Seventh Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-16

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SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 MADAM BYNG b m 5 99 By Jack Atkin Dentifrica by St Andrew Trainer AV Block Owner C Buxton Buxton5SMG 5SMG Tijuana 5S l0 = fslop C 100 2 1 1 = A 1i K Josiuh 12 Itliincliitii ApJaek KiiKlliIxidy 62094 FGnds 1 110 IMSAfast ICO IOC 1 G S S KiiKlliIxidyS S A Garitncr 8 Raider 1 C Stone StCermaiii 52022 FGncls 1 110 l47fast 40 101 r 2 2 9 Jn A Ganther J Plenty LorenaMos Mg Idea Ideaij 62199 FGnds 34 117 hvy 15 110 S S ij 91 M Buxton 10 Hack Ray I ys Hope Princess 62114 Jefson 5J f l07fast 15 110 11 10 11 11 M Buxton 12 RainhowGlrl InaKay Vansylvla VansylvlaI 61755 Jefson 61 f l10hvy 4 108 1 1 I 1 K Josiah 7 D of Peace Lnrghctto VAVest VAVest7s 61648 Jcfson 34 l14fast 4 10S 12 12IKE 7s GJ M Buxton 12 Rkltay ArchPlotter DrShafer DrShaferBy IKE HARVEY b c 3 101 101Trainer By Ikky Helen Harvey by Star Ruby Trainer A Jones Owner A Jones fr017 Tijuana J4 l15 ihvy 03 Nil 7 75i 31 3 = 3 H Jones 10 VAVclles OrfhidKlng Deckhund 52028 Tijuana 5i f lll = imud lJ10 100 2 2s 1 B Taylor S Headman II Hayes LastChance 52918 Tijuana 4 iic slop 107 4 Gi Gi 13 Taylor 7 Chow Tawasentlm Itusy Rinl 52051 Tijuana 34 llGmud 33 100 5J G Ycarsin 7 Diomed War Cry Phedoileii C25S3 Tijuana 4 iissiow 10 us 41 V Varley 7 IHoslior AudreyA AniitAnnie 62170 Tijuana 31 l14Vifast 11 103 3 = AV Varley 11 Cwemlolu R RIackwcll Rlazer 62109 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 322 110 6 W Varley 8 J oodmau RillyLane JUoshor JUoshorBy SWEET APPLE b f 4 102 102Trainer By Sweep Sweet Charlotte by Ingoldsby Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert 2910 Tijuana 1 110 l49islov IS 101 4 5 5 41 4 G Yoargln 7 OurMaid VivaCuIm AVarAVinner 51000 Tijuana 1 110 l4Sfast 5 101 COS 2 3 M Slshtcr 7 ReesWiiiK liIiakcr ClMartin 2831 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 175f 103 U 3 3 1 1 X Foden S Phelan Dione Al Wick 62755 Tijuana 34 l13fast 52 107 910 x Foilen y RLOwen Xe WJIontRomery 50180 BBonts 1 l45hvy 215 101 5 4 3 3C0117 3 5 = 1 K Harbne 7 Pierrot NMileybricht Dragoon C0117 UBonDts 1 l44slow 4 JO 6 3 1 1 1s E Harbnell Traekstar JAClark Lcltnlafre 60024 BBonts 1 I41good2310 100 887 8874fS93 54 3 = 1 J Droyer I May AV Pierrot Lorenn Moss 4fS93 Conght 1 116 l49slow 1710 99 1 1 1 11 3s J Dreyer 9 Pit Sylvano TFMcMahon GREAT HAWK b f 4 By Groat Britain Hawksora by Hawkswlck Trainer G W Crippen Owner Blackwell HawkswlckBlackwell Crippen 6S04C Tijuana 1 110 l50Vilivy 