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MARLBORO FORM CHART. MATtL730LO. MB., Juno 2. 1917.— Fourth day. Soathera Uarylaad Agricaltaral and Pair Aaaaeia-Uaaa Mi .-ting of 5 days. Weather clear. 2:;482 First Race About 5 l 2 Partaag -. Pane 80. 3 year old-: aie! upan-.l. Sellini. Net value to ariaaer, 25; aecoad, 0; third. 5, Ind. Horse. wt. l-in. Jockey. 33425sLAlglon Hi, P C Grand 33428 -Max ntiua I1C V II Alea 33336 Mordi . i in; :•- c Irvln 33420 Stalwart Van Iff ;■ C Jackaoa 33126 Blown Baby M6 5»* W I Hiii-.m. ,11 83428 Dr.R. L.Swarenger IM ti Sterling Tiaae. 1 :0Si • , . Track fast. miitu.Is paid, LAigkm, .08 itraight, S2.M place, .88 show; Maxentltts, .88 place, 5:2.70 show; Mor i cai, .38 show. Winner c. /.. Braama b. ;. 7, by McGee Raaa May traiacd by !i. G. Wilkias. Went t" nasi mi 2:40. Al post 2 minutes. Start gaad .-ad sb W. Won easily; second and third driving. H34B3 Becaad Race- About 5 1-2 Patlaaga. Burs,. 08. .". year olds and upward. BetHag. Net value to ariaaer, 25; aeeand, 0; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. 33422Castara los I Q pr,.,,v 33125 Old i rurv in:: 2 Gardner 33422 ITnitj IP. :; I W la 33420*Stony Brook M8 4- c Jacksoa 3004 « J. i:. Maylow 111 ■ « Grand 33311 Mr. Snigga IM 8" H l .-,in|er 33002 Peacock lis 7- II Alea 33421 Golden Roan lis v p Madeira 33419zBredwell lis :i .1 Baner lime. 148%. Track fast. mataela paid, Castara, .88 atraight, .40 Ida. . .58 sh.o. . 011 Drary, .si7.1o place, 0.71 :■ ■ : Unity, .20 ahaar. Winner . ..ounans en. h. t.. by Ariii"ath II.-- Caate trained i- ; M. BMge. Weal to p..-t at 3:18. Vt past 3 aaiaatea. start good and slow. Won driving; aeeand and third the - :nie. 334S4 Third Race About I 12 Pntlanga. Pane 80, 3 year olds and aparard. S.lling. .Net value to winner, 25; aecoad, 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. wt. Kin. .lo,k. v. 33342 : Hands Off lie 7. II Alea 33383 Jaeklet 112 2- J Baner 33 121 Get Up 307 $ C Jackaoa 33424 El Orn tf| 4s p Madeira 33427 Protagoras 107 5= H Dennler S841SPennyrack 112 6 J Dcnni.son lime, 1 :28V4. Track fast. ?2 nmtifls paid. Hands Off. .88 straight, S2.40 place. .30 show; Jaeklet, .M place, !f2.70 show; SH Pp. .40 show. Winner — K. Ftterbacks b. g. 4. by Plaudit — Meddling Mary trained by K. Ptterback. Went to post at 3:37. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the atS same. jp 334S5 Fourth Uaeo— About 5 1-2 Furlongs. Paean 80. 2 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. SS; seeond. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jo key. S34201Carlayerock 113 l« .1 Baner 33348 Eleanor 113 2 • Jw bairn 88421 *Nolll 11s :r 11 Woods 3342!- Little Cottage lit 4- AV Dnnklnson SS4S8 Water Lee 112 5- 1 Madeira 3212! li-markrible rrj 1; » Grand Time. 1:08. Track fast. mutiuls paid. C.-irlaveroek, Sid. 20 straight, .30 pla.e. .18 show: Bhaanar, .20 place, .88 show; Nolli. . M» show. Winner -W. Kergers br. m. 5. by ClifTord— Sadaqnada trailed by J. McPheaaaa. Went to imst at 4:11.1. