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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 28 1916 1 05 15 3 118 CELEBRATE ch g 8 107 By Skillful 3 3Trainer Kirkfield Belle by Royal Flush III Trainer W Einkstaff Owner B Orin 319 Tijuana 5S l01fast 95 110 5 3 1 1 I1 I1 H Jones 15 Review Emma Weller Capers 53244 Tijuana 51 f l10rislop Sf 110 S 3 3 31 3 IT Jones JonesBLANCHITA 11 Annabelle SeaBeach BrownBee BrownBeeBy BLANCHITA b m 8 110 By Peey oDa oDaTrainer oDayrCountess Irma by Sir Dlxon Trainer W Gargan Owner W Gargan Gargan524G 524G Tijuana 5S l03slop 11 109 4 5 4 42 21 W Gargc Gargan 12 MadByng Ap Jack Eng Lady 52950 Tijuana 51 f 1OS good 32 IOS 7 S 7 73 7 7Ji i W Taylc Taylc52S47 Taylor 9 Perch Mex Clear the Way 52S47 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 3310 110 2 57 7 7 721 = 1 7s R Cartel 9 Ed LC Aan Crispie Fireplace 52731 Tijuana 34115 fast 31 113 23 W Tayl Taylor 12 Ringleader PTenny CCannell 52427 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 5 106 521 E Taylor 7 AmiaWood ItUOweu Pizarro 52362 Tijuana 5 f l08good 235 IOS I2 E Taylor 11 LHdy Small Riposta Ann S 52107 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast S 110 4st W Hinpl Hinphy 10 SmilMaggle MoveOn BusyBird 51859 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 1310 112 41 W Hinpt HinptOSTENTATIOUS Hinphy 10 Bob Baker Trulane Yukon OSTENTATIOUS b m 12 105 By Osier Joe JoeTrainer Tallac by Top Gallant Trainer R Wilson Owner B Gibson 53023 Tijuana IrmOy 147 fast 145 lOi 2 2 2 2 1J 11 II Rowe 11 Miss Sedalia Maud M El Uey 529G9 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 10 100 7 3 1 1 1J 2J D Prible 11 VonLady CliatCourt BnbyFaust 52929 Tijuana 5S l04mud 9 106 12 99 W Taylor 12 Eng Lady Humma H Princess 52826 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 7 105 G C 6 Gl 51 D Powell 13 Shorencres Sea Beach Rosellis 16997 Vcouver 51 f 107fast 13 107 9 L Gentry 9 IslandQueen CharlesFox Durin 16921 Vcouver 51 f 103 fast 33 112 42 Li Gentry 8 Amohalko MedBoy MarChavis 16789 Vcouver 34 l147fast 32 110 110ENGLISF 8 R Ezell 8 HazelC Delmas Baron deKalb ENGLISF LADY ch m 7 110 110Trainer By Dick Welles Miladi Love by Flying Dutchman Trainer V Cloud Owner V Cloud by Wagner 53295 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 10 103 4 3 4 31 321 H Rowe 9 Herder Billy Joe Mineral Jim 53240 Tijuana 58 l0Tislop 7 98 5 2 3 3 42 B Marielli 12 Mad Byng Blanchita ApJack 53020 Tijuana 5 f lOSfast 39 lot 4 4 7 G S H Rowe 13 Ringlder CtheWay 11gansHr 2988 Tijuana 31 115 fast 215 113 7 5 4 4X S3 M Buxton 10 AiintAniiie Dieucro MabelUule 52929 Tijuana 5S l04mud 1710 9S 1 1112 Il B Mariellill Ilumiua II Princess R Shooter 52S49 Tijuana 58 l0lfast 42 109 1 2 2 2i 22 P Martinez 