, Twehebore, Violante. Woolc.v. Wool Winder, and TentOt, besides, of L—raSi many more of lesser note. — Audax, iu London Horse ami Houud.