3110 104 122 3 3i 2 = i M SlRhter 7 Jlidia Coininander Cldiinrll C2991 Tijuana 1 l40Afrst 4 102 566 6 6 u M SlghterlO liItnker W Willow Cavdourll 52876 Tijuana 1 18 158 fast iiO ICO 444 4 6 61 D Prlble of field Piedra War Smoke SmokeCT 62734 Tijuana 1 l40 tfast 5 IOC CT B MarielH t Liola Franklin Olympian King 62650 Tijuana 1 116 l52mud 1710 107 3s C Whitton Shortstop JakcScbas VcrLoon 62610 Tijuana 1 116 150 slow G5 104 1J B MarielH Thrift Jake Schas Darnay 625S4 Tijuana 51 f l10slov 2 103 2J B MarielH ShcrmanA Sedsegrass Bardora VIVA CayugaTrainer CUBA b f 4 107 By Assagai Argosy by Cayuga Trainer B A Jones Owner B A Jones Jonesr04G r04G Tijuana 1 11G l50Vihvy 3110 HiG 4 5 G 7 7i C AAhlfton Midia Creatllawk Commander 52946 Tijuana 1 11G 1 4yiSlow 2710 109 244 4 31 2J M Slghter OurMaid AarVinner Sw Apple 52754 Tijuana 34111 fast 2G 115 3 P Martinez ClearLake Yukon Clear theAVav E2G31 theAVavE2G31 Tijuana Im70y 147 slow 910 104 lit M Slghter RMoiiut Cavdourll TGlant 52550 Tijuana Im70y l50mud 195 102 2J M Slghter Short Stop Runccraft Yermak 62489 Tijuana 118158 mud 1710 100 1 B MarielH 9 RabySister Cork Rat Mountain 62105 Tijuana Im70y l4ufast 5 107 G8J C Gross 0 Yermak Minnie II Irish Maid MaidBASIL BASIL MarcionTrainer ch h 7 111 By Voter Mintcako by Marcion Trainer AV F Poison Owner AV F Poison Poison5I3S1 5I3S1 Churchl 78 l2G JKood 35 112 S 9 9 9 9 9 = ID Graves 9 Tulsn Dr Carmen Rread Man E07SG ManE07SG Latonia 34 l12fast 1G 10S 11 10 8 Si S15 E Graves 12 CipsyQiseeti ColtimhiaTn Rifle 50561 Latonia 34 l12 fast 38 107 9 999 9 K Graves 9 CotRlossom UeoStarr LastCoIn 4S007 LastCoIn4S007 Latonia 34 l12fast 1G 115 6 6 G 6 4 M Garner G Green Grass Rullioii J HarcJr 47893 Latonia 34 l12fast 12 113 11 9 9 G G M Garner 11 Rulliun Dr Carmen RonJour MISS ORB b m 5 101 101Trainer By Oib Trade Mark by Broomstick Trainer J A Parson Owner A J Parson 5C017 Tijuana 34 l15Vihvy S 102 2 79 9 = 9i B MariellilO VWelles OrehiilKin IIIarvcy 52959 Tijuana oi f 108 good 22 lOf 153 ah r7J E Taylor 0 MyrtleA Cimflagell ULane 523K Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 63 107 5 B MarielH 7 VatcrViHow lectl aly Saner 62173 Tijuana 1 316 202fast 165 108 32 E Taylor i TSNlass HLereh 1erfLndy P2PGO Tijuana 1116147 fast 8 10S E Taylor S Piedra Mister Mark Sam Hill 61004 Tijuana Im70y l45V fast 175 106 3 W Perry 9 Coffield MistcrMark PerI ady 1912 Tijuana 1 l42 mud 46 95 95IRISH 10 D Hurn 10 Anzae JakcSchas Lady in Bhicb BhicbBy IRISH MAID ch m 7 104 104Trainer By Irisb Exile Raveal by Ravelston RavelstonII Trainer H Higgins Owner