11 lIiiAnvlcton Ternette Lobelia Lobelia2J 52729 Tijuana 58 l02fast 7 101 2J H Rowe 11 Joe Tag July Fly Ely ElyS 52GGS Tijuana 5S l01 fhvy 15 110 S T McCgh 10 Caniflagell DFshn LitJake QUID NUNC br g 12 118 By Woolsthorpe Dictynna by St Blaise BlaiseTrainer Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews Dunlap DunlapC29S9 C29S9 Tijuana 34114 fast S 117 2 2 2 2J 3 C Tlipson 11 GoldieRose Striker MissSedalia MissSedalia62S74 62S74 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 5Jf 110 S 9 S1 2 C Thpson 10 Dode Adams El Sabio Chrome 52793 Tijuana 31 114 fast 23 114 4s C Thpson 11 SmilMag MerLVs UgansHr 52731 Tijuana 34 115 fast 19 117 531 C Thpson 12 Ringleader Blanchita PTenny PTenny5243T 5243T Tijuana Im70y l4GV5fast 3110 115 G i W Hinphy S TFMcMahon TGallant RLee 52191 Tijuana 1 l42fast 6 113 12J W Hinphy 11 Hnut FShannon Dandy Van Van5199S 5199S Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 20 112 2l L Mills 10 Cancion ChrMaster ReyAlfalfa 51856 Tijuana 58 l01 fast 11 112 10lt C Gross 12 Dode Adams Sad Sam Plunger PlungerEVALYN EVALYN HARRIGAN ch m 5 112 By Harrigan Vancena by Batten 5311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 25 105 2 1 3 4Z S l II Jones 11 GoldIJose LBNre HansIIr 2993 Tijuana 34 113 fast H 112 1 11 li 21 AV Hinphy C OllieWood MissParnl Delancey Delancey52S91 52S91 Tijuana 1 11G 147 fast 53 100 2 1 1 2 4 = 1 4 W Hinphy i IrishMd Cavdoiirll SamHill 52682 Tijuana 1 145 slow 95 107 13 B Marielli S Apple Jack Chantress FNurse FNurse5260S 5260S Tijuana 51 f laOTislow 5 110 lt A Zeigler 10 MEuretta Dot H Maud M 52361 Tijuana 1 l44good 175 103 S5i M Slghterlt G Flush BrownBee ChatCourt 52278 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 60 IOS 7 A Zeigler 7 Stelcilff Audrey K Concha 52214 Tijuana 34 114 fast 29 108 7 A Zeigler 8 Milda Velvet Plunger 52147 Tijuana 51 f l07fast lOf 103 G51 E Taylor 9 Yukon Delancey Cover Up HOOVER ch c 4 106 By Hilarious Ethel Scruggs by Fonso FonsoTrainer Trainer J C Waddell Owner Waddell Bros 522 10 Tijuana 5S l03slop C 103 C 7 8 Si 9 G Yeargin 12 MadBvng Blmichita ApJack ApJack52U57 52U57 Tijuana 51 f 07sood2l10 103 4 3 2 23 4Ti E Taylor 7 DlyFashn GrudeB SmilMag 52892 Tijuana 51 f l07 ffaHt 9 101 3 4 1 1J 423 G Ycargin 9 Yukon Neff Sedgograss 52S05 Tijuana 58 l0iysfaat 4310 100 10 5 5 5J 6 ° i C Grass 10 Riposta Walter Mack Joe Tag 2131 Tijuana 31 l13fast 9 105 7 1 G Yeargin 11 KCheatham BBaker IkcMilla 52062 Tijuana 5i f 103 fast OJ 105 I1 G Ycargin 11 CalCurn Clr theWay TDuncan TDuncanBILLY BILLY JOE ch g 9 113 By Russell Ethel T by Richmond RichmondTrainer Trainer A Gibson Owner B H Schaefer 53295 Tijuana 51 f lOSVslow 3310 110 5 1 3 iu 2n I Gaugol 9 Horder English Lady Min Jim 53217 Tijuana fiS l02 