Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-21

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 28 1916 105 15 3 118 MISS SEDALIA b m 9 110 By BannockbiTrainer Bannockbi Sula by Balgowan or Sain Trainer T J Grant Owner A Lund rSG07 Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 21 110 2 G 3 4 42 3 ° U Lowe 9 Sasin Von Lady Ben Levy 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3110 115 1111 3i 3si C Whlttonll Ostentatis MissScdalia El Key 529S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast 7 112 S C 7 G 4 3 R Lowe 11 Ooldle Itosc Striker Quid Nuiio 52934 Tijuana 34 l16mud 8 107 G G G G5 5 W Hlnphy 8 Mnnchcn AuntAnnie OtbcWay 52S60 Tijuana 34 l14fast 95 103 9 10 G 6l G1 K Taylor 12 HaKansHcir ApJack Ixwis 52754 Tijuana 34 114 fast 29 110 G31 J Lowe 7 Clear Lake Yukon Viva Cuba 52278 Tijuana ImTOy l4GV4fast 2 108 5 J R Carter 7 Stelcilff Audrey K Concha 52242 Tijuana 34 l13fast 8 61 Rowe 8 JohnJr Deckhand PrivatePeat 52195 Tijuana 61 f lOTfast G 10T 4 = 1 W Hinphy S C Weaver Cancion SmMnggio CANVASBACK ch g 4 106 106Trainer By Greenback Coronis by Voter VoterS7J Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby E2G27 Tijuana 51 f I09Vfslow 21 107 S7J R McCrnnll ApJack ColMatt JTMiiriloik 52363 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 52 91 8 II B Bwer 8 Deckhand CavalcadourlL Mldia 52504 Tijuana 5S lOlhvy 175f 101 4 J K Taylor 12 IndBgade MEurta JTMrdk 521GS Tijuana 58 102 fast 21 110 4i II McCrnnlO Mad Hurry Mistake Ermitana 51958 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 22 110 541 E Haywrdl2 MIoltcrs T Duncan Liflces3 51836 Tijuana GS 102 fast 55f 111 S3 R McCrnn S JDSiifrg I tlWay El Le Van LADY HARRIGAN ch f 4 104 104Trainer By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major E 930 Tijuana 58 103 mud E 10G G 7 72i S15 G Yeargin 9 TDuncan Sealteach WCDooly 49613 Kempn Ab5S l04fast G 103 o C McCkle 7 IIAngleton MDixon K Worth 49327 Meuve Ab 5S lOThvy 12 102 1024911G 23 C McCkle 0 PlainBill TI gan ColItockrsc 4911G KingEd Ab34 l21slop G 102J 511 C McCIvle i OlJamcs VerdiLoon LenoraP 4956 Kempn Ab34 l17fast 20 107 1074SS51 3l H Garner C JanLogan FConsul B and Call 4SS51 Kempn Ab5S lllhvy 485 305 4 ° J Schlcssr S Onwa MDixon Mary Fitzhugli 4572 Meuve Ab 5S l00fast S5 103 1034S443 us H Garner 7 Dot II Maybridge Mike Dixon 4S443 Meuve Ab 34 119 good 25 100 100EL 3i W Andson 7 DrHall Unora P Plain Bill EL SABIO br g 11 113 By Sorcerer Schwalbe by Sain Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 52917 Tijuana 58 l02slop 61 107 4 4 53 5 E Taylor 9 CAComisk IBrigade LSmall 2874 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 9 102 2 3 3J 3n B MariellilO DodeAdains QuidNunc Chrome 52S27 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 31 107 2 2 2l 2i B Marellil2 OHomestd lantern Mondaine 52386 Tijuana 58 l01fast SO 109 912 P Martinez 10 MMeelick Ringleader Tillotson 61999 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 33 107 107TEO 10 P Martinezll MineralJim Clr theWay Perch TEO BRECKENRIDGE ch m 5 113 By Suffragist Teo Beach by Bobby Beach Trainer N W Burkhart Owner N W Burkhart 53023 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast 26 110 133 3 4i 71S M Slghterll Ostentations MSedalia MaudM 51943 Tijuana 51 f l09 l09sslow sslow 23 10S 12 12 12 12 = 11213 O Willis 14 Humina Velvet W C Dooly Dooly52S2S 52S2S Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 14 110 4 3 3 3 21 1011 G Yeargin 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudle Maudle52TT2 52TT2 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 13 103 31 B Mariellil2 BabySIster Lobelia Pink Tenny 52630 Tijuana 1 18 156 slow 8 109 109E2422 4s C Whitton 7 BDchman