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fcCALl | Of WLHHIS fXM SEPTEMBER. Ml. p* 2 =: - M v. . r* I ? I * : m One-Half Mile. 2i Two-vear-oida . 102 96 IO0 90 .Ids !•-- lie. Hi; 118 t ..Mi- old- 126 122 122 ;-i ir-olda at ; ward 126 122 1J2 124 • * Three-Quarters Mile. Two vear-. Id- 103 »1 93 .; Three real oliU 128 IM 116 11 .; r ir-yi ir-old* 133 122 122 127 .; 1 ive year • -hi- ami upward 133 122 122 125 j One Mile. J T«.. reai -h!- 86 7 92 8S J T ■ yet r id- 117 112 H 11a J l ii rear id- 126 122 122 124 riv. y mi • •!.!- ml upward 126 122 1-- 121 One and One-Half Miles. x Two rear olds si ■• s- M Three-year-olds U5 110 im 112 " Four-year-old* 126 -"- 122 124 . iVr rear ■■!■:- 126 1-4 124 125 Six-year-olda and upward 126 124 124 123 2 Two Miles. Two rear olds , 84 ... W lliree-ycat olds 11" HW 108 I""- Four-year-olds 124 122 122 123 •; Five-year-old* 125 124 124 124 • Six -year-olds and upward 1-" I--"1 125 1 -4 Two and One-Half Miles. 1 1 ar-olda "" "ls • • • , Four year-old* 1-"- -- ••• . liv, rear-olds -• -•; ■ ■ ■ Six-year-olds and upward l-,; 126 ... Three Miles. Three-year-olds 103 106 i"7 MM FoUr-year-old* I2fl 122 CJ- 121 I re-year-olds 1-4 126 126 125 h Six-year-olds .ml npward 124 127 1J7 123 Four Miles. Three-year olda 105 103 ... 2 l-"ii; -year-old* 122 122 ... Fire 127 •- rear-olds - • ■ Six-year-old* and upward 128 128 ... THE JOCKEY CI. IT,, in race* f intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall tie carried. in racea exclusively for three-year-olda, nr four- ■ year-olds, the weight shall ! • lUt; pounds, and lor i iu., j ear-olda, 122 pounds. Except in handicaps and In races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, Allies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and mares three year- old and npward shall be allowed rive i pounds before September l and three pounds tliere-after. Geldings shall be allowed three pounds. | Welter weights Shall be -,v pounds added to the weight for ace. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than lto pounds, in all handicaps „ when the added money exceeds 1000, the top weight « shall not in- less than 126 pouBon. STATE RACING COMMISSION OP KENTUCKY. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights far the shorter distance shall he carried. in races exclusively for two-year-olds, US pounds shall ho arried. in races exclusively for three -year-oMa, 122 pounds shall be carried In beat races there shall w an allowance of five pounds from the stale of weights. Except in handicaps, fillies | v o years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds. Fillies and marcs three years old and upward I all be allowed live pounds before September 1 and i three pounds thereafter. .TOCKCY I.I B JUAREZ. The Jockey Club Juarez has id ipted Hie scale of weights of the Kentucky Btate Racing Commission. , referred to ia the preceding paragraph. PACIFIC JOCKEY CUT!. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In a race exclusively for two year-olds the weights shall he IIS poaada. in a race exclusively for three-year-olda the weights shall be 122 pounds. Ill heat races there shall I*1 an allowance of five ds from the scale ol weights. Except in handicaps and in races where the weights are Oxed absolutely in the conditions, fillies - . years Old and geldings of all ngjes shall lie f I ed three pounds, and fillies and mares three - rears old and upward shall lie allowed live pounds iieiore September 1 and three pounds thereafter. CANADIAN BtACING ASSOCIATIONS. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for , the shorter distance shall be carried. in racea exclusively for three-year-olds or four-■ : olds the weights shall be 122 pounds, and for t .,.• fear-olds 1 is pounds. Except in handicaps and in all races where the • .millions expressly stale to the contrary. Allies two years old shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies" and mares three years old and upward shall tie allowed are pounds before the first of September and three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three pounds. In till races except in handicaps where forelgn-breiis are not penalised as su ii. horses foaled In Canada shall he allowed up to and including three year-. 