Wednesday Gallops at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-29

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. WEDNESDAY GALLOPS AT NEW ORLEANS Tin NEW Oltl.KANS. La.. January SB.— The Fair cti.unds track was eroMied this Btornlng, despite the heavy condition of the toinj;, the following being the arork-onta: ITeather cloudy: brack heavy: "data" ant— 148 -Aasuane, half mile in SB. 17 » -Apple lack, three .eighths ill W. 17S— AJhena. mile in 1:9*. 17s Alex «;etz. seven -eighths in 13fc%. in Aztec, half mile in -"".3 ., . 1 Ti* Antoinette, mile in l:Sfu 176 — Al Ituja. three eighths in 41. 17!»— Krookland. throe-quarters in 1:29. 177 - brown Bee, three-quarters in 1:21.-.. 1«4 — Bethel Hill, three-eighths in 43. Ill lie-sio Atkin. three -qaartera in 1:34. 17." I.allybel. half mile in ."i3. 170 Bnajecla, half mile in ." !. its Bondage, three-eighths in :i!i... 17s Bagpipe, three -qaartera la l:t3. U9 I.u. klaide. five eighths in 1:VJJ... 17N Hone Dry. mile in 1:54%. 171 By Heck, three-eighths in 42. 17:1 Baby Lynch, mile in 1 :•" »!. ITS— Conaoraa, three-eighths in 3S,5. 1TTT riupaaajl. half mile in •" •"-;-.. I7u Cointreau, one quarter in 27. 173 — Caraway, five-eighths in 1:10. ]7."i — Champagne, one -quarter in 27. 17.i — Ceriaaa, half mile in ."3. 173 Courtship, mile in 1:44.-.. ITS harniing. mile in 1 :."i2::.-, . ITil -Couteelles. half mile in ." 3 -.-. . 1T »— Damask, half mile in o3.-, . 170— DnnsaadeL three-eighths in 4." . 188— Dioscoride. mile in 1 :." 1-.-. . 158 Dahinda, half mil" In ."i i. 177 — Dr. Levy, hree -quarters in 1:23. 17i Dandy Van. half mile la 31%. 171 Dolpli. utile in 1:82%. 173— Discussion, five-eighths la 1:98. 177 Dorcas, mile in L"i7. ITS— I.nrico ants, five-eighths in 1:0." . 82 — Kmden. three-eighths in 42-.-.. ITU Firing Witch, half mile in ." 1 . I7s — Furbelow, three-quarters in 1:21%. 17.".— Fairy Prince, three-quarters in 1:28%. 173— Gala de cause, three -qaartera in 1:24. 129 — lias Mask, three quarters in 1:20. 177 — Grand Slam, three-quarters in 1:21%. 17s Gay, three -qaartera in 1:24. 178 Geaeral Glean, mile in 1:54. 1 1~ Jot-he m. three quarters in 1:28%. 177— Hindoo the Great, three-quarters iii 1:21 .-. . 17s Herobnae. three-quarters ha 1:24. 172— Ilelina. five-eighths la 1:1*. 178— Hidden Jewel, five-eighths in 1:0.». Hnsnas, three eighths in 41. lso H. C. Piatt, three-quarters in 123*. 17 l Indian Sprint, tbtee-eightha in 40-r. • 179 — Jean Dullaut. three-quarters in 1:20-;,. 138 — Joricc. three-quarters in 1:22. 177— Jan. T. Clark, half mil in 58%. 178 — Jos. P. Murphy, three-quarters in 127. 17!— Jack Hare Jr., half mile in 48%. lsq Lottery, thtee-qnarter* ha 1:28. l-o l..n|y Ward, five-eighths In 1:0S. 173— Lucky B.. utile in 1:52%. 17 _I.,. Balafre, three -qaaiteia in 1:20%. 178 — I.egotal. three-quarters in 1:20. 170 — Lonely, five-eighths in 1:14... 179— Lukes Pet, five eighths in 1:88. 179— Lloyd George, three-quarters in 1:28. 179 — Lady Leoaa, half mile in S3. 113 — Lightning Sweep, throe -eight lis in 44. 178 — Malva. three- ighths in 41. 17f — Madrid, three-eighths in 41. 172— Marie Miller, three-eighths in 44. 175 — Madge F.. mile in 1:.* 4. i7i; Mark West, three-quarters in i:2S. 17"i Mahony. half mile la 38. 170— Minute Man. three-eighths in 88%. 17.-, — Marchesa II., half mile ill 88. 107 — Napoleon, mile in l:."iS. 170 No Fooling, three-eighths in 39".-,. 1To Nog. half mile in 58%. 139— Osgood, half mile m 88. 178 Orderly, three -etghtha ha 45. lso Onico. , three-quarters la 1:21%. DiT lluviada. mile in 1 :."i" . IT.t Iottltney. five-eighths in 1:10. 179 Pledrd, three-tqaartera in 1:24. 17!» liitor. half mile in 34%. 17:: Pindar, five-eighths in 1:12. 17s Pokey Jane, five-eighths in 1:10. 43 Porte Drapeau. three eighths in 42. 170 Paddy I car. half mile in 88. 1TT Rough Weather, time-quarters in 1:28. 170 Itagnarok. three-quarters in 1:28%. 17T Rainbow Girl, tbree-qaartera la 1:24. 101 Repeat, three-eighths in 88%. 17s Rappahannock III., five-eighths in 1:07. 17.". Royal Ensign, half mile in 18%. 177 St. Genaaia, three-eighths in 10. 173 Sky llliie. one quarter in 27. ITT sister ll.leno. three-eryhths in 41. 178 Starter, three eighths in 40. 179 short Change, half mile in ."h. ;7s Sir Grafton, three-eighths in 49%. 179 Silex II.. rive-eighths i-: 1:09. 179 Servitor, three-eighths in 40%. 179 Surpassing, three-eightba in 3s. 17." Sabltash. half mile in 32%. 179 Tie Pin, mile la. 1:38%. 171 The Lamb, three eighths in 42. 183 The Moor, one -quarter in 25. 172- Toadstool, mile in 1 :-".0. 17o Thursday Slgbter, three-qnarteta in 1:2S. 177 Thaaderhird. three-quarters in 1:28%. 187 Tom Andersoe, three-eighths in 41%. 17.-— Tippo Sahib, three-eighths in 39. isit Tk-klish, three-quarters in 1:29. 17c — Pltra Gold, thwe-qaartera in 1:21%. 17s Vtndletfre, half mile in 88. lso Willdo. five-eighths in 1:12. ITi Weary, five-eighths in 1:13. 173 Who Cares, half mile in 58%. 179— Warlike, mile iu 1:47%. ITS v . II. I.uekner. half mile in 58. 178 Water War, half mile in ." 3. 158 — Warsaw, half mil" in 88. 172— Wadswortha List, mile in 1:." 8. 17:i XOung Adam, half mile in ol.

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Local Identifier: drf1920012901_1_6
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