B Tftwl rMl Tijuana 1 118 147 fast 3i 107 3 U 2 1 1Baca II in B Marielli Cavdourll Samllill KvIIaii Baca Tijuana 1 141 fast i 102 S S S 7 7tX752 3 3J II Jones 9 Louis AVator Willow Ilyainpuin tX752 Tijuana 1 116 l47ifast 21 112 5 H Jones i IJeydo Ixiuis Marie Connelt 52707 Tijuana 34 l14fast llf 106 3i C Thpson 10 OrehidKs UISlaekwcll MyrtleA 62405 Tijuana Im70y l45Vfast 19 107 3J H Jones i Yermak Minnie H Saner 62365 Tijuana 1 14 20MKOod 70 103 103C20SS S H Jones 8 Reydo Cork Paby Sister C20SS Tijuana 1 116 148 fast B 102 1 ° H Jones 9 MikeDaly GcnIJyng AiidreyK BEN PAYNE t El 6 111 By Tim Payne Gottlicben by Rubicon Trainer G RubiconG W Berry Owner Thompson Berry 251 Tijuana 5 f lOS slop I H 0 49 Si 7 ° AV Hinphy 11 Soiljcgras I mcly 1 lilkwell C3041 Tijuana 1110151 hvy 5i 112 831 1 IJ 2 C Thpson 11 Salgeorpe CIIvItcrs AudreyK 5C003 Tijuana 34 l14fast 26 111 2 5 4 35 2J A Zeigler 8 Claude Weaver John Jr Xng 52954 Tijuana 34 l15good 5 109 C 2 J 1J I3 C Tmpsonll MinUim ThrlftyXhrce Rosellls 2934 Tijuana 34 llCl mud llf 109 S S S S I1 AV Taylor S Mnnchen AuntAnnie OtlteWay 52878 Tijuana 34 l13fast 47 109 S 8 8 8 C13 C Tmpson 8 AVMgomery Dlose MParnell 52483 Tijuana 5S MParnell5S l03mud 5 110 Bled P Martinez S Cicely Kay Welga Kinileii 1er 52424 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 13 109 4JJ P Martinez S Orchid King Ringleader Aelvet BILL BLACKAVELL cb c 4 117 By Gladwin Nuns Veiling by St Angelo Trainer AngeloTrainer G W Berry Owner Meadowbrook Stable 5o2l Tijuana 5i f lOS4 slop 1C 110 t 3 3J M TJuxton II Sedgegrass Ionely Xighlstick 53013 Tijuana 34 llahvy 36 110 7 21 li M Buxton It JohnIr SeilKegra s Kastlndian 52904 Tijuana 5J f 107 fast Sf 101 12 12 11 11 = 9 M l DeLnlid IZobtLOwen MyrtleA G2794 Tijuana 1 141 fast 19 103 7J E Taylor 8 AVar Smoke Coffield Piedra 52707 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 5 90 2 B MariellllO OrchldKing IrishMaid MyrtleA 62488 Tijuana 5J f 109 mud 35 110 5J A Zeiglcr 8 Cacambo MMaulsby SiMlgegrasa 62404 Tijuana 6 f 107 fast 1G 93 7 i B MarielH 8 Myrtle TothMorn AVllaceL 52301 Tijuana 34 l14 fast G 11G 11GWOODIE 1J A Zeigler 9 Jolmlloslijr Vulcanite ChatUrt WOODIE MONTGOMERY ch j 8 111 111Trainer By First Chip Duchess of Montebello by Banastaj Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 53017 Tijuana 34 1 lV hvy 11 116 5 5 f l si P Martinez K VWelles OrchidKiiig IIIaivey 53007 Tijuana 1 l40 fast 5 110 3 4 5 f 5l 4Ji P Martinez S Ilyaiipoin HoiLerch Itootieville i9GO Tijuana 1 18 l55sgood 12 112 4 2 1 1i 1J P Martinez 7 Le Dinosaitre Gen Uyng