Overabundance of Horses: More than Twelve Hundred Thoroughbreds at Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-19


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OVERABUNDANCE OF HORSES1 • * More Than Twelve Hundred Thoroughbreds at Fair Grounds. % Whitney Two-Year-Olds Doing Well — Spreckles Youngsters Are Disappointing. • m:v oki.favs. La., January 18.— By actual roaat there are I.l87 thoroughbreds registered at the Fair Grenada for the present nee meeting, a record number in local racial, .mil mm thai i- sel-• ! ■ iii equaled at any race track in ilmrrirs A trifle more thaa one-fifth of the* are two-year aids, and this alao is a Bear figure for harms of this age at the local track. A striking Instance in eamaee-i inn with the large nnmber of harass here is that i laic arc few thai an- not ready to race light now, an l the "also elfarlble" ami **thiowout" lists testify to this. Baches officials here ami reteraa tarfaaea say that* it has been many a day ■lace they wen- in iitteadance at a race meeting where more than l.unt horses were available for racing, and tic • ■ 1 1 1 times that any of them remembered of such being the cafe were at one or two of the largest lucetitigh hi l In- country. Norn- could recall wlater racing over drawing such a gathering of liorse-fl -ii hefore. Jus when it appeared as though the Fair Cronnds was in lor a fasj track season weather condition changed, ami for more than a week tin- course has lieeu deep in mud. This naturally had a tendency to keep many of fhe hetwr rtss- nf horses in their barns, lmi even at that, racing secretary Joe Mcl.eunaii was aide to get out a sufficient nnmber of them to make up suitable daily programs. Smaller fields than usual were the rule, but the sport proved as interesting as ever, and elosfl finishes were more frequent in the muddy going than "ii the dry. Determined ihat the horsemen -hall have their $.~i.40l per day to run for. the Business Men- Itaeing Association has announced that in the event of the failure of the 81,00* feature races to fill the money that would have been given for those races will be added t.. the other- on the card. The race sal. -I ituied for the original will gel muiic of it. an I it will he the aim id the asnoeiatiOH to put on a new affair as close in cla-s to the on • declared off as poaslhlr The two-year-olds under the care of trainer A hi it Simon-, which bdong to Harry Payne Whitney and tin- Greeatree Stable, are now begiaaiag to show the form expected ol tiiein. and an- winning frequently. During the fir-i tin days of the Calf Grounds meeting Cointreau. Champagne. Peerage and Loyal Swecp-r have gradnated froSB the maiden class, the litter three m hcavj colas. Peerage, a chestnut daughter of ah .old Ballet, which hails from tin- i.reeiitree Stable, won her flwl race like she might in- above the ordinary She made op a live lengths lead, in a trifle over a sixteenth of a mil" and showed a high flight of speed when nearinu the finish, sin- i- a living picture if Bed Bad Bose. the food Httle filly which raced in the colors id t lie Greentret Ktabie lure la-t year and which defeated all comers. One 1. 1 lie- disappointments in the two .ear-oil raciag lure this seasoa la- been the failure of the A. B. Bneeekels youngster* to make the showing that was expected of them. In toraser year- the S|ireckels juvenile- were freipien! winners early in the seasoa, and last year they won the first two t am year old races pa! on at the Tair Grounds. Trainer C. W. Carroll ha- not seal many of them !,. the past thus far. but too-.- winch have sported the Bpreckels color- bare not perfaraaed in a manner thai would cau-e thess t- come in tor mach admiration. They an- beiag diligently trained and sel Id. however, and Carroll is hopeful that the will -how their true form in the near future. NAMES OF SCHORR JUVENILES. Mnl W. Schorr still adheres to hi- policy of naming hi- two year-aids after ids relative- ami . !..- lrieiiil-. and he lives in hopes that ihi- will result in bis getting anotln r Ed Crump or Hairy Kelly some day. He ha- chosen the following names for the youngsters be ha- here: Amerta 8. hay filly, by Met ice- Flycatcher: John-- Imnia. bay fil |y, I iy MeGee Conclu-ion: Frank Moody, baj colt, by Ormondale I.ove Note: .loe Mancini. bay colt. by Ormondale H.indzaretta : John S. Reunion, bay colt, by Ormondale Autella; Elizabeth May, hay rllly. by Ormondale Coil: Louis Adair, bay colt. by Marathon Ethel air. and Crumbling Mac. bay celt, by Martinet Lady Irma brother to Korblyl. l-or tin- fir-t time in his long and honorable career Baacher. Gearge M. Hendries eight-year .1,1 -mi of Galveston Sweel Lavender, i- being prc-pared for racing al a winter track. lie is at the Fair Grounds in charge of H. Van By. who also hroagbl a eouide of other horses belonging to Mr. Ilendrie here. Baacher was oa the a Hint i-t the e renter part of last rear, be baviag gone amiss .luring the running if tie- [ndependeace Handicap at Uitouia. in which event he finished third to Diasic and I/gal. Trainer Johnny Walter- made n , , rfort to race him at any of tie- Kentucky nutnmn meetings, bat he wa- in traiaiag, ami he ,|i,| -,, well that Walter- did not hesitate f send him here. If he regain- hi- got d form this winter I,,. «j|l no doubt make ii. interesting for his rivals! ai tne long mule -take- to be decided a: the Fair Grounds tin- latter pari of the Meeting. He i- about SS useful a horse as a person would want when he i- go.nl. a- In- win- races run: three-quarters of a mile tci two and one quarter mile-, ami he never picks his ,- n.pnny. Trainer Waller- is expected here in the mair future. Omar K. a two-year-old brown colt, by Beach Comber Degeaerate. owued Jointlj bj i: B. Brad h ] ml Harry Mbrrissey, ha- been received here by trainer William Uarley. He i- a good looking -..it. and i- saiii to pos-e— a high tarn of speed. Though still rather gi"eii. he i- tratniui ahtaf in go«i tyla, and Morriasey is confident that he will be a winner before long. Iteach Comber i- standing ..t Mei i i-si - place near Lexington, Ky., ami he i- being given extensive op|«.rtunit ies to show hi-vvorth sire. a- a MorrisM-y vp. nt a week here getting BOrees fat the coining Tijuana ■llllal at which he will serve as starter. His mission wui» fruitful to the extent of tot tins about seventy-five horses for the bum California course, wiih more promised after the meeting there gets under way. There are plenty here thai can be spared, ami their departure would bettei . oadithnu at both places. J. s. Owabey has acquired Kate Fright, a flve-e.ii ii| daughter of Xorford- .lane Laurel, which has unite a few victories to her credit. Most of her success was achieved in the west, but -die al-o won race- here and in the east as well. She was n.l b A. .Veal, who raced her as a two and a three yeai old. inn-nil activity ha- been shown by tie- stewards at the r.nr Cronnds recently, and liny have given quite a f w owners, trainers and Jockeys to understand that nothing thai doe- not savor of b lag strictly mi the up and up will be t sit rated. Di-cipline in tin- form of banishment has been meted out where the offense merited it. in the opinion of tin- officials, ami none can exneel leniency when their guilt i- proved, they aver. The .leffcr-on 1ai k meeting wa- unu-iially free of -an ml, and tie- stewards are determined that the same -hall be true of the Fair Grounds, or some mote drustit rulings will follow.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920011901/drf1920011901_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1920011901_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800