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SIXTH RACE — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. 91882 F2F-, ti 111. W0DAN, b. b. 3 107 By Dr. Leg-go— Coma P. Sheridan. 570 Conghl 3-4 1:15--.fa-t 5 ■ 4 2 3 :- .- J Callahan 9 K. Differ. Meelieka. Bean. Bella 22380 Windsor 3-4 l:ll--,fast :l-5 lofi 1 I I -■ 2" J Aeton 8 Scrutineer. Stonewoad, DoetorD. 21699 Win. For 1 I l:14%slow 11 107 3 3 3 6s 4«J J Metcalf 12 Sir L Joe. Scrutineer. Schemer 21523 FortErie 1 l:45%slow 14-5 106*3 2 2 3 4** 6*iJ Metcalf s Kins Cotton. Lenavaal. Harold 21316 Hamton 1 l:40%fast 4 104 8 3 5 5 B 79i I Metcalf 12 Aprisa. Schemer. Subject 21204 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast S 112 5 3 3 3- 22 J Metcalf 12 Commensia. Schemer. Sir L. Joe 21087 Conght 8-4 l:14%feet 1 99 7 6 4 4- 43 E Hayes .• Black Fine, Subject. Aprisa 20890 HlueBon. 7-8 1:30 slow 27-5 105 2 3 3 5 6l 2«C1 Metcalf 12 Peel Caines. RalTo, Aprisa 207 K Dorvai 3-4 l:15%fast 1 104J 9 1 1 1* 9 J Metcalf IS Slnmberer. Paul Cables, B.Deep LENAVAAL. b. f, 4 111 By Transvaal— Lena Brand S. Louis. 22386 Windsor 1 l:42%fast 61 1"2 s I 9 fi :. • 5*1 C VauDun 0 Birka, J.H.Hoeghton, III 22082 FortErie lm70yl:4f.Kood 35 1 I2 8 6 5 4 fi° fi-M VauDun 9 Flowruan. M.Watera, W vain ke 21522 FortErie 1 l:45%slow 22 110 8 S 7 4 32 2h C VanDun S King Cotton, Harold, Subject 2M99 Latonia I 1-M l:49%faat 21 103 10 10 10 10 82 83 W MeehanH White Wool, Mockery. W. Horet 20115 Lexgton 1 l:4A*4faet 307 109 10 10 10 9 72 7 » C Van DnlO Beulah S.. Jes. Louise. OigaStar 19394 N.Orlna lm20y 1:43 fast 21 107 5 13 8 8 31 5«J C VanDun 15 Bell Buoy, MarchAloog, OvrBjM .. 18223 N.Orina 1 1-M l:46%faet 12 105 10 10 10 10 10 7" C VanDun 10 Insiir.Man. Ore McGee, T.Kumu 19168 N.Orlns 1m20y l:42-,fast 8 103 14 14 14 14 lis 7"iC VanDun 15 June W.. Insurance Man, Begem STARCRESS, ch. c, 3 107 By Star Ruby— Majolica Thorneliffe Stable. 22380 Windsor 3-4 l:14*4ast 28 h fi 4 4 5 •"•■• ■"•"A Claver K Scretiaeer, Wodan, Stonewooe 17485 Wdbine :; t I I tfast 37-5 112 3 3 3 8* 7*1 I" GoidstnU Amaiis, Tie Pin. Tartarean 16702 Conght Si f l:12%hvy 1 114 2 2 2 2 r.r P loldstn 9 Borax, Isefagabihhie, Kopje 16469 Windsor 5 8 l:Ksiivv 9 112 5 4 I P 2h A Claver T Ft el us. Carrie Orate, McAdoo 16057 FortErie 5-8 l.-01%fast 10 |M I 2 3 4i t*|J Metcalf 11 Gold. Boy. Clynta. Carrie Irme 16358 PortErie 5 8 l:61%fast 11-5 191 5 4 4 4« fis A Claver 1 Itedland. Celebrity. Dteiea 14683 Dorvai 4* f ."72-.Cnol J in; 1 4 fi 3 . 