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. 234SC Kifth Race -About 5 1 2 Furl. anja, Purse 88. 3 year abta and aparard. Belling. Net value to winner, 25; seeond. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekey. 38421 Tam • nn |] W Dnnkiaaon 35340 -Monty Fox lis g 1[ Iliinl.r 33321 Booth lis T II Alea 33423 Lantana ME 4- .1 Gartner 33424 i.ouis. Green 113 r. «* Jackaoa 333 1 ! ;•;, lay 11:: r, J Ban. r Time. 1:08. Treck fast. mataela paid. Tarrea, S37.7ti straight. 88.88 l-l. , .08 show; Monty Ko, 228 place, .08 show : Booth. %SM siiow. Winner -W. eh. g. 3, by Dr. Leggo -Micco trained by W. Z.pp. Wei,; to part at 4:88. At post 4 minutes. Start goad and slow. Wan driving; seeond ami third the same. 33487 Sixth RnCC 1 111 Miles. Purse 00. 8-year abaa and upward, ft Ha wan a Net value to .vininr. 75; seeond, S75; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. .leek. v. 33384 Uh. 1. taw MS 1* TT Dennler 33382 Bonnie Teaa M6 21 « Jackaoa 33431 -Little Bngband IM 2 II Alea 33423 . Mariana. • 11:: 4- .1 Baner SS4S8 l.angdnn lo.l 5 1 Mail, ira lime. 1:88. Track fast. s- mataela paid, Cbartaw, .38 str.1i5.-ht. .88 place, .58 show; Bonnie Tess. U30 place, show: Little Bnglanil. . j;l! 70 .how. Winner J. .1. Peeneya b. g. 7. bv Penteeaat Iropiois Belle trained by J. .1. Peeaay. W.nt t.. part at 5110. At p.,.t 5 minutes. Start good and -low. Won easily; aeeand and third driving. 33438 Seventh Race About 5 1-2 raalanga Paraa I .v:fuo. 8-year atda and aparard. Betting. Net 1 value to winner, 25; a ml. 0; third, 5, III,!. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekey. 884 30 Presumption hM P 11 Dennler 32430 Inn Kay Mfi :J J Gartner 83382 Kef ugee HI :. II Alea 1 3SS23 iThrill in 4- c Jneka m 33340 leu 6* W Dunklnaon 327D7 -. K. Beal M 1 IX Walts Tbne, 1:0SL. Traik fast. aantnela paid. Presaaaptiaa, .88 straight, .28 place, ,141 show: laa Kay. . place, .50 show: Kelngie. .how. Winner A. Gaadiaa b. g, s. by Col, leu Maxhn -Pi.n.l Dncheaa tralaed by J. J. Perney. Went to post at 5:80. At post 4 i.iinui.s. Start gaad am! slow. Waa easRy; aecoad and third driving. 334S9 Eighth Race 1 1-18 Miles. Parse 8480. 8-year-olda and aparard. BelBag. Net rabac to winner. 75; s. ,-oml, 5: third. 0. Pel. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekey. 33424 = Freda Johnson 107 I" II Al. 33839 "footsie PI :• i ;:n-tn.-r a 23422 Sun Ki t 11 . :•• .1 Bau r I 33423 rili. in. is. Hare It; 4" 11 3338 1 lainsborough 112 5 P Madeira 33132 Droml n; Left C Jacksoa Time. 1:88%. Track fast. iniitiieis paid, Preda John. .11. si. so straight, .08 place, .58 ahaar; Taotah, s.2.1,0 place, .48 show; Bna 1 ist. .86 show. Winner— W. C. Capos but. m. 0. bv Bad ford -Miss Matthews tralaed by J. A. Syk.-s. Went to post at 8:08. At i«, t 5 aiiaatea. Start gaad and slow for al! but DROML Won easily; seeond .-ind third driving.