Third Race [3rd Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-14

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THIRD HACE About 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming PEPPERY POLLY br f 3 3Trainer 107 By McGee Kirror by Sir Dlzon DlzonLeishman Trainer W Carr Owner J Leishman 53220 Mobile Ab 58 l01good S5 116 4 12 21 2J C Hunt CliItarthcll XLondon Countess 51U5S Shport 7S 129 fast 12 125S119 98 560 5 5 57 J McCoy Assume lioreb Oakluwn ISelle 5S119 Shport 5i f lOSfast 10 101 1 22 31 3 ° i G Babin Trusty IJack Iay Port Light 53010 Shport 51 f 116 hvy 1 jfi 2 21 I1 I3 L McDott MMoore Iarrisli MadGinjjIiam 52975 Shrevept 51 f llShvy 95 07 2 2 2 23 1i L McDott LadyMildred StJnst TySutton 52745 FGnds 61 f l10hvy 0 0519CG 106 7 74 6 51 F Smith Dorie Wedpwood Julia N 519CG Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 106 11 10 10 10 = 1093 F Smith 12 SilSprincs SCourt LiseWynne 51924 Jcfson 51 f 1OS fast S 105 9 S 9 9 9l ° F Smith 11 Tun Son IJolo Winchester 3138 Churchl 34 115 good 36 109 2 777 7 1 F Smith 7 WhiteStar Mlersbg Merrimac 5127 Latonla 34 l15V slmv 12 112 S 77 Cl 5 J F Smith 1 Acclaim inline Oraleggo 31157 Latonia 51 f lOSTitnud 5 115 3 4 4 51 51MICKEY 1 5 N Barrett 9 Pongee Julia X Diuipleii MICKEY MOORE br g 4 122 By Ben Trovatc Africa by Savile Trainer C Smith Owner C Smith C ° 23 Mobile Ab 5S 102 mud 95 125 4 111 1 1 = 1 L Mink T StJnst YnlerieWest DoctorCab E3212 Mobile Ab G f l2Cfast 2J int L Mink Tiger Uose 1arrisli Silvan M 31074 Shport 51 f l14 hvy 4 45E030 4 3 S i II Holway 7 Si Just Momioii JnsticeGoeltel 5E030 Shport 51 f 137 hvy 4 1 I1 1 11 Holway i Firstlullet Cockroach llopover 53010 Shport 51 f 11C hvy 4 2 2i 23 II KrlcUsn 7 IVpPolly Parrish MGincham 5i f 118 hvy 12 110 1 2 2 H Holway S Hack Pay Mary Fonso Mormon 52710 FGnds 34 l54rmud 20 107 11 9 S1 S M Garner V Vansylvla TNijrhter LMaudie aififll FGnda 34 K7ifast S 103 1 9 94 9i F Wdsfkll Orlova Cobalt Iiss Old Sinner 52322 FGnda 34 l14fast 6 10S 7 11 11 10 H King 13 Midian Lovs Old Sinner 52232 FGnda 34 llShvy 4 104 4 3 21 34i C Ponce 13 KurKoyne Keziah Valerie Weit 32094 Jefson 34 115 slow 10 114 4 2 2i 6 ° J RodgezlS MMuxim PlninUill Truckstar TruckstarBy FIRST PULLET b m 5 112 112Trainer By Cock o the Walk Kerr by Uncommon UncommonG1 I Trainer F Mallory Owner C R Daly 53210 Mobile Ab 5S 101 fast 2i 115 G1 E Smith 0 YnlWcst CorkeyW Ol James j 53160 Shport 51 f 108 fast 7 110 4 5 4 4 3 = 1 13 Smith 10 Propasda Shamlon LitMaudiu 53154 Shport 51 f lOS fast 21 106 7 7 4 31 3 = 1 U Holway S LitMaudie StJust SirJVtcni 53122 Shport 78130 fast 910110 213 2135COSU 5 3i 3J L McDott 11 Kinxlingll lloreh FountalnFuy 5COSU Shport 51 f l12ihvy 5 106 3 1 1 1 Il E Smith 7 LMaudie IidyMMred DKoum 53050 Shport 51 f 1 17 hvy 31 S Ci 2 2 2 2i 2Z J McCoy Mic Moore Cockroach Hoover 52S33 FGnda 34 l13fnst 15 103 5 7 61 4 = J McCoy 13 General Philanderer