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AUL JONES TAKES THE DERBY fNCONSIDERED STABLE MATE OF BLAZES PROVES PROVESEQUAL EQUAL TO A TASK IN WHICH THE LATTER LATTERFAILED FAILED WHITNEYS UPSET IN SECOND SECONDPLACE PLACE AND ON WATCH THIRD By J L D E M P S E Y w LOlLSVILLK Ky May S rriim a fast beginning led thro in a gonl measure was duo to Uieos superb riding Ipset appeared the winner when a sixteenth fron the finish but began tiring right at tho end Oi Watch ran a good race and Damask evinced dis ¬ couraging traits for he was going well when hi gave up Donmcona and Peace Pennant wore dis ¬ appointments With his outside post position critie had early tlisearded Peace Pennant as a contender The attendance was estimated by the maiiageinoi at iOOOO anil the volume of speculation was stu ¬ pendous pendousThe The sotting of the Derby was in keeping witli tin fame of the race The greatest crowd that has at tended a turf event in Kentucky withnossod tin fortysixth running of the Derby sportsmen states non and others of wide reputation Private car raloro parked in the railroad yards and their occu ¬ pants visitors from all parts of tin land minglin this afternoon with others of wealth anil fashion brought a social tinge to the Downs rivaling metropolitan atmosphere atmosphereIt It vied with the host gatherings at Kelmont Park Saratoga and those of the olden days at Washing ton Park which came to witness the Americai Derby DerbyChurchill Churchill Downs never looked more spick am span Its great lawns garbed in shrubbery sine flowers and its infield witli its acme of horticul ¬ tural achievement afforded an exquisite view fo t rieii holiday Pioak of day found the first arrivals at the course The early pilgrims many of whom hat failed to obtain accommodations at hotels 01 rooming houses and had been forceel to spend the night in chairs of hotel corridors took the occa ¬ sion for a visit to view training operations ant note tho final preliminary warmups of tho prospec ¬ tive Derby starters Steadily tho line of comers in ¬ creased until alHint 10 a in all entrances found swarms wending into the grandstand seeking van ¬ tage points though all places afforded unobstructoi vision visionThe The clubhouse contingent boxholtlors and those having reserved seats in the exclusive section vert tardy of arrival exceptin those who hat luncheon engagements at the clubhouse and there wore many of those paritos Tin noon hour found nil roads from the city to the track in a eongestod tndition Convoyaacos of all descriptions from the meitlerii highpowered limousine to the old fashioned barouche complete in detail to faithful Old Dobbin were Churchill Downs bent and while tile journey was tedious though the distanee slort they ultimately got there and most of the cieat assemblage that viewed the running of the HUM Kentucky Derby hail adjusted themselves in omfortablo fashion before the bugle call in tlie ini ¬ tial dash starting off the racing here hereA A more ideal day with respect to weather eoitld rot have been made to order A brilliant sun theme throngoiit the day and continuous work liy a huge force of track men gradually foreoil Iht muddy course to yield steadily to a drying process and it was in fairly gotid condition when the big feature was called for decision decisionThe The spirit of the Derby fell upon downtown crowds last night There was a display of finery lavish spending and sporting goodfellowship goodfellowshipTht Tht crowd that bloeked the streets and jammed hotel lobbies was serious each elbowing calcn Ijting member was keyed and intent on his part in the great business scheduled for today Grouped in little knots in lobbies or on street corners men aigued aUiiit rival entries recounted deeds of former days curseil or blessed the weather as thoii fortune prompted wished for or wont in search uf needed bracers bracersHotel Hotel desks seemed settings for riot seoiies till hough tho S K O sign hail boon out long before tin rush began the never ending prayer list for a place to stretch out went em into the morning Tlioro was elarity and many who liad met only in the camaraderie of Derby eve lay lown in the friendship of mutual suffering in some tagging eot eotThe The sport of kings is the speirt of the masses No other event