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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Tie Baaftftea of Holland. geographically, as re lated to Germany, is keeping that little nation from too strung ;i pressure upon the German government. The fate of Belgium is too realistically comparative to what might be their own, to cause nay hurry up on the pert of the Dutch to cause Germany any ill feelings. The Dutch are. nevertheless, thoroughly aroused over the G rm::n submarine activities la connection with Dutch shiie-ping. A report, unconfirmed, to the effect that Austria had demanded the United States recognize Count Tnrno.vski. diplomatic representative of Austria, gained headway in official circles in Waaa-ington. Monday. Just what action the Austrian government intends to take if the alleged reouest is refused, is not known. Austrias submarine policy is not definitely known, either, according to Ambassador Uenfield. Utilization of every tract of land in the City of Chicago, at present, unoccupied, is the plan of co-operation against the food shortage. Agricultural purposes in every back lot and stretch of ground is proposed. Owners of tracts, varying in size from small back corners to large lots, are offering them gratis in an effort to alleviate the shortage of necessities in the food line. News of the sinking of the Cunard liner Laconia came just previous to the address delivered by President Wilson to Congress. The vessel was sent down Sunday night near England. One is known la have been killed and several are reported missing. No warning was given, it was officially announced. That President Wilson will handle the international situation himself, without the aid of congress, is the general opinion in Washington official circles. No successful attempt to combat the presidents desire to go ahead himself, lias been made so far. Under the cover of a fog on the western front, the German army along the Somme made the greatest retirement in two years the latter part of last week. Five towns were given up to the BritJah in the retirement. President Wilson, in a plea to Congress in session Monday, stated his contemplated attitude in relation to the submarine controversy with Germany. The president asked full power for enacting a state of armed neutrality. An announcement, emin.nting from Paris, states that the blockade of Greece will be lifted as soon as Constantino submits to the allied demands. Compliance with the allies demands is expected shortly. Mine. Schumann Heinck. the noted operatic contralto, was so seriously injured in St. Louis Friday, as to render her unfit for filling her engagements for some time to come. The British order prohibiting the importation of certain ai tides into the 1nited Kingdom will affect the exports of America to an approximate value of 800,070,000. Only stale whole wheat bread is being seved in Paris in restaurants now. The new order, eliminating the use of fresh bread, went into effect on Monday. Chancellor P.ethmann-Hollweg of Germany has been authorized to seize all the entire production of coal, lignite briquettes and coke in Germany.