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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A speed of twenty-two kinds an hour was attained by the saper-dreadaaoght Oklahoma dnri ig a twelve-hour run. which was tnished Wednesday night, according to some of the oftVera aboard. This speed, the blgbesl credited to any Oral line ship of the 1 niliil Slates navy, was said to have been sustained daring three consecutive boors. A royal decree was Issued Tuesday : t To* Hagne forbidding the exportation of rubber. Its aim was to cut oil exporti to Germany. Britain, it is anderstood, will reciprocate by ordering no further Interference with shipments of rub ber to Holla ti .1. Maximilian Harden has arrived In Switzerland. to resuin. then- the publication of his periodical Die Zukunft. which was suppressed In Germany, according to a dispatch from Basel to the Paris Journal. A dispatch received from Borne says that the Anstrisna have occupied San Giovanni dl M.-.iiia. a seaport In Albania, seventeen miles south of Scutari. Dispatches from Kome say that Prince Mirko of Montenegro is believed t.. have been either kiUed or captured l the Austrian* at S atari.