untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-20


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PERCENTAGE WINNER V VT TIT1 Ti T "D A Z1 T T CVCTITTl WONDERFULLY SIMPLE SUPREME J JL1.I1 IVllItAALjI-i UlOl HlVl SM?1Y W0NDE™ FILLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED AN OEIOINAL— BUCCK88FUL- POWERFUL METHOD OK TUB* INVESTMENT GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF INDISPUTABLE AVERAGES AND KIOIKFS I» KTOLVMD ONLY WXVV YEARS i»r CONCENTRATED STl 1V ON THE SUBJECT. IT is AS UNVARYING IN ITS OPERATION as THE LAW OK GRAVITATION. IT AVERTS THE INEVITABLE ITS or A NT. Ml: Ell OK CONSECUTIVE LOSERS, AND HAS BEEN DECLARED INVULNERABLE I.V ALL WHO HAVE SEEN ITS OPERATION. I 1 POSITIVELY ELIMINATES THE CHANCE ELEMENT | 1 NO NO HANDICAPPING AND DISPROVES BEYOND ALL DOUBT THE FALLACY THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OPERATE PROFITABLY ON "TIPS" ISSIIFD IHJ RACING. WE STAND PREPARED TO CONCLUSIVELY PROVE THIS TO ALL WHO SAY "IT CANNOT BE DONE." ■BBMBBBBMBaaa— This Mife. aaae, arieatttc Bad COPYRIGHTED METHOD of profitably com- "Whether :i noviee or veteran. ■ l.-u-jre or small ■grill Hi, DONT MAKE .N- batiiiR all vagaries and vicissitudes of the track can bo operated with either a - OTHEB PLAY WITHOUT IT. Place your investments on a svstematic baaiaCM tefga or small capital in eillier mutuels. handbook-, poairoaaaa or at the track. J* IVV.CIR1 ►UoSIBLt P Tnui,r*u lOrUJOW o isis. Yen can operate with as much naHfail as von would negotiate a corti- Man.v aane owners, trainers, smart -insiders" operate the System daily A LITTLE MORE THAN EITHER tied check, fat tab Master Method has itaod the test of time and practicability under our confidential terms ..f aufccmcntl with an almost unbelievable decree THE BOOKS PR THE TALE JT"" and l .ug sine,, aaaaei all experimeuial stages. Disastrous results are unavoida- of success. It is beins played today m many of the leading cities of the Tinted s==-==* v"" l"ntIM" "laraalt" and investing haphazardly. If you are a "loser" States. Cub.,. Canada. Mexico. Argentina and Australia. aiifSasx ** ,:IU POSITIVELY iilace you in a portion to recover n.ur losses within a YOU PAY NO ATTENTION TO CLOCKING, JOCKEYS, WEIGHTS, DIS- //JSt Jas. rea-onably short period. TANCE and all other such hopelessly eoafnsiac factars. //JSSfk. in, Da tlie Brat of each month we publish a statement of results sworn to before 1lay can ntined to ONE BEST I.ET daily, or you cm invest iu praeti- //*5S. j /■£5*A Notary, which since it- inauguration has never shown other tluin profitable re- cally every race on the card. It works equally successful at all tracks. The Sy - /S/V 1 I suits. The r, inertness of these results you can readily click and verity teni selects the "MONEY HOUSES" in a niomenfs time from the entries. These ||5aa»/ // 1S22 Vor ASK- Ir" THE MYBACLE SYSTEM MEASURES IT TO OUR CLAIMS daily "System or Money Horses" are invariably supported by us with substantial || aaag/*-. /~ JgH jj WHY IS IT MARKETED: investments. Seventy live pel cent of them are consistent animals that are on X£landj?SisR§S I Write for particulars TODAY on this logical and verv interesting question edge and "business bent." *and50rUXS3and// Testimonials, valuable FREE turf data, containing vitally important racing HI Till SYSTEMS PROTECTIVE METHOD III OPERATION IF YOIR Vwflf ! W»*/ "pointers." SWORN RESIT.TS .iM STATISTICS, and .1 review of the best" INVESTMENT HORSE PINI8HE8 SECOND. AND ON MANY OCCASIONS __S3ffl nKSg. , known "systems" published will be sent you. POSTALS ARE IGNORED. THIRD. VIII INVARIABLY WIN. YOIR "PLACE" AND "SHOW" .MONEY THFMIDaWfB fatMttMBM NOTE The fee of the Miracle System is moderate. To responsible individ- PRCQUENTLT PROVES 2, 3, 4 or even 10 to 1. v?tcu iIT.v.mmuZ™ "aU ** wM1 sm, ,l" Svv"" °" lil"1; •**■»•■ U it does not WIN CONSIST- .SYSTEM l/MAXIriUMBETUm entry and kit.kh.i. every claim, you owe is nothing M. P. WALTER and CO., [/" c Sole lteiin-sentativr for V 3* E tj AHlFlUlt, ARTHUR UlStTlCt DUrrinr Manager Man,tf0t. . A C BJ W C 1 V Pen nay 1 va aria . Maryland. Virginia I. 1 *i S. A.. 4 iTti ITS MMKUIOln POSSESSIONS, I n I 114 HA. f4Vi»* CANADA, MEXICO, iibtmm AND Vm traderk. =1 DIVISION PRIVATE LOCK BOX 4 l SALIOS ALL KOREKiX COl NTRIKS hec.StIr» TOWSOX -_-_______. MARYLAYD 0,000.00 CHALLENGE Open for Acceptance to All Information Bureaus Bill Turner Has Made This 0,000.00 and Much More Playing His Own Information I Hear His Challenge! "I will put the certified check up against a like sum deposited by any information bureau: the one of us making clients the most winner on a flat play over a stated period to take down the 0,000. BILL TURNER." "New York. January 18. 