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CR0CKF0RD BIG BUT SAFE "TREBLE" Thai faman* old time Baglish bookmaker Crock-ford a m., 11 who won xa-t sums by laxlag 11 and against horses, but in Ike rear 1814 be lost one lii bet to Sir Uodfrej Webster this beksg 3, MM to 88, agaiasl Blaehei wtaadag the Derby. Medora the Oaks, and William the st. beger, all of which did xx in. This xvas a fine coup to briag off, and I expect Sir Codfrev thought the astute Crock -ford xxas btpiag him lon odib. but as | matter if lam they were extreaaely short agaiaal lae treble. The icspcetixc itartkag prices xvere .". to II. Ill to l. and 7 to 1. so thai . J.".o iiive-ted at atattkng price would have yielded a profit of 0,750.