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IMPORTED HORSES SENT TO OWNERS. Wilson Broodmares Shipped to Kentucky — Some Well-Bred Yearlings in Drake-Chinn Lot. New York. January 18. — Hy Wednesday evening practically all of the 110 thoroughbred horses Which maile up the shipment that arrived on the steamship Minnehaha Monday afternoon had been sent to the winter quarters of the various owners to whom they were consigned. Tuesday and Wednesday were busy days for the caretakers of the animals, but fortunately all the preparations for handling the thoroughbreds upon this end of the trip had been carefully made in advance, express cars bStog in readiness, and the animals being subjected to no unneeessary delays after the big boat once docked. Nevertheless, the present severe weather and the distance which some of the animals will have to travel before being safely housed, will, combined with their long ocean voyage, certainly prove a severe test upon their condition, and should the great majority of them come well out of it there will be little cause to feel apprehensive in the future about the danger of importing thoroughbreds to this country. The car in which K. T. Wilsons broodmares were to he shipped was standing on a floathead at the pier head when the Minnehaha docked, and it was an easy matter to transfer them to the train which was to take them to their Kentucky home. Trainer Thomas lleahy and his assistant, John Miller, were on hand, and when the former arrived from Hel-mont Park he found the valuable consignment already oeeapptag stalls in one of the big horse cars of the Adams Express Company. Despite the re puts of a bad voyage. Mr. lleahy was pleased with the appearance of the mares, all of which had shipped splendidly, and especially well pleased with the provision which had been made for their journey to Lexington. W. S. Kilmers importations were sent in motor vans from the pier to go up to Hinghamton i ver the New York Central. Some of the most im-lortant in the band are Hrownie. by Gallinule — Elf. in foal to Marcovil: Glenfernate, by Trendennis — Straloch. mated witli Halscadden; Marienworth. by Ts!i:giass — Sweet Marie, in foal to Land League; Misty Law. by Ayrshire — Hen Doran. in foal to Kings Proctor: Lovelight. by St. Aniant — Sister I.iimley. in foal to Zria: Sobranje. by Polymelus — Duma, in foal to Lonawand. and several new two and tiirt "-year -olds. Drake-Chinn Horses Well-bred. The Keene and Chinn consignments, number-•ng. respectively, forty-four and thirty-five, were shipped in Adams Express cars from the head of I ler M In the number brought over by John A. Drake, pur-thssed in his behalf by Colonel Chinn, are the following splendidly -bred yearlings: Chestniu colt by St. Yictrix — Potamia, by St. Aasjeto. Bay colt by Darley Dale — Yictagon. by Mintagon. Black colt by Mushroom — Crepe, hy Chaucer. Black celt by Sunbright — Sabrinetta. by Kilwarlin. Hay colt by Llangwm — Maud Primrose, by Mcintosh. Hay colt by Llangwm — Kate Angclo. by St. Angclo. Brown colt by Matchmaker — Spades, by St. Aidan. Brown tilly by Olivier — Glume, by Dark Ronald. Chestnut filly by Adam Uede — Inprotected, by Islington Hay colt by Marajax — Turndown, by Collar. Hay fitly by Marajax — Pennsylvania, by Meddler. Hay colt by Marajax — Merry Match, by Matchmaker. Bay colt by Greenback — Talavera, by Carbine. Hay colt by Zria. — Los Angeles, by Llangibby. Hay colt by Cantilever — Koster Girl, by Gonsalvo. Hay eolt by Hraxted — Mouehe Hleu. by Jardenfeu Chestnut colt by Loiiawand — Furnes, by Forfarshire. Bay colt by St. Amant — Cyanic, by Cyllene. Hay eolt by Light P.riaih — Calandria. by St. Serf. Hay colt by Light Hrigade— Panile. by Polymelus. Chestnut eolt by Light P.rigailc--Gallonia, by iJallinule. Mr. Keenes consignment numbers thirty-two. seventeen of which are colts and the rest fillies. Among tie- sires represented are sons and daughters i f The W lite Kafejht, He awe less, lister King. Light Hrigade. Marajax. Pictou. Marco and Day Comet, with all now betas in the yearling division. Twenty-Three for Livingston. Jefferson Livingstons haportatfOM by the Minnehaha numbered twenty -three in all, and before sunset, all of them were saftly quartered in an expr.s-car wl.i.h was on the float at the pier head. In AY. 11. Cces list are several yearlings by Charles OMalley. Tracery and Simon Square. Grant Hugh Piowiie will find several Flotsam foals in his 1 and. sad these, with others which he now has by that sire, are expected to show great worth in the aear future.