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TURF DISTRESS GROWING IN ENGLAND. Various homes in training are advertised for sale Ie at the next meeting, among them all of Mr. Par r tons;, including the .smart three year-old My Koii u I ; 4 C -. n ■d Ie r u a Bid. Also in the catalogue are Wise Svnion. Josephine, Conqaernta Hero and Atom. Several liainiiig establishnients at Newmarket are a. Ivor-it tised to be let T sold, incliiiliiig Phantom HoBBC T. .leiiniie.-si. Balaton Lodge A. J. Joyner, and fhtekrllle Honae iC Ha seyi, all of which are signs of the limes ami not to lie disregarded. Owners being hit financially are not likely to carry en their racing stables with little or no prospect of winning a race, and s. the same afeory is heard on all side-. ■ living up racing." This is not to lie wandered nt: In fact. I am surprised that nwre have not withdrawn their support from nejaa] iu view of the conditions under which the sport is struggling for its existence I know manv caaea where consideration for the trainer and his lads has alone decided men to keep on. but distrust at the Coveinments attitude towards racing is rapidly turning them to., into soured and dis-rontented creatures who are losing the fine spirit ..f sp, rtamaanhla thai has animated them hitherto. and are covertly considering the view that lis the State is neglecting its dutv towards :, large portion ,.f the community, they oa aide are absolved from their duty to the individuals de|ieudcut upon them. — "Vigjlant" iu Ixinilou S| ortsiuau.