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FIFTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. Harold Stakes. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. June 22, 1910—50—2—109. UNCLE WHITE, ch. c. 2 113 By Uncle— Busy Lass Folly Farm Stable. :;.N70:i Latonia 5-8 lMHIVsfast 4-5 112 6 5 2 Q Ink W J O15n i Ticklish, Lancelot. Jago 38620 Latonia 4 . f 54 fast 9-5 112 6 4 li 1« W J OBnlO Sil. Light, Col.Harrison, SirBenu 38:»7 Douglas 4i f 53%fast 6 112 4 7 7l 7" W J OBnlO Senn. Park. Cacanibo, Vulcanite TICKLISH, b. c, 2 110 By King James— Tickle Morris and Walden. 3x7":: Iitonia 5-S l:00Vsfast 23-10 112 3 11 25 2nt D ConnUy 0 Uncle White. Lancelot. Jago 38.173 Douglas 5-8 59 £fast 7 111 5 7 11 11 11" J P Ryanll S.Park, C.Livingston, St.Brnard 38545 Douglas 5-8 l:02%hvy 11-10 112 1 1 1 lJ l1 J P Ryan 10 Silv. Light, Boustelle. Iwiniwin COLONEL LIVLNGSTON. b. g, t 112 By Handsel— Axis B. J. Brannon. 3S714 l atonia M 1 :00%fast 13-10 113 2 3 2 11 U W Lillev 7 Regalo, St. Bernard. Xapan 3X573 Douglas 5-8 59 fast 11 1101 1 1 1 1J 2" W Lilley 11 Scn.Park, St.Brnard, Col.Tuylor 38426 Douglas 5-8 59%fast 20 111* 3 1 1 l2 l4 W Lilley 7 By Heck, Lancelot, Major Parke 38328 Churchl 41 f 64Mifast 5 111 4 6 62 6» W Lilley 6 Col. Taylor. Xapan, Docod 28214 Churchl 4i f 54 fast 23 116 3 2 2* 3* W Lilley 11 Bil.Kelly, Col.Taylor, H.Roberts 38182 Churchl 1-2 48%slow 2 112 1 1 U lnk W Lilley 9 Sen. Park, JoeStahr, Ballistite 38110 I/iton 41 f 65 mud 41 110 3 3 2 1 2« D ConnUy 4 Billy Kelly, Ginger, MaekUarner 28106 lexton 41 f 64 fast 10 1101 4 1 24 2 W Lilley 12 Bel.MeGirls, Sen. Park, JoeStahr CANDLE LIGHT, br. c, 2 M 100 By Light Brigade — Calandria E. B. McLean. 3873X Latonia .1-8 1 :01%fast 18 112 10 4 3 31 25 W J OBnlO Ginger, Silvery Light, Lothair TEXAS SPECIAL br. c, 2 M 106 By Ballot— Clara J. A. L. Rogers. 3S711 Latonia 5-8 1 -."l-fasc Sf 112 11 6 5 41 34 C Hunt 12 Cinouleur, Loyalist, T.S.Hdred ST. BERNARD, ch. g, 2 112 By Ivan the Terrible — Beatrice K. B. J. Brannon. 38714 Latonia .1-s l:00*£fast 13-10 112 1 1 1 3: 3s L Centry 7 Col. Livingston, Regalo, Napan MM Latonia ill OUfsW 5 11113 2 3 11 lnk W Lilley « Batter Cake, Bon Jour. Regalo SOU Douglas 5-8 5!tV5fast 11 111 3 6 4 4* 35i H Shilling 11 Sen.Park, C.Lingston, C.Taylor 3S.KIX Douglas 5-8 l:0l%good 13-5 113 3 11 Is I1 W Lilley 6 Hen. Roberts, Lancelot, Iwiniwin mm Douglas 5-8 59Vtfast 6 1061 2 3 3 35 3" J Mulcahy 5 B.MeGirls, Sen. Park. Frogtown mm Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 41 112 3 2 2 2* 21 W Lilley 7 Napan. Henry Roberts, JoeStahr sBMO Churchl 4i f 54%fast 74 111* I 1 I2 1 W Lilley 12 Bugle Call, Madrid. Bonstelle 2X078 Iexton 41 f 55 fast 31 1121 2 6 64 6s W Lilley 11 M.Garner, Bug.Call, Vulcanite HIDDEN JEWEL, b. c, 2 113 By Disguise — Rubia Granda J. C. Milam. 