42i A Claver 8 Archer King Jefferson. Carbide 14435 Wdbine 41 t 55 fast 6 112 4 2 2 2"k 3: A Claver 7 Ethan Allen. Stir Id. Reliance DIMITY, b. f, 3 103 By The Commoner — Alpaca G. M. Hendriel. 22430 Windsor 11:L-,!ast 17 82 14 5 7 5 6* F Lewder 11 I.avana. Wild Horse, Cadenza 22049 FortErie 51 f l:U%hvy 8.j !« I I 2 1*1 4* B MeDott t Mies Gayle, Pinaiee, Jim I.. 21927 Hamton :1-1 l:16%hvy 5 102 4 2 2 64 6J M Garner 10 Africa Beau. Argent, B.Jenninza 18382 Latonia E f l:08isfast 29 110 4 5 5 4h 4*1 A Mott 13 GiltEdge. W. Witch, GertrudcB. 18170 Latonia 5 f l:07%good 13 112 7 8 8 81 811 J Metcalf 12 Fidget, Water Witch. r.Crocket 18075 Latonia 5* f 1:08 "fast 43 10 105 6 3 7 7t T*| 3 Metcalf 12 Misslannie. W. Witch, F.Cro. kel 17485 AA-dbine 3-4 l:144fast 10J 10D 2 11 1* fi1. F Murphy F2 Amans. Tie Iin. Tartarean 14237 Church] 5-8 l:01%fast 16 101 8 8 5 71 781 L Deronde I M.Cassidy, L.Invalides. J.Rbort* SHREWSBURY, b. c. 3 106 By Ossary— Latona R. L. Bresler. 22430 Windsor 1 l:L"-,last 22-5 97 5 3 4 ."", 7*1 8*1 B McDott 11 I.avana. Wild Horse, Cadenza 21522 FortErie 1 l:45%slow 17 101 14 4 6 fi6 6*1 R MeDott 8 Kmg Cotton, Lenavaal. Harold 213M Hamton 1 1 1»; I :.".::■-mud 7 95 6 6 6 6 6 626 R McDott 6 Slnmberer, Aprisa. Subject 21257 Hamton 1 1-16 1 : 18%fast 30 98 8 8 8 8 8 812 It McDott 8 Mov. Picture, Martian, Scliennr 20890 KlueRon. 7-8 1:30 slow 10 K« 5 4 5 7 5* 522 M .McDott 12 Peal Caines. Wodan. Uuffo 20133 H.deGce 5J f 1 :08%slow 41 104 C 5 7 8 783.I Dreyer S Ili-h Tide. Danish Girl. Vaza 20079 II. deGce 51. f 1 :07 fast 50 101 9 9 9 9 »3 W McDott 0 Sherwood. .Monty Pox. WaterLily 20042 H.deGce 3 4 l:14%fast 6 101 10 9 4 4i 3J R McDottL"* Breakers. Royalty, Slumherer 20025 H.deGce 3-4 1:15%fast 9 101 8 6 6 3n* 4« R McDottll Sleuth. Silver Moon, Free Trade KATHLEEN S„ br, m, 8 107 By Salvado— Grandezia B. Levy. 22505 Conght lm20y 1:46 slow M 199 8 I 9 I » :• W Fral 10 The Usher, Buaway, Weyanoke Windsor 3 t l:14%fast s:: M9 I I I 7: 7" r Keegh 8 Scrutineer, Wodan. Stonewood 22077 FortErie 1 l:42%slow 38 108 5 6 fi c, 61 9* V Kcbutr 8 Wed. a Last. Dorcrts, Lavana :i..99 Windsor 3 4 l:14~slow 74 105 12 11 10 10* 1**11 Kederis 12 Sir I.. Joe. Scrutineer. Schemer 21033 Latonia 3-4 l:15%mud 86 109 9 8 9 9 91U L Gentry lo Waterproof, Star McGee, Dude 19974 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 5 107 4 6 8 6 6h 591 H Clark lo John Louis. Cloud Chief. Ceos 19934 Juarez 5»fl:07%fast 21 108 5 9 6 62 2* M Garner 10 N.Grand. AliceTeresa RnbvSun 19844 Juarez 3-4 l:14%fast 6 113 1 4 4 82 793 J Howard 9 BmUiegMag, Vesta. PatUnland 19761 Juarez 7-8 l:27%fast 4 110 1 8 9 10 11 ll-JL Gentry 12 Ixmeman. Burnt Candle, Falcada NELLIE BOOTS, ch. f. 3 103 By Doctor Boots— Great Annie G. Allen. 