7 pounds; four year- and upward, 5 pounds. Welter weights shall lw "Js poaada added to the weight for age in heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall 1 not lie b ss than 1-K pounds. No two-year-olds shall compete in an all-aged race prior to August 3. . In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds $ ;h». top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds. CUBA-AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUB. In races exclusively for two-year olds. Us; pounds. • in races exclusively for thn e rear olds, 1l"J | sands. • In races exclusively for four-year-olds. 126 pounds. Geldings of all ages allowed three poaada. Tillies two J ears old. allowed three pounds. fillies and mares, three-year-olds and upward, • allow! d Bre pounds before September 1. Fillies and mares, three-year-olda and upward, allowed three pounds after September 1. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for .shorter distance* shall be carried. BTBBPLECHASB WEIGHTS. At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races are inn trader the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: Foe steeplechases less than tliree miles — From i January 3 to August 31, inclusive, three years, :;r, i pounds; four yeara, 140 poaada; are years, 157 pounds; six years and over. 182 pounds. From September . l to December 31, inclusive, for three years. • 137 pounds; four years. 154 pounds: live years, 100 pounds; six years and oyer. 162 pounds. Par steeplechases of three miles and over — From January 1 to Angus; 31, bsclusive, tour years, 14:; pounds; live years. 153 pounds; six years and over, • ]iv pounds. From September 1 to December : 1, Inclusive, for four years. I4j» pounds: live years, 158 pounds: six years and and over. 160 pounds For hurdle racea— From January l to August "i. inclusive, three years. 135 pounds; four years. 142 - pounds; five rears, 152 pounds; ais years and over. • :.m; p. muds. From September i to December 31, inclusive, - three rears, 142 pounds; four years, 158 pounds; live years and over. 16] pounds. in races 9 exclusively for three-year-olda, the weight shall be " 14." pounds. Except in handicaps and in races where the B weights are fixed absolutely In the conditions, mares s shall be allowed five pounds before September 1. end three pounds afterward. Geldings shall be allowed " throe pounds. I,r races on the fiat under Hunt Club auspices, ;• the scale Of weights adopted by the Jockey Club h ahall govern and In respect of auch races welter r weights shall be 2s. pounds above the weight f : - In the west the weights specified by the Western Jockey Club sad the American Turf Association are identical and are as follow-: Jan. April. July. Ol t ,._,. Feb. May. Auur. Nov. March. June. Sept. l ec 3-year olda 125 129 134 140 a 4-year-otda 1« 140 151 154 1 5-year-olds 157 160 |«3 104 t, y,a i olds ami up.. 166 170 172 172 The rules of the Canadian li.i i n jr Associations s governing steeplechases and hurdle races provide that no hone shall be permitted to start In any steeplechase or hurdle race carrying less than 130 pounds. When a scale ot weights for age is not fixed ,1 by the regulationa of any coarse or by the conditions t •f ■ meeting or race the following scale shall 1 govern: For steeplechases and hurdle races less than three e miles Iroin January I to July 31, Inclusive, four r ears, 145 pounds; five years, 159 pounds; six yearn ■ end over. 166 pounds. From August 1 to December r SI. Inclusive, throe yea:- 138 pounds: four years. 155 pounds: five years. 163 pounds; six years and j over, 166 pounds.! For steeplechases of three miles and over. January 1 to August 31. inclusive, four yeara, 138 pounds: live years. 157 poaada; six years and over. 166 j , . From September 1 to December 31 iaeiu-foar r ITS, 140 pounds; five years. 161 pounds; . mx years and over. 166 poaada. 1 eept ill handicaps and in all races where the " ttttoaa expressly state to the contrary, marcs s all he allowed live poaada before the tir-t of r V 1. Bihar, and three iiouuds thaaatter. Geldings alloAcd three pounds.