WMBaker Canute CanuteE2422 E2422 Tijuana 1 142 fast 9 108 2s C WhlttonlO Cobrita Mistake Bardora 52315 Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 52 103 5 M Slghter 7 Audrey K Al AVick Cork 62128 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 1T5 104 7 B Taylor 11 AudyK Uumma GMuehlebch MACK GARNER b g 5 107 107Trainer By Seth Flarney by Greenan Trainer B A Jones Owner B A Jones 2502 Tijuana 1 l48mud 19 109 I1 C AAhitton 7 Ola Lee Yukon Lewis B 52526 Tijuana 51 f l15Vsslop 13 110 10 ° C Whitton 11 Our Leader Lewis B Aelvct 52304 Tijuana 34 l14fast 40 10S 70 C Whitton 8 PrivatePent Deckliand JohnJr 46269 Jefson 34 116 slow 2 114 3 1 1 lz 2 ° L Lyke 13 NSimplex TAnderson MitMay 46132 Jefson 34 l15good 10 117 3 3 2 1 lot S Wida 11 Tiger Kose APlotter FranStar 45966 Jefson 34 118 hvy 2 113 3 2 2 23 3s M Garner 11 Verity Grumlingb Ina AVilligan 45770 FGnds 34 l12fast 40 101 3 5 55 5 51 G Gts 8 S Boyle 7 Bon Tromp Assume A N Akin 43413 FGnds 34 115 slow 12 110 1 2 23 3 3i o10 J Morys 11 Arch Plotter Mab LUtleMaudle LUtleMaudleBy LUtleMaudleVIVA VIVA b m 9 110 By Oiseau Cutter by Gotham GothamTrainer Trainer T Burns Owner Polo Stable Stable529S9 529S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast 31 10T f 10 11 11 11 ° L Gaugel 11 Gcldio Kose Striker Quid Xunc Xunc52SS7 52SS7 Tijuana 1 l42fast 7 105 3 2 4 4 3l 23 M Slghter 12 TJMrdock VonLady SirOliver r2750 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 91 103 3i D Powell 9 LIncence MFuller UuckhnII 52646 Tijuana 5i f 112 mud 265 10S 3J P Martinezl2 Gertrude B Ann S Maud M 52524 Tijuana ImTOy l53 slop 10 105 G D Powell 11 FrankShnon BronBee Humma 52401 Tijuana 1 143 fast 86 103 9 J J Clementsll Plaything Maudie Modiste 52333 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 46 108 433 F Chiavtall DaisyX Little Jake J D Sugg 52032 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 37 101 101BROLASKI 55 T Kindle 11 ThirSeven BabyGirl SwtTooth BROLASKI ch c 3 fl9 By Enfield Colusa by Joa Terry Trainer J Carney Owner M Buck Buck524G 524G Tijuana 5S l03slop llf 92 11 11 11 12 11 D Prible 12 MadByng Blanchita Ap Jack 52260 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 3 101 G4i M Slghterll Miss Meclick B Bird FMoon 52061 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 18 111 3J E Haywd 12 JackLee Woodrose OldSquirrcl 52018 Tijuana 34 l15fast 58 115 T83 J Glass S Kasola IIKAsher BelleFlower 51962 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 33 10T a J Glass KPrown MMeelick Jack Luo 51816 Tijuana 51 f l10fast IS 110 45 JI Slghter 9 Itasola Audrey A Lady Lovitt OKLAHOMA IRISH br m 0 By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontiac Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan 52SS6 Tijuana 5 f lf fast 0 103 4 3 l 55 B Taylor 11 Knnitana FanXail GfoJamtS 52827 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 9 101 9 S C = l D Powell 12 Oldllomestead KlSabio Iintoni Iintoni65i 52771 Tijuana 24 l15ifast 55 J03 65i II Jones 12 Arietta JJMdock BShilllng BShilllngGl 52169 Tijuana 58 l01fast 30 111 Gl O Ycarginll Sad Sam Ed Le Van Billy Joe Joe6rl 52032 Tijuana 58102 fast 73 109 6rl O Willis 11 ThirSeven BabyGirl SwtTooth 51599 Tijuana 58 l02fast 22 112 65 C Tmpsonl2 Cover Up DrKendall J DSugg 51538 Tijuana 51 f lODfcfast 3110 112 112FANNIE 6 E Taylor 11 Dora Star Clover Junia Ispharn IspharnBy FANNIE NAIL br m 5 M 110 110TrainerKW By Loonid Bessie Rembcrt by Dungarven TrainerKW M Cassity Owner J Odell 5017 Tijuana 34 l15ihvy 3Gf 101 1 S S = 6 T Kindle 10 V Welles OrchidKing IHarvey 528SG Tijuana 51 1 f lOSfast G5 105 1 4 4 43 23 1J liowcll 11 Krinitana GeoJamcs MdBacon MdBaconll43ifast 52314 Tijuana 1 ll43ifast 1 43 fast J9f 