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, , . . 0 FEATURES OF RACING IN GERMANY. The German railways seem p. be working under high pressure transporting troops and munittonti from tin- eastern to the western theater of war. or vice-versa, in addition to draft-- from garrison towns to take the place of killed, wounded and prisoners. Nevertheless, the authorities invariably manage to inn special trains to the race meetings. No fewer than five specfarla were dispatched from Berlin to the meeting at Hoppegarten yesterday week, and for the convenience of visitors to the German Derby yesterday three special trains wen- advertised in the last issue of "Deutsche!- SpOTt." In addition. many additional trains were to be put on from Hamburg to tin- racecourse. Tin- advent ot several Deob aiclidiUe- 1 1 • -in Austria llungarj iu.-u, i eial temporary cTOhgrs hrf traiarri Englishmen -iill being allow.-, i p. train m Au-iiii. wHereas Brit lab subjects are prohibited from training in Germany. Thus Frank Putter- norms for Hamburg have been temporarily placed in charge of a German trainer, and Fred Milne, the trainer of Prince Hohenlobe- Oehiiugcus itr|9fi hag iu similar tusUiou hUa vU , 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . . transfer the charge of hJa boraea, hntlnalve of the Derby colt, llan. to someone else. Apparently the lug race, which was run yesterday, was expected to bring out fifteen runners. Inclusive of two candidates from the Gradita Stud, two b longing to llerr Haiiicl. ami two others to Freih.-rr von Ottpenheim. The Gradita pair are bj French-bred stallion-. ,n s. hlu-s being by Nuage and Kongo by Cain-. It is curious to see only German or Hungarian Jockeya down lo ride, with tie- exception of one American. Archibald, for in previous seasons crack riders from Ihis country and likewise from France generally went over, while others were domiciled there. I". Bullock, for example, was the chief jok. for the Royal Gradita stud in the days when Reginald Day was j|s trainer, and only a few season- lack D. Malicr won the Derby for Heir llanicl on Tnrmfaika. Breeders in Germany, i ailing to "Dentscner Sport." are feeling the pinch, and bl Istock. owing to the limitation of racing to Berlin-IIoppegartett, Ilamberg-Dorn, Hamburg Gross Ifcestel. Frankfort ,-n tin -Main, and Munich, is being offered for -ale bv many of lln- smaller breeders, who are desirous of closing down. Quite soon, our contemporary adds, only the big sluds will be able to keep the breeding Industry going. London Sportsman of July !».