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CANADIAN RACING REPORT Rutherford Committee Findings is Given House of Commons Only Blue Bennetts and Dorval Dorvalof of Montreal Dictrict Given GivenClean Clean Bill TOIIONTO Out March 12 The report of Dr J G Kutherford who was appointed a commissioner ti invsetignte the whole question of race tracks and race track betting in Canada was tabled in the IJonsrt of Commons at Ottawa last night U is anticipated that legislation based on that report will U brought down by the Government in the near future futureThe The report says that under the existing conditions it is possible to hold in central Canada 2SS days of racing of which S are on the seven Montreal tracks on the four Toronto tracks and 42 on the II ree AVindsor tracks tracksThe The commissioner docs not recommend cutting off the charters of any specified tfneks neither does he say whether or not here should be a reduction n tracks or in the ways of racing Me does point out however that the amendments to the criminal Hle in respect to the number of days of racing illowed on any one track appear to have been over ¬ come by the multiplication in and about the large cities of central Canada against which there was i lawr The general triindjuf the evidence given before Ue conuYHsslrtneVMnTOgard to the necessity for rac ¬ ing to horse breeding was that racing was necessary to th continuance of breeding a certain type of horse and a certain freedom of betting was neces ¬ sary to support racing racingThe The commissioner points out that he has been made aware that especially in the larger centers surreptitious betting by means of handbooks prevails in Canada to a considerable extent This is at ¬ tributed largely to the ease with which information as to betting dds and tracing form of horses is obtainable obtainableNOT NOT TOO MUCH RACING IN CANADA CANADADr Dr Kntherford appears to find that where rac ¬ ing was not unduly prolonged there was no harm ¬ ful effect on any class in the community communityThe The adoption of parimutuel machines in betting is said to have improved the conduct of race meet ¬ ings generally This system the reports says is less harmful than the older custom of buokmaking Tin disappearance of louts railhirds and other un ¬ desirables from the race tracks had brought a marked improvement in the whole tone ami atmos ¬ phere of racing racingThe The report scores the various Montreal district race tracks with the exception of Him Honnets and Dorval the conduct of the racing and betting at the other Montreal district tracks being of a very questionable character it says saysThe The Niagara Kacing Association operating the Fort Krie track shows dividends in 1910 to 1917 exclusive of 1913 of fUOOOtl The holders of the barter were all Americans interested in hotels and race track properties in the states statesRegarding Regarding the Kenilworth track the commissioner says the reports of the auditors are of peculiar interest as they show irregularities in the returns from the parimutncl machines The auditors had found much difficulty in checking returns and a thorough inspection was impossible It is scarcely necessary to point out the extremely serious nature of the above statement says the report espe ¬ cially when read as it undoubtedly should be be ¬ tween the lilies ICxpenditnres in purses or other ¬ wise were asked for by the anditorss but not sup ¬ plied The same attitude was assumed by the Toronto Driving club operating Milkrest track Toronto and the Metropolitan Kacing Association operating Dnffeiin Park track in Toronto which are practically under the same control controlThe The Devonshire track at Windsor the commis ¬ sioner finds was in charge of Thomas J Dnggan who operated the Hack Kiver Jockey Club in Montreal and was associated with Grant Hugh Hfown of New York These two men operated the meeting in 1911 and 1917 P rail ley Wilson who became a shareholder early in 15119 said in his evidence lhat he was recommended by Itrown to see Iliiggan in Montreal that he had not known Grant Hugh Itrown before that time bill since then a lot of people had warned him against Hroxvn The commissioners voluminous report has nothing to recommend concerning the Woodbine track of tin Ontario Jockey Club although the evidence of Secretary AV P Fraser since 1S9S is reviewed at length