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MAY NOT ACCEPT THE METROPOLITAN ■ i:V VORK, N. V.. March 5. la answer to tin :. nrted proposal .f the Westchester Association transferring the Metropolitan H tndicap to the I mi. ii Hunts Association, to be run at the Belmont I Inn I Mr. s. .1. It. Muuriing. president of the latter ..-- riatioa, says the offer has not been offl-einllj mad . Im; merely talked about. Judging from 1 the spplicatloa for date- by the Lnlted Hunts fo two days racing at the Belasont Terminal, oa 1 M v 22 and June 5, ii is rather improbable the Metropolitan matter will be taken up this year. . if at all. by the Iniied Hunts.