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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY DAYWASHINGTON WASHINGTON December 13 Indefinite exten ¬ sion of the period of government control of the telegraph and telephone systems of the Tnited States and authorization of the Postmaster General to fix the appraised value of those systems with a view to their purchase is provided for in a resolution intro ¬ duced in the House this afternoon by Representative Moon of Tennessee chairman of the House post office committee and a democrat It is under ¬ stood that the resolution is an administration measure and has the indorsement of Postmaster General Burleson BurlesonBREST BREST December 13 President Wilson stepped on French soil at 324 oclock this afternoon pre ¬ ceded by Mrs Wilson who carried a small flag and a bouquet At 4 oclock Mr Wilson departed for Paris There was a thundering cannonade as the Presidents launch left the George AVashington and landed at pier No 3 It was escorted to the tribune amid cheers and salvos and the notes of the Star Spangled Banner President Wilsons prog ¬ ress from the pier to his train was amidst a vociferous welcome from the throngs in the streets streetsAVITH AVITH THE ARMY OF OCCUPATION December 12 By courier The American army of occupa ¬ tion is scheduled to cross the Rhine River tomor ¬ row Friday to patrol new German territory for a depth of thirty kilometers The crossing which will take several days will be made from Bop pard Engers St Goarchausen and Coblenz The Americans will cross on ferries and over the bridges bridgesAVASHINGTON AVASHINGTON December 13 Every capital ship of the American navy now in Europe including the dreadnought squadrons which have been operat ¬ ing witli the British main fleet during the war will return to home waters this month Secretary Dan ¬ iels announced today They may be expected to reach New York about December 23 and a naval review will take place there to celebrate the home ¬ coming comingLONDON LONDON December 13 America may be visited by King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium next year AAhile no definite arrangements have been made it is expected that if President Wilson visits Brussels which Belgians are taking for granted formal auriouncement will be made that the Belgian majesties will return the visit