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I Jj EIGHT PAGES 40 COLUMNS A REAL NEWSPAPER NOT A PAMPHLET PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY INVALUABLE EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK WEEKAfter After liavinji won subscribers eacli Avoelc l y Hit thousands and thousands of l lillirN illirN each week for its subscribers TIIIO VINNINO POST foiiios across the ALLKGHANIES like it has come across vIJIi winners on its WINNINO OP Til 13 AVI3ST Ami will lie on sale at tho newsstands listed below Iiepriimiiiu Saturday April Also sent l y mail 7 per year lOIJll ir SPKCJALS TO KAC1I YKAHLY SUI1SCH1BEH SUI1SCH1BEHKvery Kvery yearly subscriber prets four separate horses ijli Specials wired to him for cost of telegrams As much pains is taken to jjjive four winners as if THE WINNING POST received JU or even SjUOO eacli for tliem Last two special were one free code eacli day to all readers Every weelc THE WIN ¬ NING POST publishes a code on Jlrst pafie IlacinK I orm only will carry a short code message in form of an ad iviii r horses name race and track trackLet Let weekly WINNING IOST post you ivith your winners of the weelc This is done not only by special and by free code but by several columns of exclusive workouts devoted to both Eastern and Western horses with pertinent dockers comments as to their winning chances Of horses uriveii in one recent issue fortyone won besides about half that many seconds and third as many thirds in only cisrhtyodd workouts mentioned as ready to win before the next issue at the followiii the West many more to follow DEALERS WRITE OR WIRE JUST YOUR DEMAND DEMANDWe We have none to wive away and few to return They all sell in the East LATONIA KY CINCINNATI CINCINNATIStraus Mills News Store 9 East Southern Ave AveNEWPORT Straus Cigar Store 5th and Walnut Sts NEWPORT KY KYA Straus Cigar Store 6th and Walnut Sts A E Bathinay 6th and Monmouth Sts Straus Cigar Store 34 East 4th St A J Livingston 5th and York Sts Straus Cigar Store 215 and 218 East 6th St T M Shepard 7th and Monmouth Sts StsLOUISVILLE Hotel Sinton newsstand Hotel Havlind LOUISVILLE KY newsstand Hotel Metropole newsstand Eiler Goodman 227 4th Ave Hotel Gibson newsstand Hotel Seelbach newsstand Hotel Watterson newsstand Grand Hotel newsstand Hotel Kenton newsstand Palaco Hotel newsstand Hotel Tyler newsstand newsstandCOVINGTON All House of Crane cigar stores COVINGTON KY All corner newsstands Gonlans Drug Store 4th and Scott Sts THE WINNING POST 15 CENTS 101 West Fortyfirst Street New York N Y