1921. DO YOU WANT TO WIN WITH A WINNER? If you do you must help him defray part of the enormouc commissions placed for owners, trainers, jockeys, etc. Bill has the money to make all these bets himself and DOES nlay his information whenever sent out — two or three times a week. But the weight of the money has resulted in commissions beine sent back to the track. RESULTING IN DECREASED ODDS. SEND WINNINGS OF A 0 STRAIGHT PLAY after each winner ard heln keti the money away from the track, cut expense of rending commissions to other cities, increase the odds for Bill Tumer and for yourself — win what 0 wins for him. hut without limit for yourself. This is the squarest deal in turfdom. This S10 play is not an expense to you. It is worth many times 0. It really costs you nothing on Turners winners. My specials are prepared weeks in advance: are ready and fit. THE FIRST TURNER SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY, JANUARY 22; NEXT MONDAY. JANUARY 24. AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26. Every one of these specials costs me thousands of dollars, which goes to the "interested" stable connections. I cannot win unless you win. I have won thirteen times out cf the last seventeen. MY PLAN — I will have two or three plays a week, which will be sent to you in code, and sent ONLY BY TELEGRAPH, at 8 a. m.. Go to the Western Union Telegraph Company and ask what a ten-word day telegram costs for five menage-:, and then wire or mail me charces to cover the same. I will positively NOT SEND TELEGRAM CHARGES collect. Do not send me charges for more nor less than five telegrams, as this is a special introductory plan. My information for tha five plays will be tent by wire and not in any other way. Understand, they will not be mailed nor phoned you. and neither can you call at our office for them. Positively no excentions made. I mean just what I say. Note this — send correct business or residence address, or I will :end you no wires. Now. gentlemen, if you are not wi Hng, or if you are unable to comply with the above rule-, go and get your information elsewhere. I have neither tiie inclination nor the time to give to triflers, as I am a VERY, VERY busy man. TERMS — Wire me the winnings of a 0 straight bet the day after the racs on ali my plays. No excuses taken. Unless remittance is wired me the day after the race I will not wire you the next winner. You are at liberty to deduct the cost of the telegraphic charges of the five messages from my first winner. • FREE — Write for my very invaluable and interesting 0,000 challenge ryrtem literature — it invites all publishers to an onen contest with TURNERS SYSTEM. I CHALLENGE ANY AUTHOR OF A SYSTEM TO COMPETE WITH ME ON RESULTS. BILL TURNER, Suite 336, 17 West 42nd St., New York HI TELEGRAPH - SP | Room 517 ernfaMandSandti DiFCCt I Temple Court -0«28agr Track 1 J, HANDICAP ft • WOULD YOU PAY FOR TWO LIVE ONES EACH DAY FOR A WEEK, WIRED DIRECT FROM THE TRACK, TELEGRAPH CHARGES PREPAID ? w, ii. acre K jmmt rfcaace. w baw ■ ana .-it Um track who is ■ raaiacteal plaekcr, "iic af tbo best in the Iumih-ss. Be wiit-s us his One Best aad Long Shot Special path afteraaca for the taUowiag day. We reeeiee thin ; - abont :; p. m. aad »•■ will m.iii tluin t.. roa rack aajr far .1 ■ •. eek for . This tafonaathM fraaa »■ competent n man aroaM roa4 jroa abont per week, it. iadeed. 70a nuid arraage far it :it all. Voa Know thai 1 areek aad *u paj telefrapk chanrew is ;ii«.iu a CHEAP a scivic- ,s jroa caa jet. WV offer roil AS GOOD as i an BK OBTAINBD for si per week aad Mi TELBGOAPH t Il.Mti.Ks TO PAY. PTJKTHBIUIORJE. if it the ead 1 1»«- week yaa feel that jroa kare aot reeetred year anarji worth just write u- and we will ItKitHN YOU iOlB Soin»- ptopoalttoa. isnt it.