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Racing Days I 115 Selections CONSENSUS Of TRAINERS OPINIONS The trainers consensus of opinjon gives B you in an unbiased way the opinions of h level-hoaded trainers. AVhen this opinion is outstanding tho horse becomes a play. Our intimate comradeship of 25 years puts us on an equality of brotherhood with lead-1 ing trainers at all tracks. H We will raise our price to 0 per week. S and desire to give you this opportunity to j seo its worth. The BEST Information I Is MOST Economical j Positively tins is tho last free trial offer. I We usually give 1 to 3 selections at each I track. Ask Western Union Telegraph Co. what Q a 16 word day telegram costs for 15 days and remit no more and no less than 15 days H and receive GRATIS our selections. n Write for FREE lotter containing articles U on "WHY DO WE SELL THIS INFORMA- j TION." statistics of all leading tipsters in I United States. Principal SYSTEMS in the 9 world and racing- statistics in general. Ross Service Co., 2W. 107lh St., New York VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1919 is now on sale. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. I READ THIS i YOU MEN WHO ARE TIRED OF GUESSING AT THEM AND OF PLAYING YOUR MONEY AT HAPHAZARD Get My System A WONDERFUL AND SUCCESSFUL METHOD THAT IS WORKED OUT ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES THAT ARE MET WITH IN TURF SPECULATION. YOU CAN PLAY EVERY RACE ON THE CARD OR MAKE BUT ONE BET EACH DAY NETTING YOU A BIG PERCENTAGE OF WINNINGS I WITH MY POWERFUL SYSTEM. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS . J. SULLIVAN P. 0. BOX 565 :: NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y. 8 WINNERS 1 Second. 1 Third, 1 loser. 1 scratch out of last 12 on our Saturday Two Horse Special Service. Trv next Saturdays Two. AVill who them to vou for .00. Remember, you must get a WINNER or we wire you following Saturdays two FREE. Dont miss latest Thoroughbred, now on sale any newsstand at 25c. Mailed dir.ect in plain sealed envelope. .00 per month. TODAYS BEST: Hildreth Entry Fifth Laurel. TIIK AjHKUICAW TIIOUOUGHimiSD Baltimore Building : : ; Chicago, Illinois Duchess Lace, S75.3Q-S2, Won was the best bet at Laurel in Book Xo. 047. Get the best. Cost no more than the others. 25c per cony. Good for One AVeek. WEDNESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: . October-Peach-25-35-59-30. NEW BOOK OUT TODAY No. G48. Til K STANDARD TURF GU1DB. Room 403. 22 West ftuincy Street. Chicago. Illinoi- 2 LIVE ONES BY MAIL . Go Monday, October 13. Will mail T 7S Jou their names for ..00. Ono must win or we mail following Mondavs Two Free. Out of last 13 we gave 7 V tr55 Winners, 1 second. 1 third. 4 losers. V r Contemplated Killing. See latest Reporter. On Sale all news-stuuds. 25 cents. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: No. 8. THE TURF REPORTER. 509, 22 W. Guincy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago, III.