could bring to Churchill Downs the multitude that is brought by the opportunity to witness one of the most famous races offered iy the American tuff Tlieris could be no racing iprn such a sealc wore it not fact that the pco il support it Tin proetssion of automobiles to I hi track today suggested that everyone was driv ¬ ing 1 Churchill Downs in a motor vehicle but he grandstand anil the field contained tens e f housaiids who are of the class to whom a dollar aoans a good deal but to whom a Kentucky Derby means everything for the time being beingapt apt AV 11 May who has not missed a Ken lucky Derby running since the inception of the race in lS7 made his annual visit accompanied liy his son J AY May who came from New York lo witness tlie race Hub May intends to rae e iiirain in the Kast and his horses are rounding into stood shape shape1oddy 1oddy Marshall wellknown Pittsburgh attor Hy anil owner of the Keystone Stable came over ivith a party of friends from the Smoky City to now Ihrby Day incidents incidentsMany Many of the disappointed ones who failed to get litoper hotel aceommedations made themselves com foi table as best they could in the hotel lobbits tilers rode in taxi cabs during the night and nanagcd to extract some skep skepThe The W K Coe pair Cleopatra and David Harum vill be shipped back to Now York Sunday Trainer varrick was against starting the filly and her iresence in the big race was by instruction of icr owner ownerJames James AY McLelland managing tlie extensive acing interest of Ed AY Simms will leave New York on the Steamer Kwonlaud for Southampton ivlere he will transfer for Paris France While ibroad he intends to devote much of his time en i tour of inspection of the different studs in ranee and also to look over the recently acquired Lrince Palatine Mr McLellauds trip will also itclnde a visit to Ireland and England whore h will look over the famous gray sire The To trach Mr Mololland will oinbarg on the Colti Inly 7 for his return to this country The forty two horses racing in the name and colors of 1 W MoLclIand and now at Havre tie Grace in chargi or trainers Kimball Patterson anil Charles Hughes will lie shipped to New York Monday The sixteei ecinprisiug the hand in Hughes care will go ti Pelniont Park and Pattersons division will be qiiar leroil it Jamaica JamaicaTrainer Trainer Max llirsch will take the G W Loft pai lo Pimlico Sunday ami they are intended to star ii the Preakness Stakes Stakestpset tpset Wildair and John P Grier that traine James Itowe brought here will bo taken back ti Maryland Sunday Those horses owned by Ha IT Payne Whitney that trainer Mose Goldblatt brongh lure from New Orleans will be raced in Kontncki under Goldblatts supervision supervisionFrank Frank J Prnon who came hero from Havana t witness the Derby loaves for New York Sunday where he will confer with Messrs McGraw alii Stoneham regarding plans for next winters raeim ii the Cuban capital While here Mr Itriien hail long consultation with II I lirown who phiiinoi and built the Cuban track and last winter docidot lo retire from racing turning his interest over t Messrs Stoneham anil Mc rav ravJockeys Jockeys Kodrigne and Fator returned to Pim ¬ lico tonight tonightrl rl P fc pl 4 aMiiniiu welknovftt Now Wi orl newspaper man came from the Kast to see tin Derby W A McCusker managing the Waldorl Hotel came with him Poth will remain somi time to witness the racing racingPilly Pilly Stuart and John Sherlock who have nol misled a Kentucky Derby in many years were oarlj arrivals from Cincinnati CincinnatiThe The number of Kentucky Derby visitors conspic ¬ uous in the reserved section included Harry Payne Whitney Harry F Sinclair Commander J K L loss Daniel G Keiil J I lepoglo Lars An ¬ derson J C Widoner Allan A Kyan J S Cosden W P Stewart II K Kuapp AY G Street II C Hull G W Loft and Mrs W K Vander bilt The above named were attended by big par ¬ ties of guests and came in their private cars Other notables included Governor Kdwin It Mor ¬ row of Kentucky Ktl W Simms Gifford A Coch ian W M Jeffords Monfort Jones W U Coe Edward Mangus Price McKimioy IJal Parr J It Klwoll A Forma i I iwronce Watorbury Henry Oliver Oarrett 1 Wall Thomas Cochran Wm II Itowinan Thomas N McCarthy Harvey ibson Judge Charles Lynch and numerous