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EXCUSE FOR GEORGE SMITHS DEFEAT. Saratoga, N. v.. August to. -George Smith, the crack two-year-old owned by Edward McBride. and Which met his lirst defeat in the Sanford Memorial Stakes Saturday, is not likely to till ails of his other etigai in. its lii ie. Tie .mas J. Shannon, the trainer of George Smith, says that he came out of the race ■ace. ilie cult did not run his race, and Shannon explained why In- did sot. When working on the Oklahoma track on Thursday last the colt Btepped in a hole and wrenched his shoulder. There was -. . •• talk of not starting him in the Sanford Mem i rial, but hot alcohol applications relieved the boulder, and it was decided to take a chance. In making a quick beginning and trying for a good position at the start George Smith wrenched the shoulder again, and he was in such bad condition yesterday that ShaoBog has almost given up hope of getting him to the races again this month. George Smith has engagements in all the big two-year-old stakes here, and his owner was looking forward lo his meeting Bulse again and rubbing out Hi,, defeat of Saturday.