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MONOTONOUS DAY AT MOUNT ROYAL. Montreal. Que., September 20. — A featureless card of seven race* marked the second day of the Inaugural Meeting of the Back BJver Jockey Ctab. The ::oiiig showed improvement over the opening afternoon, the harrow* having smoothed out all the lump-. Cant. Ben, which won so handily on Saturday afternoon, re| eateil hi- victory this afternoon. The Governor, which won the closing race on Saturday dropped dead in his stall this morning. 1 he male Dixie, -lie of hi. Stable U1S tea, is also 111 a -erioo- condition. She was taken -iok shortly after her -table companion died ami little hope i- held out for her recovery. The-e horiKU are 1 -eperty of II. G. Bedwell and have raced eoiisislently all summer on the half-mile tracks in the inline of the Yarrow Brae Stable. There was nothing apparently wrong with them early this morning. lie barren owned by Sam Louis, which are being raeed here, a ill be liip|H d to Laurel at the eon-olu-ion of this meeting, while those owned by nwaers who have raced on the half mlhi track-will he shipped back 10 Toronto to race out the tin: 1 meeting at Httlereni Lark.