- At entire New Orleaaa meetiag both tracks orer •" i per rest af oar tine Utsts bare waa. A flat wafer an "iir One Beata to wia akawa ■ pr- tit. Wa mail tln-ni in time to reaeh is far Kisi as Bnffalo aad Pittsburgh, as far Roath a NashrUIe, l«ut in order t.i make delivery abaolntel sure better enrloat -i special delirerji -tamp- with roar subscription. In filling out Wank balew fSE PENCIL, roa eaai use ink oa ibis paper rerj w-ll The Telegraph Handicap. -17 TPinple Coart Bldg.. tiiirago. 111. Enclosed pleaae find tl and ?in snacial aalirery -tamps, for which plcaso mail me your TWO every • lay for ■ week. It is aaderatoart that If 1 am not satisfied at the ead of the week 1 auiy write you aad you will return my BE SURE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS IS WRITTEN PLAINLY fame No. :tn l street City State MAHONY 12-1, WON AND A SCRATCH WERE LAST SATURDAYS XX SPECIALS DEAL WITH THE LIVE ONES We get them over at good prices. Why pay for newspaper selections when you can get them for nothing. DONT MISS NEXT SATURDAYS Two Live Ones If one of the two does not win we will send them to you until you get a winner. ONLY .00 TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 10»-Bk-714 THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 WEST QUINCY ST. CHICAGO. ILL. I Si aJaaafff aafBTS 3 *J Better Leave Your Order for It With Your NEWS-DEALER NOW SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, be* tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springt furnish a certain cure tor kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. I NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER 5 WINNERS one second and one loser is what we gave on YESTERDAYS SHEET OUT OF 7 RACES ! : ABOVE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ! ! NUFF SAID : REMEMBER. WHEN YOU ARE DEALING WITH US YOU ARE NOT DOING BUSINESS WITH AMATEURS. BUT PROFESSIONALS. Why Not Have the Best When You Can Get It for 50c— DAILY— 50c at all news-stands and at office. MAILED DIRECT, 1 Week, .00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, Illinois THE ONE AND ONLY Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For sale at all r.ew.s-stands everywhere. Mailed ten weeks, .00 CIIIEf OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY WE ORIGINATE— OTHERS IMITATE. TODAYS FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS: Georgia-15-12-1. HAVANA: Florida-25-9-17. NEW ISSUE OUT. Last Weeks Winners: JERRY WON DR. CARMEN WON LUCKY B 2nd GREEN GOLD WON AFRICAN ARROW WON SCARPIA II WON PIE •■••• 2nd DAVID CRAIG 15-1 WON were a few horses advised in last weeks hook. TODAY, under r.o consideration, fail to get the NEW ISSUE, as the CHIEF is very confident of the New Orleans One Best winning this week. TODAYS BIG 0.00 SPECIAL HERE IS THE PLACE TO GO STRONG. LAST WEEKS 0 SPECIAL: GALIOT WON SATURDAY BEFORE: GENERAL HAIG 8-1 WON For todays 0 Special he sure and get the CHIEF OBSERVERS DAILY TRACK LETTER only 50c. and is for sale at all news-stands everywhere. NOTICE— Chief Observer is not connected with any other racing publication. JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. I TOLD YOU SO MY ONE HORSE SPECIAL YESTERDAY WAS: DAY LILLY 6-1 WON I told you in my "ad" yesterday to go to her on the nose, as she was the best thing of the day. DID I KNOW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU BET I DID. TUESDAY MY ONE HORSE SPECIAL WAS COLUMBIA TENN 3-1 WON MONDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL WAS: BROWN CHECK 2-1 WON I advised everyene to go to all of the above specials. Big XXX Special Today If you miss this one you will be the sorriest man ir. creation, as I consider it as a SURE WINNER. Thii one comes from the same source I got DAY LILLY from and I EXPECT IT TO BE A LONG SHOT." MAILED A WEEK JACK FIELD Room 701, 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWSDEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: Code-Popcorn -Started -Into-Of -One THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first Street New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012001/drf1921012001_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921012001_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800