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FIRST SAN FRANCISCO DATES RESTORED. San Francisco, Cal . .lul.v 2.. Secretarj .lames c. Nealon of the Breeders Association has made an n.niin . -iiii-ii I of another change in the opening date of the thoroughbred race meeting which wiii U-held next mouth over the exposition track. The star: will he made Angus! 21, as first pl.u d. Charles T. Boots, a member of the board of 41 rectors and a Nevada State Baring Commissioner, has returned from Reno with the information that it would not be neeeauan to postpone tic open lag until the twenty-eighth, as was determined upon at a weekly meeting recent .» t that time the members of tie association were nihil i- the Impression that the thirty dava of racing at Beno would not I onclnded the twenty-first ami they did not want to arrange ant conflicting dates. It.«.|s reports that Beno will i b.s,. on Friday, August 20, and that will enable the horsemen tO ship here in time for the e| osL lion opening.