Cork 52921 Tijuana 34 115 slop 2i 109 1 2 2 2J E Taylor 7 SedKejrrass John Jr Ola Lee E2S78 Tijuana 34 inSlifast 1310 107 1 2 1 I E Taylor S Don Jose Miss Parnell Pizarro 52755 Tijuana 34 l13fast 215 107 3S2 C Wliitton 9 Robert L Owen Net Don Jose 52012 Tijuana 51 f l09sslow 135 105 I1 B Taylor S AV Mack Lit Reach Hilly Joe MIDIA b f 4 106 By Rock View Galaxy by Star Sboot Trainer J Mannale Owner Mannale Chapron 53016 Tijuana 1 116 l50Vbhvy 9f KG 2 5 4 4 4 11 7 GIIawk Comandcr Cldonrll 52973 Tijuana 1141 fast 27 102 6 S 6 7 G S13 M SIgliter i ItSlilllhig Don Jose JJMdock 52917 Tijuana 5 f lOSslow 157 107 9 1 B Parke 9 AnnaKegina Kiposta ISobBaker F 52754 2751 Tijuana 34 114 fast 85 107 7s D Powell 7 Clear Lake Yukon Viva Cuba 625G5 Tijuana 1 11G 1 537imud 2G5 103 310 M Slghter S Dkliand CaTdonrlL MConnell 62529 Tijuana 34 117 slop 3310 104 5J M Slghter 7 Deckhand Ola Le Yukon 62S39 Tjjuana 1 l44hvy 235 102 102CAMOUFLAGE 1J M Slghter r TomGoose Yermak PerfectLady CAMOUFLAGE II b g 4 107 By Cartoon Miss Madge by Ort Wells Trainer C C Emihert Owner Clear Lake Stable 5251 Tijuana r 5 f lOS slop 20 102 10 9 = 913 II Rowe II Sed esrras Lonely R Rlkwell 53013 Tijuana 31 l15hvy U 10S 5 55i 5l Rlkwell5l 1015 II Rowe II nItlkwell JolinIr ScdKc rass 52959 Tijuana 5i f 108 good 8 10G 4 45S 2J rass2J 2 II Howe C Myrtle A Itilly Lane My Mazie 52SG5 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 24 101 4 GJ MazieGJ 54i II Rowe lo Kiposta VaIter Mack Joe Tng 52708 Tijuana 34 115 fast 9 111 1115S 2 H Rowe S LittleReach R Viiife CHoUerh CSfiGS Tijuana 5S l0t hvy 17 KJ7 I CHoUerhI H Rowe 10 DulyFashn LitJake ColMphy C2529 Tijuana 34 117 slop 16 105 1055S 7i ColMphy7i H Rowe 7 Deckhand Ola Lee Yukon 62456 Tijuana 5S l03slop 10 105 1S Yukon1S H Rowe 9 Georse James Ann S Dots ORCHID KING ch g 6 By Cunard Arline by The Commoner Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbridge Officer 53017 Tijuana l15Vjlivy J95 109 I S 4 41 2 k E Haywcl 10 V Welles Ikellirvev Deckhand r2991 Tijuana 1 l4iJfnst 19f lOt 4 D Powell 10 RRaker AV Villow Cavdourll D2901 Tijuana 5 f 107 fast M 110 Il 1 Ulaw 12 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA 52707 Tijuana 4 l14Vifast 9 111 I1 J Glass 10 RUlackwell IrishMd MyrtleA E2 4 Tijuana 5 f l07fast P11 112 1 K Pinnegr S Itlnsleader Aelvet Ren Payne 623C6 Tijuana 5 f 108 Rood 235 114 2 Pinnegr 9 Clear Lake AVMack RLOwen f2242 Tijuana 34 l13fast 16f 113 4 J B Pinnegr S JolmJr Deckhand PrivatePeat

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921031601_7_1
Library of Congress Record: