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NOTE OF DISCORD FROM CANADA. Toronto. Out.. January 1". A writ issued on l e half of P.. Hepburn of Picton. Int., against Hie Connanght Park Jockey Club for SIO.000 damages for non-fulfillment of an agreement, is taken as an indication of the collapse of the plan to bliild a new race course under authority of an old charter, which was disused of by the Ottawa club. Mr. Hepburn is a member ot the Dominion parliament for the county of Prince Fdward. but as there was no Intention of building in that neighborhood, a rural eonsituen.y. it is understood that the Windsor territory was the place in view with the purchasers of the charter, but obstacles they did not for see presented any notion there. Now. claiming that the charter is worthless, they have entered Ibis action. No notice has been received by the Counaiight club of the filing of the suit. It is imdetsloo.l here lhat Albeit Rohrhaefc, former manager of Connanght Park, was tin- moving spirit iu the Windsor proposition.