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■ ANALYSIS OF FAIR GROUNDS RACING j Results in All Departments Encouraging, Despite • Bad Going of East Week. NEW ORLEANS. IA., January 11. The Fair Grounds race track dried out slowly today, due to the failure of sunshine to appear until in the afternoon. It is now in worse condition than in a long while, it being deep in sticky mild. II p is entertained that the course will be better than ever when it finally dries out. as the new soil Blared on it during the summer will be packed tighter, but at the prnaeal rate of its drying it will be at least several days before this will be proved or otherwise. Due to the bad track this morning less than one-half the usual numtier of horses were out for exercise and limbering up exercise was the rule more than fast work out-. The track ha- been muddy and heavy -in. e la-t Tue-day, and those lior-e-which are best on fa-t going will ansa begin to feel the effects of their layoff, if conditions do not improve. Wherever turfmen gather today the defeat of Jack Mare Jr. by Enmity in the Johnny Powers Memorial Handicap yesterday was the main topic of diseussj! n. This was one race where a beaten horse icceived more credit than his coni|uero-. as there was hardly a person who -aw if fail- to realize that Jack Hare Jr. should have won with ease Jockey W. Wright- faulty handling of him canned no end of adver-e critici-m. although all admit that there va- nothing shady about it. The continued -ucce-s ef Hie S. A. Clapton iuckey. Frank Coltiletti. at the Fair .rounds i- amazing. The Clapton horses hare awepl practically everything before them since the meeting opened, ami have placed their owner at the top of the li-t of pur-e winning owner- with ,709 to hi- credit. Of thia sum .0M was earned by them in the paal -i day-. Mil,, Shields also is above the .stiMHi mark, but only by a margin of |40. To date the Baaiaess Mens P.King Aasociatioa has distributed 2,400 in pur-e and -take- money in nine day-, unite a healthy sum for a winter Meeting, and 100 owners have cut in ot it. Eleven have taken down or more, while forty eight taavi won Saint, tin uimim.iiii net pur-c value or more. Jockey Coltiletti rode twelve winners In the past six days, bringing hi- total for the meeting to date up to fifteen. In forty-three mounts he has been unplaced only eleven times. His closest rival ben, Clifford Kobinson. has won seven race- at the Fair ■round-. lie Buffered a -lump last week by only piloting three winners. Jockey H. Thurber la again showing good form, he having scored *x times. Another old timer who is doing well hen is Eddie Ambreoe, who ha- won four race- in ten mounts. Hi- aau rear a have been achieved with the Barry Payne Whitney horses three of them two-year -olds. Sixty seven jockeys have accepted mount- tan-far at the Fair Grounds meeting, and twenty-three have won one or more race-. The worst dlanppolnt-inent ha- been Harry Lunsford, who has failed to ride a winner in the new year. Favorites made a better -hewing la-t week, niii-teen of them winning in six days and thi- brought the total up to twenty -even in -ixty three race-run. The succc— of the choices in the heavy going has been remarkable, as they ran much true; to form than they did when the was fast. Odda-00 favorites are numerous here, there having been seventeen of them in nine days. Of this number, ten were returned winner-. The worst day of the meeting for the follower- of form was on La-t Tuesday, when four boraea, with prices at less than even money wre defeated.