Moiunl 52722 FGnds 34 llGhvy 12 100 1 7 71 7 1 J McCoy 11 Ucsist Marmite Serbian 52COO FGnrts 34 113 fast 15 lot S S SerbianS Gu 5 J J Mney Si InalCrty CarlineS DounuRoma 52445 FGnds 34 l13Vffast 5 101 3 7 61 G J Roberts 13 Murphy Sandy II Blaise BlaiseBy COUNTESS ch f 3 105 105Trainer By Olambala Reticella by Hoywood Trainer D M Cromwell Owner W S Bruce 53220 Mobile Ab 5S lOlBOOil 10 113i 5 4 452S17 3 41 4 J Scott Cltiirtholl PepPolly NLondon 52S17 FGnds lm70y l4KfaHt 20 107 1 2 2 2 4l 10ts M Garner 12 WotheWp Kompcr CliarlteO 52645 FGnds 1 11G 14S fast 10 91 G 4 4 4 G G j L McDott 8 ItuiiKiiH CHiinis Wiiltiiriibow 52599 FGnds 51 f lOGfatt 12 ins 12 12 12 12IISE Pool 12 CVIlJiss Oleggu GA rainoiiti 52405 FGnds 1 141 fast 15 92 5 2 3 51 L McDott S Corllla Wothe Wisp ItlStune 32374 FGnds 34 l15 tfust 50 106413 9 9J 7l ° J Gruber 13 XeaCourt SI1 Springs JWhfpple 519UG Jofson 34 llSHhvy 50 100 4 4 Cii 6H E Pollard 12 SilSpriiigs SCourt LiseWyune 51723 Jefson 51 111 hvy 30 110 9 9 10 10 = H J BurkelO MaryFonso WalkUp AiniiMuid BX JUST br c 4 4Trainer 117 By St Volma Mirror Maze by Masctto MascttoOwner Trainer G M Johnson Owner J L Grubor R3233 Mobile Ab fS 102 mud 323 123 3 322 = 2 = AV Dkson r MMoore VnlWist Doctor Znb C3210 Mobile Al ri8101 fast 5 120 r AV Dlrpon U AalAVest Corkevtt Ol Tamos C21GC Shilort CJ f tOS fast 8 120 S 4 5 C 77i F Murphy 10 Iropngiuidii Shnndoii Firstliilt FirstliiltS G3154 Shport M t lOSifast S 12il 4 3 2 2J 2J F Murphy 8 LitMaudie 1MulleI SirTVjnu SirTVjnuJ K07t Shport 5J f l14 = hvy J 1L0 1 1 1 li ink F Murphy 7 Mormon MickMoore JtisGoebl 6301 Shport 5J f llShvy 115 107 3 3 1 1i 1 = F Murphy 0 Iliitippic Ivanmlst Ietrograd 51 f 110 hvy 10 110 4 C 6 61 CIZ G Babin 7 PcpvPolly MIekMoore Iarrish Ei975 Shrevept 51 f l18hvy 7 115 4 3 4 31 35J F Murphy 7 PepPolIy LMildred T Sutton 625G7 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 100 117 5 5 10 12s 12 W DksonlS Pueblo Little Mandio Circulate 52114 Jcfson 51 f l07fast 100 113 7 S 8 S S W BogskI12 IlaiubowGlrl InaKay Vansylvia 61412 Church 1 1 1J 2073fast 77 107 5 6 8 8 8 S11IA Collins 8 Kinipalonp ParisMaid JCStone 51353 Church 1 78 128 fast fastPLAIN 322 112 9 10 10 9 9l 914 A Collins 10 Anticipate Larry B Blue Jeans PLAIN BILL b g 4 4Trainer 114 By Ivan the Terrible Nantura by St Simonian U Trainer J M Brown C Owner Hickey Bros 1234 Mobile Ab b rS 10 mud mudD3H5 75 12 1 1 J 1s It Kriclisn 7 Virsu PctroKrail Vcrbntcn D3H5 Shport 5 f l10 fast fastM118 95 107 3 333 = 3CJ i McDott 7 Tiger I5osc Philippic Daliiuda M118 Shport 51 f 109 fast fastE3IOC 12 113 1 15i 2 2 4 4 R Ilolway 7 LitMaudic Httoma Xormandie E3IOC Shport 5i f lOSROod 15 115 3 35J 3 3 45 4T1 L Mink 7 Assume KoscoeGoose Petrograd 63073 Shport 5J f l13hvy 3 114 1 15i 1 3 31 31 L Mink 7 SMarcus Propaganda SelmaG 53011 Shport 52 f l17 = fhvy 12 110 2 3 5 52 6 II Romelll t Itackltay Mormon Donna Itoraa 52713 F