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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. War events may fellow the- activities reported by the war department at Washington, Monday and Tuesday, the principal activities being re-torded as follows: President Wilson authorizes increase in the enlisted strength of marine corps to 17.400 men. Makes appeal to boys of nation through press. Navy department begins campaign for 25.000 men to raise enlisted strength to war basis f B7.6O0. President calls many more militia to federal service, including three Illinois regi-ments. Probably will summon whole guard soon. Govemaaenl plans great enlistment advertising crusade. Conferences will he helel today by Secretary Daniels with shipbuilders to speed ap construction. United States, in refusing to roailirin or extend agreeateats of 1799 and 1S2S. calls G. niiany •"bar violator" of pactl and says it "disregards canon-: of International courtesy" by its sea nets. Bipartisan organisation of lower house of Coagrees seems probaMf Bepohttcaa leader Mann willing to forego speakership in interest of harmony. Dc m -oiratie boose leaders confer with Secretary Lansing on form of resolution which will declare "a st:ite of war" with Geiniany. The Patted States is in a position to loan the allies five- biilions of dollar-, ac -curding to state lie ians in this country, who have kept up on the financial development of the country and tiie pos: bilitic-s to be derived therefrom in connection with the remarkable development. To be able to loan saek SB amount to the- allies is in itself staggering, but to loan it and not affect in the slightest way either the financial standing or the stability of the govemaeeat, gives only a faint idea of what this country could do. once it put its immense wealth back of a purpose. What five billions could do in a warlike way is shown by the following notations: Buy BBS completely equipped supcr.lre ail-naaghta of the Pennsylvania class, which cost s" each: buy 7.113 last destroyers and torpedo boats, which e,,st about 00,000 each and leave a trifle of ,600,084 over: run the war for England and France about 100 clays. In relation to the reception which was given the receipt of news of the revolution in Russia by the- troops at the treat, a Riga dispatch contains the following: "The scenes at all tiie stations frees Petrograd to Riga abundantly testified to the triumph of patriotism over anarchy. All the gar i ii and local inhabitants turned out to welcome the minister. The troops made a splendid appearance, with regular officers in command. There was indescribable enthusiasm everywhere. When tie parade was over the soldiers fiocked around the minister like children around their father, cheered him. and carried him to his carriage." Tuesdays summary of war events, outside of the preparations of the- United States for actual cein-lliet. were as follows: French troops ail anted the towns of Folembrny and La Feuillee. south of the Ceilcy Barest. Pfegreas also has been made- in ar Vrogny. British troops captured the village of Lagnicoart. The Hermans delivered counter attacks, which were repalsed. After the discharge of four gas waves the Germans attempted to advance- near Postavy. below Dvinsk. but were repelled by the Rassians. Kussian troops enter Turkish vilayet of Mosul. Capture forts near Khanikia. The American liner St. Louis, first armed American ship to cross the Atlantic-, has arrived safely at its destination. Secretary Daniel- aaaoaaced Monday. Information as to die arrival of the uteamqaw came to tin- navy department from the offices dF* the American line iu New York. The coaspaay wishoel to make known the fact to relieve the anxiety of those having re-latives or Meads in vessels. Secretary Daniels approved such action. No details of the trip were given in the companys ic port. Absolute equality of Jews iii Russia with all others in ownership of property, residence iu any place, service iii the army and navy, and parth i-patioa in i-ducational advantages and at the p .lis has been riroeiaiine-d officially, says reports received at the Russian embassy in Washington. Therefore it is un.ioisi i there will be no other reatrlctloaa upon thi- issue of pas -ports to Russian or Aaserieaa Jl-,s Wha ell sire to Visit Russia than those e -ommou to ether persons. A despatch from n German eat respondent of prominent American newspapers says: "If Congress declares that a state of war exists between the Inite-el States and Germany. Germany will take the position that she is not aware of ti,- fact. Sin- srill continue to act in the assuatptioa that her nttltade toward the United States if practically tie- same as s|i,. takes toward all neutrals, none of Whom dreams of asserting that a state of War exists." 1 lie governor general of Belgium has issue-el an order stating that two adaslalstratlve areas will be created iu Belgium. One will comprise the provinces of Antwerp. Iimhurg East Wanders anl West Flanders, and districts af Bra est Is ami Lou-vain, whiie tlee other will include the provinces of Ifainult. Liege-. Luxemburg am! Namur and the-district of Siveiles. The first area will be administered frees Brnanehi and the second from Namur. Instructions that first natiiralizat ion papers should be refused to applicants who an unwilling to fight for the Inited States were given by Catted States District Judge Dyer in St. Bonis. On this oreler first papers ware refused to Joseph ianell. wiio said he had two brothers in the German army and that he weald not be willing to fight against that country, hot would go back there if In- could. Tenders for treasury bills to the- amount of B290,-mhuioo will be- received at the Bank of England March 30.