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, , , I | , WINDSORS ENTICING CARD SEVEN RACES WITH THE DETROIT AND WINDSOR FERRY CO. HANDICAP THE FEATURE. Six Carded to Start, Including Borrow — Rancher Well Thought Of fcr the Race— Hodge in Good Condition — Many Arrivals. Windsor, Out.. August 13. — Tlie Detroit and Windsor Ferry Company Handicap, one of the usual features of the second meeting of the Windsor Jockey Club, is ottered as an attraction for the opening days program tomorrow. The handicap has brought together ;l well balanced tiebl. The ilistance of the race is one mile and a sixteenth and, while there are only six acceptances, they are so well matched at the weights, thai a rousing tanttst should result. Indication- point to a fast track and tiiis means tiiat tin- going will suit Rancher, the in r-e that won tlie Canadian Siortsman Handicap at Fort Brie on Wednesday. There will be some good banes apposed to Rancher tomorrow, however, and he will not have the easy time he did on Wednesday. Hodge, a recent arrival from New-York, has worked well and is at his best. The Whitney rpresi ntative. Borrow, is askrd to ahoaldcf the heavy impost of 133 pounds and it is considered doubtful If be ma concede the weight to some of the others. In the event that Joe Notter does not arrive from Saratoga, Jockey Ihil Cohlstein will have the mount on Borrow. Waterhass will be ridden by Ted Rice. The program is made ap of seven races, in nhfch the best horses on the ground are entered. An allowance race for two year-olds, al live and a half furlongs, and the Ste. Clair Handicap, a sprint of three quarters, divide interest with the running of tlie stake. There are three races at one mile anil over on the ard and the minimum purse value is 8700. The club adds .1IX» to the seven races. an average of more than Sl.tMK a race. The management announced, at the conclusion of the previous meeting, that in the future the purses Would average at least ihi. There were some arrivals from the east, anions them the stables of J. W. HoMMatt mill W. .1. Weber. In the bitters cnsigniuent was the uo.xl gelding Hodge. The Cohlhlatl string includes a number of useful selling platers. Jule Garaan, before returning to Saratoga from Fort Frio, concluded negotiations for the useful horse Mallard. The horse was shipped to Carson by W. R. Mizell before the left Fort Erie. James Rot.ert-oii reporta that his plater Richwood is rounding to after his falling lame at the previous meeting here. The horse had a saddle on yesterday for the first time since hi- mishap and Robertson, ha- hopes of being able to get lniu to the races, probably at the Woodbine meeting in Toronto next fall. Robertson has purchased from ;. I,. Blackford tin- two-year-old rillv Memories, bv Meelick — Marehpast. W. Cottrell acted for Mr. Blackford in the transaction. Cottrell has sold to Edward Murray the two-year-old Matrix, also by Meelick. Henry Melbiniel reporta that the horses he took 1 1 1 • for Bohert Davtea during the Hamilton nieet- ing are going along well. Plate Class will be ready for the races at Ottawa and Montreal. There is a big delegation of followers of the -p. rt here for the meeting and it seems that the :it tendance will exceed that of previous meetings.