3X173 Douglas .1-8 59 £fast 5 111 7 OS 104 H" W J OBnll S.Park. .".Livingston, St.Brnard 3.N010 lexton 41 t 55 good 4-5 115 3 1 l4 l1 J Morvs 8 H.Roberts. W.Note, B. Maclean 379X2 Ljsal— 1-2 Cl4/5hvy 7-5 112 2 11* li J Morys « BsterClark, E.J. Lynch, ByHeck GINGER, ch. c, 2 110 By Coy Lad — Lucky Wave H. H. Hewitt. rx73N Latonia 5-8 1 :"l=~,fast 9-5 112 1 11 I3 Is J Morvs 10 CandleLight, Silv. Light. Lothair MM Latonia 5-x 1 :" 8 112 6 6 6 61 2"k j McCabe 12 M. John, T.S.Hundred, Coufleur mm Churchl .18 1:01 fast 6 112 5 3 2- 2« J McCabe 11 Ballistite. Cacumbo, Omeme MM :hurchl 41 f .14%fast 14 112 9 8 7* 6 J McCabe 12 St. Bernard. Bugle Call, Madrid : 15" lexton 41 f 55 mud 7 113 4 4 31 3« J McCabe 4 B.Kelly. C.Livingston, M.Garner 3X106 lexton 41 f 54 fast 16 112 9 10 10 10,B J Notter 12 B.Me ;irls. C. Livintrston. S.Park LANCELOT, b. c. 2 110 By Trap Rock— Merry Heart G. 3. Long. ::s7 t: Latonia .1-8 1 KXiU.f ast 8 1"9 4 3 I P 3"J . Molesth »! Inele White. Ticklish, Jago ::x5"x Douglas 5-8 l:00- ,good 51 114 2 3 3 31 3" G Molesth 6 St.Bernard. H. Roberts. Iwiniwir. 38426 Douglas .1-8 59%fast 17 K» 4 4 4 42 3 K Lapaille 7 C. Livingston. ByHeck, M.Parke 38328 Churchl 41 f 64y5fast 5 112 2 2 4s 47 K Lapaille « Col. Taylor, Napan. Docod 38257 Churchl 41 f 55%mud 15 112 1 1 ll 1* K Lapaille 9 Iwin. War Note, Madras 3S214 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 26 113 6 5 71 981 K Lapaillell B. Kelly, C.Taylor. C.Livingston 3 17:: Churchl 41 f 5544mud 15 107 4 4 61 6" K Lapaille 8 M.Garner, H.Roberts. Col.Taylor BONSTELLE, ch. c, 2 118 By Hurst Park— Herkyte R. Patterson . ::x714 Latonia 5-8 1 13 106 I 2 7 7 7"- M lamer 7 .Livingston. Regalo, St.Brnard 3866" Latonia 6-8 1 :01 fefast 6 107 6 1111 li M Garner 8 Bro. Maclean. Byrne, Gold Stone 38.182 Douglas .1-8 1:01 fast 16 112 4 1111 lnk M Garner 10 Bagpipe, Caballo, Iwiniwin 3854.1 Douglas 5-8 l:02%hvy 15 112 7 6 6 44 3« E Sande 10 Ticklish. SilveryLight, Iwiniwin 3X397 Douglas 41 f Slifast 43 112 7 6 9s 9" It WingCdlO Senn. Park. Cacanibo. Vulcanite 38303 Churchl 41 f 54fast 22f 112 7 3 4 4*1 R Wingfdl2 St. Bernard, Bugle Cull. Madrid 38224 Churchl 41 f 644£fast 32f 112 8 8 ll5 11-° L Garner 12 Joe Stahr. Iwiniwin. By Heck JAGO. b. c. 2 110 By Marathon — Somersault J. Livingston. 3X701 l-atonia 5-8 1 :00Af ast 20 109 I 4 4 4- 4»J L Cntry « Imle White, Ticklish. Ijuicelot 3X274 rhurchl 5-8 l.-Ol-fast 10 112 I 2 4 6» 5»i W Lilley 7 IiindingTie. Igal. SenningHlN-irk 3K214 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 19 118 5 6 8 7»i L Gentry 11 B. Kelly. C.Taylor, .Livingston SXJH1 Churchl 41 f 54%fast 17-10 111 1 1 .1" 2" 1/ Gentry « Napan, Frogtown, Miss Procter MSI I/exton 6-8 1 :02»Afast 6-5 112 4 11 31 3« J Metcalf 4 Frogtown, B.Muclean, Ptoureau 2798.1 lexton 1-2 S.hvy 4 112 1 1 1 1« R loose « M.Garner, Col. Livingston, Docod 27937 l -xton 1-2 49,/slow 38 110 1 5 61 4«J J Grolh 9 B.Kelly, C.Liviugstou. C.Taylor LOTHAIR. ch. e. 2 M 100 By Bourbon Bean— The Fashion T. P. Hayes. 