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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. March 23, 1919—1:38 1-5—5—105. WATERFORD. b. g. 7 103 By Waterboy— Midrica, by Midlothian, Trainer, J. W. Naylor. Owner. J. H. Moody. 52140 Havana 5-8 148 hvy 21 17 3 : i r- 1- Y. Barnes R DlorD., JaanitalH., Diffidence 51977 Havana 1 1 15 l:49ftfnst 5 109 ill 1 21 4 B Kenndy 8 Fly Home. Sid Gilaey. Dewitt 51896 Havana ImSOy l:45*fcfast 4 104 1 3 I 6 41 5*1 E Francis s Back N-iil. Dragoon, Maekemne 51793 Havana 61 f l:*8%good 3 105 :; :, 5 8 4*1 F Wilson 7 M.Holliaa, WarLeaa, JnitallL 51731 Havana 61 f l:12%slow 15 lo; 3 4 l H 1- ] Carmody B Pie. Senator James, .Till 0S71 D rre 1 l:47%slop ti 115 5"3 J Qraier B BkyeBaU, PLtoPotnt, Med. Boy DUKE RUFF, b, g. 5 103 By Duke Michael— Red Ruff, by Collar. Trainer, J. Hope. Owner. J. de Estrampes. 2 Havana 1 1-16 l:53*4mud 6 103 3 2 : ! .:: l « F Wilson B Pas deCbance, B.Prince. BkNail l Kwrth 1 1-8 i.:.,1 fast Iv no 4 i l l l» 1* R Pollard B JackBeeves, R.Bock, G.Washtea :i VI". K u rth 1 1-16 1 : IT-..! ast 8 188 2 11 1 l2 l« B Haywrd H Flame. Hondo. Douglass 8. 56626 Kwrth ImTOy 1:1.". 8 108 7 114 " 6«J J Qrane 8 Diometl. TricksterlL, Philistine M717 Kwrth J 1-16 1 :."• .fast 15 105 2 4 3 4 ::"■ 1 U Aron • High. Lad, DonDodge. Biddledee 50623 Wdbine 1 I-16 1 :S ■ " .hvy 8 M*i I t; 7 7 7,s 7*1 I. ..inn 8 Blaaonry. Verity, Woodtlirnsb 68488 Dorval 1 1-16 1:49 fast 29-16 I ■ : : I 1 l*J _ G Bulcrofl IS Hondo. Ebuoat, BalvateUe PIE. br. c, 4 101 Bv Brummel — La Mode, by Peep oDay. Trainer. 0. E. Van Winkle. Owner, O. E. Van Winkle. lavana lm..oy 1 :45%f t st i 103 i :■ 1 l 1 r ■ ; Mangan 7 SeaPrince. Mildred, Hm.OBrien 51937 Havana ImSOy 1:4.". ,fa-i S lwl u 3 3 6 6* E , ; Mangan 8 Fanx-Col, Candle Light, Mildred 51810 Havana 5J f l:10Hgood 2 103 7 6 1 i3 l1"- G Mangan 7 «;its Bcbeer, White Crown, Jill .171 Havana 6 f 112. -.slow 8 103 I 6 6 51 2- G Mangan B Watorfonl. Senator .lames, Jill 68766 Chegl III 1 l:51::r,slop 7 112 6* W Taylor 7 V. Cuba, Ftnma.I.. Pe.u-ef ulStar ; I Hufriu Ab 7-8 I:33Vkslow 27 108 6*1 F Chiavta 7 Murray. Bbrrmaa A.. Lady lone r/itjtio Dufrin Ab 5-S l:02%slow 12 112 6: R Pauley » BonsteUe, Sherman A., ClrLake LI1TLE ED, br. g, 5 105 By Norfcrd — Purse Koae, by Orainl. Trainer. T. D. Blar. Owner. W. H. HallV ":ir, Havana tra50j :"■; • H-. v g |66 7 2 l • l« l- F Rant 7 Hemlock. HerryGlover, Blaaonry UN Havana 1 l:il! last 15 1 i. 7 7 7 7 7 "■ ]•" Hunt 7 Can. Li-lit. Paruley, tiuaranteea , • Bowie 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 13 M8 5 7 6 i i1 ! ■ , F Hunt .s Waakesg, Deckmete, M. PeUy 51. .23 Bowie 1 1-8 l:674tfeat 17-5 113 7 7 7 I :• :- 1 Hunt 7 Aui.-r. Boy, Waakeag, Madrono 51482 Bowie Im70y l:49%fast 28 no 9 9 9 9 9 7" F Hunt 9 CommeCi, BansPeurll., Hendrie FAUX-COL. br. g, 8 105 By Valens— Collet Monte, by Collar. Trainer, P. J. Williams. Owner, Williams Bros.. raSD Havann Im58 - 1 ..-liw 106 .11 1 1- . I Fletcher ft S.PeurlL, Atty.Mnl . Allsmoke Hi l i:4o -fast 1 IM 4 3 2 2 2* 21 H Qarner i Riverside, Bole, Biermao Havana lm58y l : i...-.fa.-! 8-5 107 7 14:: V l» li Garner B Candle Light, Mildred, .lack Hill 1 ..1791 Havana 1 l:46*igood i l«7 : 2 i •". t; 6*1 H Garner 0 Dolph. Black Thong, .lclii-on U 91 churchl l l-i 2.o..ifu:at M IM 5 4 3 2 9 4:i x Barrett 12 Frank F., Keep, Warttta SLIPPERY SILVER, b. m. 5 101 By Armeath II.