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FRANCE BACKS LUTTEUR III. AGAIN Then- is stout baiking for the French gelding ; i.ntteur III. for tiiis years English Grand National 1 Steeplechase. lie ran in tin- S;. Jaatea Handicap at Kempt. ea Park Kohl-nary 1. and ft 11. with a strong .inning chance. Latteur III., oddly enough, fell in the s.mie race at tee same jump elereu yean age when he waa the Graad National. Tlie gelding lumps as brilliantly aa ever, although sixteen 1 ream Old. 1 lis. owner, .lames Heaaesay, He- brandy ■ I -tiller, made a special trip from France to see Nit tear III. run in the Kesaatoa Part race. Though stoutly backed and fancied by the Frenchmen, the i.i gllsh critics do not think that I.ntteur III. has :i chance agaiost leetlilyn ami Troytown. on account of hi- age. "Evea rare old Maalfesto al Lattear III.s preaeat age," says tie- London Sportsman, "finished aier tlian nintli to Moilaa ill 1304. Manifesto had finished third la each of lac three previous year*, however, carrying 171 pounds in 1903, when third to Ihaaami and Detail, and in Moifaas race the sixteen -year-old Irishman had I Ida pounds on his back, whereas Lattear III. will be carrying 191 pounds oaly two pounds more arhea lie won. If all gaea well with him. ■ I lion-fore, before the race Lattear III. aiasl still bold a bright chauee of beatteg the record of the nlilesl horse teat baa won a National, this having I.. ,ii |,e!d for a good many yean bj Why No, which 1 w.i- thirteen when be waa."