Iop SO 102 2 3 C Z 4 = 3 L Gaugel 10 DulyFashion WaltcrMaik Mex Mex529S9 529S9 Tijuana 31114 fast 40 117 4 1 1 IJ 75J O AVillis 11 Goldio Rose Striker Quid Nimc 52955 Tijuana 34115 good 10 1 8 11 S 6 6 6 1 B Mariellill Zamloch LitPncpss Aunt Annie 52792 Tijuana 31 l14fast 3110 114 7 R McCrnnlO MlssManage ApJack Dclancny 52673 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 125 110 33 R McCrnn 9 SLParncll PceDircct DickieW 62632 Tijuana 34 l15slow 12 114 S R McCrnnll Mannchen John Jr Neg 52612 Tijuana 51 f l09slpw 5 114 4 C Thpson 8 WMgomery WMack LBeach LBeachTHIRTY f THIRTY SEVEN b g 8 109 By Abe Frank Kiamesha II by Clifford Trainer L M Schultz Owner L M Schultz 52400 Tijuana 5S l01fast LS H 2 B Marlelll J Gertrude B Riposta Delanooy 52300 Tijuana 6i f l09too l 4 115 5J H Dority llPlyBaby nrmltaim OMnrphy 52032 Tijuana 5S J fir fast 145114 I3 L Mills 11 BabyGirl SwtTootb Naslevatl 51743 Tijuana 34 Il5 sfast C 110 110516G5 3 J L Mills 11 MoveOn R Reorce eorce TBeiiridge 516G5 Tijuana Bi f 03fa3t 15 107 ink L Millla 8 Pluugcr Our Leader DandyVuu DIYLAND b g 6 112 x By Deutschland Divina by Bassetlaw BassetlawTrainer Trainer G H Boland Owner J Humbre cht 52505 Tijuana 5S l03 hvy Cl10 117 t3 K Taylor 12 Mannclipii nunimn Md ofAusel 62126 Tijuana OJ f 1OS fast 115 li 5 1 K Taylqr 11 PkTeiiny Welgii Kof Pytliinx 61862 Tijuana 1 l4H fast 32f 109 5 i J Callahan S Miss Orb Reydo The Gallant 51805 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 17 103 61669 Tijuana 58 104 fast 95 114 6i C Duggan 9 Crispie Cancion Lndy Small 47765 Tijuana 34 l13faat 26 113 SJ C Thpson 8 Sybil Cy Merrick DrKendall DrKendallPEINCE PEINCE DOUGLAS ch g 5 112 By Prince Frederick Lady McNally by Miser MiserTrainer Trainer I N Womach Owner I N Womaoh WomaohG2943 G2943 Tijuana 5 f l094 slow 9 115 6 4 11 11 II10 W Hinphy It Humma Velvet W C Dooly 62848 Tijuana 58 l01fast 30 112 7 89 8i S W Hinphy 11 DyFashion LadySmuIl Chrome 6 6S4 Tijuana 1 144 slow 6 114 3l P Martinez 9 Irish Daisy Busy Bird Lavaga 62628 Tijuana 55 f 109 slow 24 115 I1 AV Hinphy lli Anna Star Ed Le Aan Humma Humma620CO 620CO Tijuana 34115 fast 24 115 S J P MartinezIO LitPncens AnJackson Prairie 62020 Tijuana 5J f l07sfast 14f 108 73i W Hinphy 10 Ringleader Velvet Gertrude B 61876 Tijuana 58 l02fast 12 110 5l J Glass 12 Joscnia Minal Jim GertmdeB GertmdeBHAREIGANS HAREIGANS HEIE ch g 4 113 By Harrigan Admirals Daughter by Von Tromp Trainer F Wallhauser Owner F Wallhause r 53311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 6 110 4 3 1 3 = 3s O Willis 11 Goldenllose LstBNre PDirect PDirectV5302G V5302G Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 13 110 13 11 11 102 3T O Willis 13 Rlnglder Clear theWay Crispie 52942 Tijuana 5J f l09slow 