others othersW W W Danlon who races a few horses of his own breeding was an arrival from Nashville He owned the good but now dead stallion Ivan the Terrible and reports a priniising crop of colts at his Nashville establishment sired by the horse horseKlazrs Klazrs and Paul Jones wilt be shipped back tti Slaryland Sunday They are intended starters in tlr Preakness Stakes StakesJudge Judge Charles F Price was nursing a badly tishod finger an injury he sustained while com ¬ ing from I oxington rn the train trainArchie Archie immer mde a flying visit from New tori to witness th Derby lie will return east tomorrow tomorrowGeorge George Parnos acting for C W Clark has boon for some time trying to secure the colt Sterling from C C Van Motor and negotiations had reached a stage last night where it seemed probable that the colt would race in the Derby under the silks of Mr Clark but the offer of filOOOO and SlOOOd additional in the event that the colt won was turned down llarnes then called 11 negotiations off but this morning Mr Yan Motor agreed to the prop ¬ osition and the hitch arose of locating Mr Clark who InMoving that he could not obtain the colt left for somewhere in Montana aiid up to a late hrur could not be located on the phone by Mr Itarncs ItarncsII II Ttillet was denied the privilege of riding Ikey T in the fourth race the license commit ¬ tee granting him a trainers license only onlyJockey Jockey T Murray will leave tomorrow with the Larry AVatcrbury string for Nov York The horses go in charge of trainer P T Chinn ChinnTin Tin Kentucky State Ifacing Commission members net in the clubhouse and transacted some routine business which included passing upon the stppli c lions for licenses licensesSam Sam J Davis formerly manager of the Essex Park Hot Springs Ark track was among the visitors visitorsW W O Partner who is extensively interested in the AYindsor track eanii over from Nashville and vill remain several days before going on to De ¬ troit troitFred Fred Geriiardy former wellknown racing offi ¬ cial came from Detroit where he is at present located in business businessThere There was a big mingling of army men in the throng of civilians and noted officers who served 7uring the late world war were much in evidence JMiil included Major General C P Siimmorall com i aneling the First Division Col W F Martin c rimanding the Second Infantry Priijado Col Charles A Hunt commanding the First Infantry Krigade Col S 0 Fuqua chief of staff Lieut Cols Paul E Peabody AYm II Scott and Win F llocy of the generals staff Col Wm F Harrell Sixteeuth Infantry Col AYm F Patterson Twentyeighth Infantry Col S C Harrison Jr Sixtli Field Artillery Lieut Col Harcourt Her vey Fifth Field Artillery Lieut Col U P Rut ledge Seventh Field Artillery Col Wm F Stew ¬ art First Division Trains Col George C Parring ton M T C Col John F Geary division quar tei master Maj F C Montgomery assistant chief of staff Lieut F I Giles aid do camp to Gen ¬ eral Summerall Col K McLtuislilin division in ¬ spector Col John J Loving First Engineers Lieut Col F K lUack ammunition train trainAbout About seventy members of the First Division licgiincnt Hand gave concerts They were elivided XContiuueU ou second page PAUL JONES TAKES THE DERBY Continued from first page into two bands of etiial number One band played in the center field and the other in the reserved section of the grandstand grandstandThe The Kentucky State Racing Commission at it meeting today voted a contribution of 500 to the hurse show to be held at Camp Xachary Taylor under the auspices of the First Division Regiment June 10 and 11 The racing commission also de ¬ cided to purchase a racer and enter him in the 300mile endurance test The horse will be turned over to a competent trainer to be fitted for tins trying ordeal ordealFranklin Franklin DOlier national commander of the American I cgion and bis wife and Lemuel Polles ntional adjutant and Mrs Itollcs were interested spectators of the racing racingGovernor Governor Morrow witnessed the running of the Kentucky Derby from the stex arils stand and pre ¬ sented the owner and jockey itli huge bouquets bouquetsHerbert Herbert Payard Swope a w Hknown Xew York writer and John C Shaffer ellknown publisher were among the literary perso s in the big throng