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JOCKEY CLUB STEWARDS HOLD MEETING Bill Kuapp Denied Trainers License Committee to Investigate Racing Plates XEAV YORK X Y June 11 At a meeting of the stewards of The Jockey Club held at Beluiont Park race course yesterday the following report of the license committee was accepted and ap proveel That the application of AAilliam Knapp for a trainers license be elenied that the applieation of Frank Keough for a jockeys license be granted that the application of C K Durnell for a train ers license be denied that the application for a joekeys license for C Kirschbaum be granted grantedMany Many applications to register foals under the fine clause were appre ved and many jockeys ami train ¬ ers licenses were granted grantedThe The application of J Dennison and AAallacc Tay ¬ lor for trainers licenses were laid on the table tableOn On motion duly seconded a committee of seven trainers and a member of the stewards of The Jockey Club was appointed to consider and report to The Jockey Club on a racing plate as practical and least dangerous to horses and on motion duly seconded the following committee was appointed appointedF F It Hitchcock from Tim Jockey Club as chair ¬ man and the following trainers James Howe II IIG G Bedwell S C Hilelretli P M Bnrcii T J He ale y Thomas AAelsh and A J Joyner JoynerPresent Present at this meeting were August Belmont II K Knapp F R Hitchcock John Saiifcird It T AVilsem and Joseph E AVidener