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LATEST CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY While the production of combat planes is still backward Secretary Baker announced yesterday that 425 of the De Haviland battle planes of Ixmib ing type had been delivered by American manu ¬ facturers and are either in France or at a port of embarkation The secretary was unable to give the exact number that had been delivered to Gen Pershing for distribution along the American sec ¬ tors on the western front His report showed that on July 5 a total of 100 bombing planes had Ixeu shipped to France and that 205 were at sealxiard awaiting transportation transportationJoy Joy pervades Washington and the allied capitals over the great showing of our lx ys in France The Americans have been showered with congratulations The Yanks though suffering heavy losses in the desperate German assault fought like devils and lived up to the reputation they have made since they reached France But all that has gone lx fore is desultory skirmishing compared with the fighting our men are in now nowMaxmilian Maxmilian Harden in an article in Die Zu kunft delivers an onslaught on some of Germanys mighty ones Von Tirpitz he accuses of be guilty as minister of marine of more serious er than have ever been committed in German history and lie rails indignantly at the admirals advocacy of no treaties no concessions no promises lint only military political and economic force forcePresident President AVilson yesterday signed the wire control solution empowering him to take over and opei lor the period of the war all telegraph telephone cable and radio lines Preparations for taking over the trunk line telegraph and telephone systems al ¬ ready have been made by the postoffice department Officials think action will be ordered shortly shortlyGovernment Government control of the tobacco industry of the United States may result from the heavy re ¬ quirements of the allies and the American military forces abroad Rationing of the American popula ¬ tion is believed to be a possibility