38738 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 27-10 112 5 6 4 41 4r,i D ConnllylO Ginger, CandleLight, Silv. Light 38711 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 3 112 12 10 9 61 6lu I Jiirner 12 Cumouncur, Loyalist. T. Special 38584 Douglas 5-Sl:00%fast 8 HO 1 3 3 2?. 2"* D ConnUy 5 ItiVkMammy. 6. Stone, F.Kmbry 38569 Douglas 5-8 l:00/5fast 5 112 2 5 4 41 4»1 L Gentry » Cwkroach, S.Light, Chur. Downs S8S24 Churchl 41 f 5444fast 24 112 12 U 10» 1018 D ConnUy 12 J «- Stahr, Iwiniwin. By Meet 38019 Lexton 41 f 56 good 87 112 8 8 7i 6" J Dreyer 8 Uid.Jewel, H.Roberts. WarNote JOE STAHR, ch. g. 2 107 By Plaudit— Elizabeth D. C. T. Worthington. 38372 Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 17-5 107 6 6 3 31 4T1 F Murphy 7 Napan. St.Bernard. Hen.Roberts S8224 Churchl 4* f 54%fast 21-5 109 6 2 Is Is F Murphy 12 Iwiniwin, By Heck, Madrid 3and181- Churchl 1-2 48%slow ,1 109 6 3 34 3J F Murphy C.Lingston. Sen.Park. Ballistite 38106 Lexton 41 f 54 fast 8 109 7 J G1 4«J F Murphy 12 B.MeGirls, C. Livingston. S.Park 38033 Lexton 41 f 55%fast 7 109 10 9 51 3» F Murphy 10 Col.Taylor, W.Drive. J.Clinrcliiu 37951 Lexton 1-2 60%mud 18 109 6 3 21 24 D ConnllylO H.Roberts, M.Garner, Fly.Eagle HENRY ROBERTS, ch. g. 2 107 By Astronomer— Keep Still W. Perkins. 38596 Douglas .18 l:00/-fast 7-5 110 1 4 3 2 4"i C liishmn 5 Galli -Ctrrci. Say When. Bellsolar 38673 Douglas 5-8 59Mifast 6-5 108 10 8 6 51 6S1 C Dishmnll S.Park. .Livingston St Brnard 38508 Douglas 5-8 1 :00%good23-10 111 * 4 2 2* 2l R Simpson i St. Bernard, Lancelot Iwiniwin 38389 Douglas 5-S l:00%fast 21-5 106 4 3 3 21 21 R Simpson 4 Napan. Major Parke, Sam Reh 38372 Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 17-5 104 4 4 5 4- 3H R Simpson 7 Napan. St. Bernard, Joe Stahr 38260 Churchl 41 f 55%mud 1 107 4 6 3* 3SJ J Kederis 5 Docod. Ilack Garner. Napan 38214 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 3-4 115 2 8 44 4«JJ Kederis 11 B. Kelly, C.Taylor,/ C. Livingston 38173 Churchl 41 f 65%mud 1 109 1 3 3* 2* R Simpson 8 MaekUarner, Col.Thylol Cerinus SAM REH, b. c, 2 HO By Peep oDay— Coy Maid H. H. Hewitt! 38703 Latonia 5-0 l:00%fast 67 109 2 6 6 6 6" J McCabe • Incle White. Ticklish. .Lancelot 38389 Douglas 5-8 l:00%fast 24 109 3 4 4 4 441 J McCabe 4 Napan, Hen. Roberts, itj Parke 38372 Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 24 107 5 5 4 51 5»1 J McCabe 7 Napan. St.Bernard, HenTuoberts 28214 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 38 118 11 U u ni» j McCabe 11 B. Kelly. C.Taylor, C. Livingston 38148 Lexton 41 f 55%mud 11 H2 2 2 l1 1« J McCabe 8 By Heck. Madras, LouielLon 38109 Lexton 41 f Kftfast 71 112 6 5 61 6" J Notter 7 Billy Kelly, Col.Taylor, BlBeauty