12 113 7 32 I2 13 O AVUIls 11 Goldie Rose PrBaby Busy Bird 52901 Tijuana 1 l41fast 245 107 G 4 4 4 4J 31 P Martinez 9 Lewis B Piziirro Aunt Annie AnnieE2S60 E2S60 Tijuana 34 l14fast 5 107 7 7 5 4J 1 P Martinezl Apple Jack Lewis B Striker 62793 Tijuana 34 114 fast 6 105 3s E Taylor 11 SmilMag MerLasu QnidNunc QnidNuncZAMLOCH ZAMLOCH br g 10 117 By General Roberts Woolen by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeTrainer Trainer C Howell Owner C2955 Tijuana 4 1 15 good y 117 2 3 1 2 = U AV Perry 12 LitPncess AuntAn PatsyMk 52878 Tijuana 34 l13fnst 52 114 4 7 7 6i 511 AV Perry 8 AVMgomery DJose MParnell MParnell5J1 52171 Tijuana 1 l41ifast 125 110 5J1 AV Perry 8 Zamloch Audrey K Delancey Delanceyin 52111 Tijuana 118156 fast 135108 in W Perry 11 AlAVick MBelle Bof theKitn theKitnlot 2033 Tijuana 1 143 fust 15 102 lot w Perry 11 Conchn RedWilliam MissWells MissWells2i 62000 Tijuana ImOy 146 fast 31 106 2i W Perry 9 Daruay Honolulu TokalonMarch 61858 Tijuana 34115 fast 235110 42 E3 Taylor 9 Delancey Ocadourll JJMock JJMockGEETEUDE GEETEUDE B b m 9 107 By Golden Maxim Notasulga by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer J L Crawford Owner H Parton 53295 Tijuana 5J f lOSslov 8 110 1 7 6 5 J E Taylor 9 Herder BillyToe English Lady 53247 Tijuana 58 l02slop 2 105 5 887 = 710 H Rowe 10 DulyFashion WalterMnck Mex Mex63C2G 63C2G Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 22 105 7 9 9 91 5i E Taylor 9 Ed Le Aan Crispie Fireplace 52957 Tijuana 51 f l07good 12 105 6 5 4 4s 24 B Marielli 9 AValter Mack Little Beach Neg 52917 Tijuana 5 S l02slop 13 110 S 98 7J 7i P Martinez 7 DnlyFashion SmilMag Hoover 52847 Tijuana 58 1C1 fast 7 107 1 4 6 63 6 = 1 E Taylor 13 Ringlder CtheAVay HgansHr 52831 Tijuana 5i f l07t fast 13 109 6 77 7J 6 J P Martinez 9 CAComisk IBrigade LSmall LSmallTRULANE TRULANE b g 9 112 By Atkins Princess Tulane by His Highness HighnessTrainer Trainer E Ripley Owner R Eipley Eipley6C026 6C026 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 15 110 12 12 12 2J12 C Thpson 13 Ringlder CtheAVay HgansIIr 62989 Tijuana 31 114 fast 11 112 11 11 9 7 = 52 E Taylor 11 Goldie Rose Striker Quid Niuic 52859 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3910 112 10 9 9 9s 7 H Rowe 11 Ol Wood JJMnrdock SisPolIy 62081 Tijuana 5S l01fast 195f 112 ln R Carter 12 DlyFashlon Yukon DrKeudall 51859 Tijuana 6 f lOSfast 3J 112 2n R Carter 10 Bob Baker Yukon Blanchlta Blanchlta517G8 517G8 Tijuana 34 115 fast 39 110 42i R Carter 7 SmilMaggie Pierrot V Loon 60135 Reno 34 l14fast 710 109 12J R Carter 8 PDirect PlnkTenny EHarrign EHarrignC0094 C0094 Reno 68 l01fast 61 109 3JJ R Carter 6 Muriels Pet SMaggie LewisB 49979 Reno 34 l S fast 8 111 5 J L Mills G DaneGirl MSmith SmilMag