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NO MACOMBER STABLE FOR FRANCE Thirty Horses in His Stable at Belmont Park to Eace in This Country Only NEW YORK N Y December 24 Rumors have come from Kentucky and down south that A K Macomber is preparing to pay a visit to France It emanated from a report that jockey Mink had been engaged to ride for the French stable which Mr Macomltcr intended to race there Conversing with trainer Walter Jennings on the subject he having about thirty of1 Mr Macombers horses at Belmont Park he said he had not heard anything about Mr Macombers preparing to send either horses or riders to France Some two years ago said Mr Jennings Mr Maeoinlter said Ue tbonjitit he would have a string of horses in France for raciilg purposes but not until after the war ami when things were more settled Since that conversation no mention has been made of a change in arrange ¬ ments I feel sure Mr Macomber will race in France some tiine in the future but that he will race in this country the coming year is practically assured I have around thirty horses in the stable now eleven of them yearlings all of which will be engaged in this country War Cloud and Hoi lister will be trained again reports to the contrary notwithstanding I might incidentally say that all the horses are doing finely and look well Mr Macbmber has but one stable of horses now all those fit to race which were in charge of Mr Murphy having been sent to Belmont and the re ¬ mainder of the Kentucky stable including brood mares and younger horses belonging to Mr Ma comber have been sent to the Charles Boots establishment in California Mr Murphy has also gone to California or is on his way In the Ken ¬ tucky consignment I believe there were something like thirty five head of horses and it looks much as if they will stay there for breeding purposes to supply material for racing in this country or they would hardly have been sent so far away from the shore line But what Mr Macomber plans for the future I have not the slightest idea anv more than I am preparing his horses to race here during the 1919 season and expect to have a good stable when the sport begins at Belmont Park or wherever the first eastern meeting will be held heldWhile While on the French subject Mr Jennings was asked whether he would go to France in case Mr Macomber wished him to do so That is a ques ¬ tion replied Mr Jennings that I could not answer at this moment but I will say this much that if I could possibly get out of the trip I would do so This country is good enough for me and good enough for anybody else and 1 dont think I need a change of climate But it is reasonably sure Mr Macomber will show his colors in France some ¬ time or other I hardly think it will be in the im ¬ mediate future futureMr Mr Macombers action in removing his breeding stock to California might be the beginning of a movement for a resumption of racing on the coast on a limited and highclass scale It is well known he is much interested in California and his influence and prestige at the head of a California Jockey Club would have a desirable effect on the situation It probably would help to brini about restoration of the sport there ami again build up the thor ¬ oughbred breeding interests which for so many years were imixirtant in the days of J u Haggin Lucky Baldwin Chsrlfs Boots and many other smaller establishments all of which developed good horses and some of them notables in the ho se world