113 9ll R Dority 10 Tokalon March CCourt Maudie 51910 Tijuana 51 1 f l09Mmud iof 103 9 = G McCUIc 9 Mex Milda Lewis 15 61745 Tijuana 5S 58102 102 fast 26f 1C6 910 R Dority 10 Cover Up J D Sugg Crispie CrispieFR MONTGOMERY JR FR ch g 7 112 112Trainer By Montgomery Relationship by Hey wood Trainer M P Level Owner I J Williams 5S 103 mud 13f US 7 78 S3 7 W Taylor 9 TDuncan SeaBeach WCDooly 52S27 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 33 112 3 37 7 SI 12 A Zcigler 12 Oldllomestead KISabio Lantern 47973 Tijuana 51 f lOTfast S 113 ll13 J Mulcahy 11 BeatLucilleLStPrick LMoore 47953 Tijuana 34 l13fast 165115 23 J Mulcahy 10 llattieWilldo MoveOn Review 47731 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7 114 1 J Mulcahy 7 Lady Hester Virge Foeman 47011 Tijuana 1 l41fast 1C 113 113DOCTOR 7 J Mulcahy 7 Nccnali Mannikinll ItcdMan DOCTOR KENDALL ch g 10 112 112Trainer By Marta SantarPicayuno II by Deceiver Trainer Z Barnett Owner Z Barnett Barnett520S1 520S1 Tiiuana 5S l01fast 195f 112 11251S3G 4J A Zeigler 12 Trulaue Duly Fashion Yukon 51S3G Tijuana 58102 fast G 111 4s O Willis 8 JDSugg CtlicWay Ed Le Van 51669 Tijuana 58 104 fast 9 109 4J J Clements 9 Crispie Cancion Lady Small 51599 Tijuana 58 l02fast 53 107 2 = J Clementsl2 Cover Up JDSugg CMurphy 50139 Reno 12 48fast 3310 113 113McCROAN 3s J DeFord 10 Forum MargaretSehlafcr Jimp JimpBy McCROAN b g 5 107 107Trainer By Modrcd Lccnja by Hastings Trainer H C Smith Owner H C Smith th thG11 526 IS Tijuana 51 f lllmud 21 112 G11 C Tmpson 8 Lit Irincess TDiincan LJake 52579 Tijuana 58 l05Vfeslow K f 110 33 C Thpson 11 Daisy X Pretty Baby Per Day 52525 Tijuana 51 f 110 slop llf 110 71T D Powell 10 Mannchen Cliromc MissParnell 51959 Tijuana 34 l14fast 910 115 11 W Hinphyll lobelia Harrigans Heir uila 51639 Tijuana 53 103 fast 05 112 52 C Tmpsonll Tillotson Olive D SmilingMag 50133 Reno 51 f lOSfast 6 111 G R Carter 7 Aline Lantern CAComiskey 49968 Reno 34 115 fast 4310 114 1s U Stuart 7 RHarrigan Hyndla WODooly WODoolyBy ARDENCIA MirthfulTrainer b g G M 107 By Satsuma II Golden Wave by Mirthful Trainer T Burns Owner Polo Stable 2184 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud at 110 S16 J Murray 11 Prevaricate Honolulu AnnaStar MhtyLever5212S 52277 Tijuana 1 l43fast 327 103 G = T Kindle 12 Maywortli MaudM MhtyLever 5212S Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 32f 109 11 L Gaugel 11 AudyK Ilumma GMuehlebch GMuehlebch51T42 51T42 Ispham4T971 Tijuana 58 l02 fast 39 108 9 ° 1 R Carter 12 Tcrnette Hoover Ispham 4T971 Tijuana 51 f l07fast llf 113 10 C Gross 10 LadyKilcen UabyFaustDvcridgo 47954 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 43f 113 Gi J Majestic 10 Minstrel EmeldaCommendatioa 47771 Tijuana 5S l01fast lOf 113 9 W Hinphy 11 BeesWing MursPet Capilano CapilanoANN ANN MazaganTrainer S b m 5 M 110 By Ormondale Ellora by Mazagan Trainer J McDougall Owner J Costcllo Costcllo52SS5 52SS5 Tijuana 51 f l fast 12f 10S J 10 10 1111173 G Yeargin 12 ColMnrphy Vollina Mankinll 52646 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 13 10S 2 M Slghter 12 Gertrude B Viva Maud M 52516 Urigalo5245G Tijuana 51 f lllmud 25 f 10G T 3 E Taylor 10 Mex Pastime Indian Urigalo 5245G Tijuana 58 I03slop3110f 93 33 B Marielli a CamonflagiII GeoJamcs Dota 52362 Tijuana 51 f lOSgood 3Sf 103 4 = J B Marielli 11 Blanchita Lady Small Uiposttt Uiposttt5216S 5216S Tijuana 5S 102 fast 79 10G G l W Perry 10 Mad Hurry Mistake Knnitana 51978 Tijuana 5S l91Vfast 19 107 G B Mariellil2 Stanley II Mistake Maud M 51538 Tijuana 51 f l09ifast 19f 110 1018 W Hinphyll Dora Star Clover Junia Ispham

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921032101_5_3
Library of Congress Record: