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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The slashing attacks of Hie Herman infantry in the Verdun region evidently have been suspended for the time being, as neither of the official statements of y.steiday mentions any activity by the infantry arm. and the Berlin statement notes a slackening in the struggle. The deadlock in the lKiuaumont region, northwest of the fortress, where-desperate battling for Doaanatoal village lias been going on for several da j s, thus is continuing, but Hie big guns still are bitsv in preparation for further operations. The shell lire has been notably viohnt toward the French left Hank, beyond the Western bank of the Mouse. While the heavy hoi hard emit by the Germans continues not only here, but on the Preach right flank in the Woe-vie-region, indicating the possibility that infantry movements of an Important nature may be ex-pected in attempting enveloping operations, attention also is being directed further to the West - to the Argnnne regjssi, immediately adjoining the Verdun sector. Newton 1 . Baker, former mayor of Cleveland, has been selected by president Wilson for secretary of war. Mr. Baker has accented the position sad is now arranging his affairs in Cleveland preparatory to going to Washington to take up his duties. Mr. Bakers name lias been mentioned in connection with the position several times. He was oil end a place when the cabinet was formed, but declined. The selection of Mr. Baker is understood to have been discussed by President Wilson with Col. K. M. Bonne so n after the latters arrival bole this morning. When President Wil- ssa was mnkhag up his cabinet ia 1913 he offered the place of secretary of interior to Mr. Baker twice. Mr. Baker was mayor of Cleveland at the time and declined for that reason. From Berlin vestcrdav an otiicial report says: •The naval general staff states that II. M. S. Moewe, commander Captain Count von Dohao-Sclnddien. after a successful cruise lasting several months, arrived today at sonic h ane port with four British officers, twenty-nine British marines and sailors and 166 men of crews of enemy steamers, ai BJ them Hi:; Indians, as prisoners, and l.WMMiOO marks in gold bars. At several points on the enemy coast the Moewe laid oaf mines, to Which, among others, the battleship King Edward VII. fell victims. Count von liphns. the MoeweS commander, lias been awarded the Iron cross of the til st lass. and Hie members of the civvv bavc re reived Hie iron cross of the second class." The Russian Black sea ileet is extending the srop,- f it* operations far to the westward of Trebiaond and has bombarded the month of the Terms river, where a leet of sailing Teasels had taken refuge. The Terms is 210 miles west of Trebiaond. Thirty miles east of the Terms the lire of Hie warships destroped barricades and depots ami many Turkish craft. Along the coast line included between these two points the Uus- Itsna during the last few days have stink more Than thirtj sailing vessels laden with war supplies. The three Americans. Mrs. Farwoll. IMsa Mitchell and Dr. Henry Forbes, reported to have been mistrented and interned by Bulgarian authorities in llonastir, have been released, according ta reports to the state depart nt from Lewis Einstein, Special diplomatic agent in the Balkans. The battleships Alabama. Ohio and Georgia are to be stricken from the navy poster as red lighting units and probably will end their days as train Ing ships for tin- Naval Reserve. This was the asscrti. n in. id- yesterday by several oaseers of the Philadelphia navj yards. Twelve persona were killed and thirty three fan-fared in a Zeppelin raid over north -eastern Kng-i.ind Sunday. Three Zeppelins took pari in tin- attack. This information was given out officially ,- 1 - terday. David U. Francis, former governor of Missouri, was nominated yesterday by President Wilson to be ambassador to Baaala. aneeeediag George T. Marye, resigned.