22676 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%fast 240 198 8 8 7 8* 7" II Long 1" Bosemary, Colore, Katharine c. 22380 Windsor 3-4 l:14%fast 164 104 7 7 fi fi.. i;r- .1 Morys S Scrutineer, Wodan. Stooew I 22188 FortKrie 51 f l:075fast fid 104 12 12 12 12 12*f 4 Morys 13 I.adyMexiean. GoldCep, Nigedeo NORTHERN LIGHT, ch. p. 3 107 By Star Shoot— Lady Alberta W. P. Reed. 22624 Conght 51 t l:12*4hvy 30 PL lo 10 lo in |o*t u Lontaa 10 Senipsllla. Inqaieta. Minstrel 22483 Conght 1 l:44»4hvy 50 loo 5 1 3 5 6 B" G Lomas i; Bedland, Corsican. Supreme 22137 PortErie 51 f 1 :09*f,hvy 87 lot, 5 7 7 7 7-s It Shilling 7 Commensia, XorkviUe, /in Del 21827 Hamton 3-4 l:16%hvy 3 109 1 5 5 5J 5»| R Shilling Id Africa Beau. Ardent, E. Jennings 21834 Hamton 3-4 l:IJ%fast 50 103 7 5 4 41 38 G Lomas 8 Schemer. Scrutineer. W. Crown 21571 FortErie 51 f l:15%hvy 43 105 1 4 5 52 5s W Obert 7 Inquieta, Bnla Welsh. Kopje 21135 FortErie 5* f l:12%hvy 64 99 7 7 6 6l 6,C1J Acton 8 Reflection. Inanlete, Colors 19636 Havana 3-4 1:14%fast 30 109 8 8 8 7»i T McCullh S ColumbiaLadv. R.Maid, Dr Cann 19484 Havana 5J f l.llViffOod 50 105 10 10 10 102HW Iral 10 Chitra. Chilt. Trance. P. Beek 19178 Havana 5i f l:39%hvy 20 99 7 9 9 9C0 W Fral ! Wander, Sackcloth. Gol. Lassie 1F107 Havana 51 f l:18%slow 20 112 3 6 6 63,JW Ural * Kopje. The Lark. Idiola 17775 Bowie 51 f 1 :09%fast 40 112 7 10 10 71 7n T Nolan 11 Between Is. Isbgabihble, Norus 17207 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 21 98 2 6 3 5 4s 4" J McCabey 0 M.Cavanach. Mar.Meise. Devoter SENATOR CASEY, b. c, 4 114 By Sain— El Salado H. L. Powers. 22531 Saratoga 7 s I:31%good 39 n I I • fi 7 7 7* I. Deronde 7 Kris Kringle, Badlaage, LoeBlae PIN MONEY, ch. c, 3 107 By Bryn Mawr— Pins and Needles J. J. Felix. 22395 Saratoga 5ifl:07%fest 12 1".". 7 fi 7 9 :•- h Martin 11 Silica. Evelyn C Chance 18310 Latonia 51 t 1 :07Vf,fast 226 112 13 13 12 12 12"1E Pool 13 Dundreary. Poxy Griff. BeMga 18159 Latonia 51 I l:0S%fast 118 112 10 11 11 lo2 10"1F. Ott 12 Royal II.. Hooe Hoe, Syrian H.AYDEN. b. c. 3 107 By Peep oDay— Gold Lady A. L. Astc. First stare.