mls 34 llGhvy llGhvy51G91 20 111J 7 C 3 3li 3 = 4 II HamtnlS Dtroyer 15 Itoberts SJVerRiit 51G91 FGnds 34 li7sfaat 20 112 2 4 8 fl1 9 ° H Hamtnia Lancelot OakrnNelle Marmite 52477 FGnds 34 l13 fast 20 111 4 9 9 8 8 J J MneylS Ina Kay Kbow Girl Calt Lass 62034 Jefson 34 115 slow CO 114 3 4 4 41 2 C Ponce 13 MMaxim Trackstar OSinuer OSinuerSy LADY MILDRED ch m 8 112 112Trainer Sy Dick Welles Incendiary by Lamplighter Trainer C S Wilson Owner W F Strauss 53233 Mobile Ab 58 102 mud 5 121 2 5 5 5 5 J Schlossr 5 Mick Moore St Just ValWVst 53154 Shport 51 f lOSfast 10 111 G 0 G Gl 6SS H Ericksn 8 LitMaudic StJust Fst Pullet C3122 Shport 78 130 fast 5 110 4 4 45J G G S1 9 G Babin Kingling II Horcb First Pullet 530SG Shport 5J f l12hvy 7 110 2 25i 3 5 42 3J H EricVsn 7 FPullct LitMaudie Dltoma 63032 Shport 5i f l15hvy 95 103 1 15i 1 1 1i 1 II Ericksn S V West Mormon Mary Fonsi 52975 Shport 5i f llShvy 3 110 1 1 1 15 2i II Ericksn 7 PepyPolly StJust TonySntton 52S33 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 30S 7 G 5 41 5 = i B Pool lit General Philanderer Moroni 52722 FGnda 34 lI6ihvy 20 103 6 8 8 8i 92 H Thurberll Itesist Marmite Serbian 61824 Jefson 34 l19mud 20 102 7 7341insood 7 5 2b 3Ji G Babin 10 AimaGallnp Lonely CobaltLass D1770 Jefson 341insood 12 102 7 6 G 51 51 G Babin 9 Vanslyria Nebraska Keen Jane 5173S Jefson 34 l17hvy 15 107 2 2 5 4b 541 B Martin 12 Mormon Safranor Big Idea MISS KRUTER b m 10 109 109Trainer By Transvaal Lillie Kruter by Orimar Trainer A Winol Owner L A Broaddus iddus iddusSl 53210 Mobile Ab 58 101 fast 30 115 N N52S13 Sl AY Brown 0 AalAVcst Corkey Ol James 52S13 FGnds 5J f 107 fast 20 110 7 4 45 5 71 7i II Gregorjl PortLiglit Assume Tclicrslet 52367 FGnds 5 f 107 fast 25 10S 2 3 34 4 61 G2 T Jarvis IS Pueblo Little Maudie Circulate 52007 Jefson 5J f lOSROod 10 102 1 2 25 25619SG 5 7 7s H GregorylO Vansylvia JticeGoebel General 619SG Jefson 34 l16hvy i5 107 3 4 44 4 41 5 J H Gregory 1 A Galley Marmite Winneconne 34 l19iimud 7 103 3 5 7 92 8Ti H GregorylO Anna Gallup Lonely L Mildred DOCTOR ZAB b s 8 H HTrainer By Ormondale Roman Gold by Brutus Trainer E J Doyle Owner E J Doyle 63233 Mobile Ab 5S 102 mud 7 320 5 23 42 4 AV Fnklin r Mkk Moore St Just ValAVcst 53210 Mobile Ab 5S 101 fast 30 120 9 J Schnger J AalAVest CorkeyW 01 James 52S13 FGnds 51 f 107 fast SO 307 4 11 12 12 12I J J Mney 1 PortLiglit Assume TcliersPet 50170 Dufrin Ab 58 l02 = ifast 20 114 7 J Mulcahy S Airgc II and Stars IIAnpleton 500S4 Dufrin Ab 5S l03Vifast 3 111 4 J N1 Foden 8 AEdgar MabclTrask Juanalll 4S373 Meuve Ab 58 102 fast 4 110 65i X Foden 7 ClcarLake LHcster Juanitalll 4S027 Duff erin Ab58 103 fnst 1 135 I1 AV Hinphy 4 Safranor WhiteHaren OklKed 4791G Dufferin Ab5S 103 fast J91D 115 1 AV Hinphy 7 MMallon MMaulsbyMSterliniC

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Local Identifier: drf1921031401_7_1
Library of Congress Record: