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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Following Italys declaration of war against Turkey, transports laden with troops and escorted by warships have departed from Naples, Syracuse. Taranto and Brindisl for an unknown destination. Thej sailed under sealed orders. It is generally believed thai they are to be employed for opera tions against Tnrkey. The fact is disclosed that joint mllftarj action i Italy with England, France and Russia against Turkey wast arranged by the Italian General Pirro during ids visit to the Apgl»-French fronl lu .Inly. Plana studied then, it is said, can imi Hately be pat into action. President Wilson is concerned deeply over ih -effect of the listing of cotton as contraband v the British and French governments, lie Is not mtisned that the American growers and shippers will be able to market the crop to advantage even with the premised help held out by the English authorities. it i- stated at Washington thai the president lias begun tbe-drafl of a vigorous protest to the English and I reneb governments at the action they have taken, to • upled with a general claim d the right of the I nited stales to deal without sindrai with all neutral nations. dispatch of Aagasl 13 troai Mexico City, transmitted by courier to Vera Cms and reaching New Orleans Monday say-: Deaths by starvation continue In this iiv and no si conservative estimates place them at twentv live a day. A visit to the various hospitals by ■ representative of Hie American Red Cross discloses thai for the first three dcs of August twenty deaths from starvation were recorded. This number did not Include the many who di-t in the streets 1 rem lack of food. Prom Berlin a dispatch says: official reports from So!. a and Constantinople stale that Turkey and Bulgaria have Bigned a new treaty. Turkey granting Bulgaria her desired direct railroad connection with the sea. and Bulgaria agreeing tool serve a benevolent neutrality, if not more. This demonstrates the definite failure of the efforts of the entenl pewera te revive the alliance of ihe Balkan states and induce them to join the war against Tnrkey. .Mi Amsterdam dispatch says that from ■ source which is often well-informed, the Information is given oat that a new big peace scheme is now in coarse of development in Berlin, the nature of which is not disclosed, n is said that it will not take the form of feelers In the neutral press and ether neutral quarters as hitherto. If the plans do not miscarry the scheme will be disclosed to the world in abOUl two weeks.