Omar Khayyam Victorious: W. Viaus Wonderful Racer Easily Wins First Start of the Year, Daily Racing Form, 1918-05-07


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OMAR KHAYYAM VICTORIOUS c ■ ♦ W. Viaus Wonderful Racer Easily Wins First Start of the Year. :. i. ■• lie • ■ Roycc Rools Takes Afternoon s ■ Feature — Green Mints De- i % H i S feat a Stunner. i. ■i t ■ t IS .Itimorc. Md., May fi. — Omar Khayyam, winner of iiii Kntarkjr Derby and many other imitnrtaut r M ikes f last year, ami considered t i 1m- one of the pp. ii t racers that lias ap:«an l n the American turf in many years, made his first aii|iearauce of tie- year at Iimlieo today atid was responsible ■ attracting one of the large*; crowds that ever f attended the races here on a Monday. Oiaar was entered in the sixth ra«-c. a mile al-Iwuwir affair and. while his opposition was medi- «H-rr. there was a general desire on the part of . the imldie to s-c this womlerftil racer in action !»; ,. jifii-r a winters rest. J. Doniinick had the mount " and kept Omar under restraint during the early running, iiormitting J. K. L. Boss three-year-old. Foreground, to net the pace. Entering the home- i-ntli. Doniinick sent the English bred colt after the leaden and the race was over. Omar Khayyam romping iu a winner liy a length and a half. A dog caused considerable commotion during the running of this race, when he tried to cross t Intra k as tlie horses were rounding the stretch turn. resulting in several of the horses being nulled up , ■hatffjr. The carded feature of the afternoon was the Ar- ling ten Selling Handicap for three-year-olds. Andy IHakcley saddh-d tlie winner of this race when W. P. Hits VilifornU-bred -olt Koyec Itools led all 1 the wav and gamely outstayed the fast finishing • , I llBiill V. A ilutibomh thrown in the pari-arataet pavilion i Vould scarcely bjive caused more consterualion i among tlie backers of favorite* than did the defeat of i.reen Mint in the second race. This son of f S|i anoint was considered the Ix-st betting propo-sjlioti - of the meeting and was the medium of the heaviest backing of the season. His supporters were ■ given a shock right after the start, when Green 1 Mint was shuffled luck and dropped to the rear. j Buxton, how ver. kept him at it and Green Mint 1 res|xmd" l in game fashion ami finished with a s-n s.itional rush, but too late to overtake 1:1a ii gowrie. Which had enjoyed a safe lead throughout. The Touwhi Steeplechase furnished another brilliant " contest through the field. It was anyliodys s race until the last time around, when Bobert Oliver, wliih had Iteen reserved in the early stages, moved j 1 up like a flash and. under the skillful handling of tin- crack rider W. Allen, outstayed Fair Mac ii: a game finish. Josefiiia Zarate ran a pood race to win the opening dash. She was away |inckly and. assuming the " lead, maintained it throughout, hanging on gamely • when challenged by June ou the stretch turn. Kl Malidi. the favorite, suffered from a lioor ride. TWO WINNERS FOR RUMMER. Jockey Kummer rode his second winner of tilt 1 afternoon in the sixth race, when he brought home Mrs. Kate Leydeckor a length iu advance of Poult -ih-y, " which made a threatening move in the stretch and finished with gnat speed and sameness. The last EMC of the day resulti-d in a thrilling finish. Firing Line closing with a sensational stretch rush and lauding iu front to win by a small margin over Prince S. At the conclusion of the rimlieo meeting, J. F. Wagner will turn out taro Nome at his farm in New Ilochcllc. . y. The sprinter Billy Nestlehouse has liccn sent to Dr. McCullys farm at Bod Bank. X. J. This colt has been troubled with bad ankles and trainer Darke will take the colt u» xt fall and prepare him for a campaign at one of the winter tracks. W. II. Buckner was also sent to Or. McCullys farm tii Ik- rested. Jockey W. Oaert. who suffered a broken arm as a result of a fall while riding Waterproof in a race at Havre de ;racc. is at the Johns Hopkins Hospital- The X Bay showed that his arm had not iM-en set properly and it was found necessary to break it again. The contract between Jockey Joe Kedoris and the Keutucky Stabl. has been dissolved by mutual consent and Ked.-ris will have for Kentucky tonight. where he aill ride as a lr°e lance at Louisville and Latonia- A service flag with two stars was displayed from the stewards bab-ouy at Iimlieo this afternoon in honor of apt. Spauldiiig L. Jenkins and tapt. Bal Parr, a resident member of the Maryland Joekey Club, both of whom have join-d the colors. Both of these gentlemen acted as stewards and Captain Jenkins will leave for the front iu a couole of weeks. R. O. "Iuddii:" McOaniel put one over on his friends h r. ,,i, Saturday last, when he left Balti inure for Graveaead, Long Island, and was joined in wedlock t . Him Katherine Herine of Brooklyn, X. Y. His brother. J. B. McOaniel ami the batters wife acted as l»est man and bridesmaid. McOaniel and his bride i-ame over to Baltimore this morning mid will remain bete for the rest of the rimlieo meeting. The groom has had some success as trainer of the G. r". Browne establishment. He is a nephew of the two well known trainers Henry and William M-Oaniel. Xews came fr. m Xew York this morning that August Belmont" great four-year-old Uoiirless had Imi u retired to the stud ill Kentucky. The horse, after a recent trial of a mile in 1:41. l* wed a tendon. Strotnlioli. which went lame last summer and was patched up. also pulled up quite sore awl will !»• thrown out of training temporarily. An effort will be made to bring the horse back to the races next fall. •

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Local Identifier: drf1918050701_1_2
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