— Supposition, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. A. Carter. Owner, Armonia Sta ble. ".-047 Havana ■" I:08%fHs1 I! 112 i 3 2 1"1 5*1 F Merlmee 6 PoUrCnb, Avion. Hocnir 51964 Havana 3-4 1:16 fast 3 H .: 1 | 311 3*b F Merlmee 7 PauldV., TtiePirate. Amer. Eagle 61883 Havana 51 f l:09%fa«t 2 107 C 3 l V 1»» a Pickens 10 Red. Kewesaa, Marty Ixnt 61798 Havana 6-8 l:04Hgood 21 li 1 1 I l1 l5 A Pickens 7 Durelln. Ben Butler, Roundel 51608 Havana 6-8 1:13 hvy u 114 5 s 8 8 S-J F Merlmee 8 Hemlock, Miss Brash, GoldStone 5-8 lHM%aIow 7-5 H2 r. I 6 V and*% F Merlmee ! DoctbrD:, Twen.Sevea, BriffleW 41.517 Havana lm..oy 1:43 good 8 Ml and 4 2 2 8* PiM MountnlO WarTax. Harlock, I.ittlecote ZCIE. ch. m, 5 101 . By Free Lance — Watorr.a, by Sabine. Train.,. W, Finley, Owner. M. E. Thompson. ".2052 Havana li:4i fist. 16 108 ill :• H Wakoff »; Rlrei ide I nx Col, Bierman • •so Laurel 1 1 8 l:54%fast 31 WI "■ 0 7 7 S 7" 1 Corey 8 Konen, Joan of Arc, Paddy I " »«" 50728 i.anr.l l i N i :.". 22f 109111 li lo . 81 I ■" .1 Wesaler II Padua, .loan of Arc, Farmingdale - n Thcliffe 1 3 n. j oi--ii,st IS l H Gil, son 10 Bogart, Jack Reeves, S.n lichin W 276 Thcliffe I 1-16 l:4S%fa«t is 110 - I DmlnicklS Baby Cal, Lobelia. Rundnrla 41449 Kempn I i 1:59 fast :• IM ■■ A Finley •" c.u-i:. Ijobclla, Semper stalwart 2464 ML Royal lm70yl . I2;.f tat S 186 l" A Finley 8 BheBevU, Maiinil.inII..K.L.Oweu ATTORNEY MUIR. or. g, 6 108 By Stalwart— San Andrea, by ftnicklims Trainer, W. E. Suggs. Owner, A. O. Robertson. . i 8 Havana ImSOy l:62%hvy 113 3 •". ". ■"■ 4 . ", .1 Botwell 8 Fanx-Col. BassPenrlL. Allsmoke !. ; [aurel 1 1 16 !:ii ii I 6-5 ill J I 7 1 8| 3*1 J BntweB B BtirDp, Seatimental, CapttalCity 51143 l.iiiri 1 l 16 li-o.-.f ast 11-18 118 13 11 1» l .1 BntweB lo Arbitrator, Stir rp. i.« P.alafre 50997 Laurel i l-M 1:49 fast I IM 6 8 5 :: . 2«1 .1 Batwell s Aater.Eagle. Wilfreda, riailbird 68729 Laurel 1 1-8 1:54-. fast 10 112 3 7 6 4 5L r-; I -latvls 11 Padua. .loan of Ar.-, FarmingdMs ALLSMOKE. b. g. 7 105 By Six Shooter— Missing, by The Gone Coon. Trainer, J. Reatle. Owner, J". Reatle, 52188 h i hvy ! 182 i 2 :. 3 I | i: Lcaster 6 Fanx-Col, B.Pearll., Atty.Muir r.1996 Hat ■ a ImSOy l:46Vifast i "- 16 9 "• 4 l1 l I Hunt 18 sinn Feiner, James, Garhaoje ri913 Havana ImSOy 1:4.".. last 7 103 :. 1 1 1 l" l".1. F Hunt 7 Sol Gilsey, ly Bahtfre, Itlazonry 5W09 Havana 6! f l:10*good 10 !• I 4 8 1 - V F Hunt 18 Gldsman, Nobleman, PokeyJeea 49818 Devre l 1:40 fast 37 106 :: 4 4 .". r,"» r,2 i, Qaogel •; Yorkist, Bagle March, Btmdee 49608 Windsor 1 l:40*4faat ." IM r. 5 5 5 ,- : ■ I. Morris t". Antlpnon, BweetBonqnet, Statim DARNLEY. bUx. h, 5 108 By Magneto— Mizzle, by Kilkerran. Tramcr. H. Spargur. Owner, P. Graham. r.2078 Havana ImSOy l : i:: •.. fast :: 168 l i ! J Dreyet 5 Guaranteed, Mather. BnsPeurll. .".1997 Havana 1 nil1.-, fast 6 i"7 6 I I •■ J Greyer 7 CandleLigfat, Gnaranteed, Dolph M"!i Havana 3 1 3 168 5 6 5 .".-:: I Dreyer 7 Riverside, AcanEarle, F.Bmbry 51S54 Havana 3-4 l:16%faat 25 166 8 7 7 f." 6»J J Dreyer H r. P. Duke. B.Prince, T.IPgiaall. 51421 Chnrchl 1 l 16 1:49 04 108 4 3 1 1 15 H J Roberta 7 Doctor J Isa, LadyBritaln, Avail. 51888 Churchl i l:39%faat 181 lif. 12 7 7 6 VI 8« W MorseylB Talsa, Doctor Jim, Lady Itritain 47985 Latonta 11-SI :".:, fast 151f 113 5 4 4 3 5» 6" J Dreyer 12 Steveasoa, Speedster, Cttntilever 67886 Latonla 1 1-tt l:46Kfaat 37f 112 5 4 2 l 81 8, .1 Dreyer 11 Boar.Greea, Harlock, PariaMaM