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FIRST RACE a4 3IiIc 4 4lOill id upward Claiming June 7 lOill 11O 45 HO HOIndex Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St 14 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish GROUNDSWELL FinishGROUNDSWELL ch m 5 111 By Whisk tooom II Roofrwatex by Laureate of Trainer L Gentry Own r X Gentry r Clifford 55115 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 113 1 3 2 2 23 T Murray 10 MabelG Cintonvilie 55002 Latonia 34 lllfast 225 112 2 1 1 1J lh T Murray 12 Sirocco HonorMan SwLiberty 54709 Latonia 34 l13fast 85 108 3 2 2 2 1 J T Murray 12 Sw BlancheMac Liberty G France Amanda 54513 Churchl 34113 fast 125108 3 3 3 3i 3 T Murray 9 Fifi II Sweet Liberty 54304 Churchl 78 l24fast S310 108 322 2 2 31 3 T Murray 14 M Penwell the Time u j ii ai mis jLiuie Adonis Youneed 54218 Churchl 78 78126fast jLiuie78126fast l26fast 125109 411 1 If 2 T Murray 15 AAlexander 54118 Churchl 34 l14mud 11 110 4 4 4MABEL 6 J T Murray 12 Ruby = Mabel ES Gir GirKaVlipolis BUjraja KaVlipolis MABEL G br f 4 113 113Trainer By Mart BanU ICiM Present by The Tartar Trainer J AVhitlow Owner W S Payne 55115 Latonia 34 l12V4fast 7 105 4 1 154S91 l I3 I3 O Willis 10 GrSwell Cllntonville 54S91 Latonia 34 l12fast 1710 112 3 2 2 3 51 J Francis 12 GlFrance BlancheMac SLiberty 54654 Latonia 34 l13fast 17f 113 4 8 7 71 9 ° 3 O Willis 12 Marvin May Dodge Meliora JuliaN 54415 Churchl 78 l2Gmud 20 10S 345 6 8l S O Willis 9 Dodge Furbelow Cllntonville 54289 Churchl 34 l12fast 75 107 3 2 22 11 lk O Willis 11 Cozette BritishMaid 54118 Churchl 34 l14ysmud 11 113 1 2 22 2J 2 D Connllyl2 Ruby Kallipolis CBIossom 51381 Churchl 78 l2Ggood 4 104 4 3 5 7 7 71 C Buel 9 Tulsa Dr Carmen Brig Bread of Man War SWEET LIBERTY b f 4 104 By y Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear the yTrainer Way Trainer J S Ownbey Owner er Wayer G Knebelkamp Xnebelkamn 55115 Latonia 34 l12fast 15 103 3 4 4 41 43i A Wilson 10 MabelG GrSwell 54918 Latonia 34 l13fast 1710 100 2 11 I1 1J A Wilson 12 MaryFonso Clintonviile EyesofYth 54709 Latonia 34 l13fast 2 109 1 I 1 li 25 W Heinchl2 GSwell BigSon G France 54513 Churchl 34113 fast 21 108 1 II AmandaII I2 2 AV Hcinch 9 Fifi II GroundSwell Amanda 52292 FGnds 34 l14fast 8 98 2 3 4 5 JO3 P Long 12 MarieMaxim HidJewel Penwell 52039 Jefson 61 f l07fast 135 108 3 11 2 9 AV Heinchll Marmite JkScot JockScot 51072 Latonia 34 l12fast 10 103J 1 1 1 2 S H King 9 A N Akin Sam Ren Port Light 50909 Latonia 34 l12fast 48 107 1 1 2 4s 4 O Willis 7 BBcauty GipsyQn Legotal LLuxury CLINTONVILLE b f 4 By Transvaal Haid Militant by Salnbow Trainer J H Nichols Owner B K Nichols 55113 Littonia 34 l12fast 13 11 113 3 S 7 61 3s M Garner 10 MabelG GrSwell 54951 Latonia 114 2 4 4 9 10 10 ° B Pool 10 Title Marse John SwLiberty 54654 Latonia 34 l13fast 7 100 11 11 11 H 1011 J Francis 12 Marvin May P G King 54415 Churchl 78 l2Gmud 4 110 4 2 3 2 31 3 B Pool 9 Dodge Dodge Meliora Furbelow 5419S Churchl 34 l12fast 95 110 3 7 76 51 3s M Garner 12 HiddenJewel By Golly 54061 Churchl 78 l24fast 6 115 654 6544 31 2s M Garner 9 Flags Herald GGold Louis SCombfl 53968 Lexton 34 114 slow 175 111 5 5 565 5 1 J Rodgez 5 MinMan Brookholt A 5SS20 Lexton 34 l12faat 95 115 1 4 4 21 11 M Garner 10 Herald Gl France HlghCIondl Dr 51392 Churchl 110 3 3 5 C 4s 4 C Buel 5 BlushiugBeauty Carmen HarryB GEORGE STARR br e 6 118 By Jack Atkin Africa Dodge by Savlla E Trottejr Owner Florisant Savllalorlsant Stable SWS Latonia 4 i12fast 2 112 l l li 41 B Pool 9 BuddleKean 54654 Latonia 34 l13fast 195 115 3 MarvinMay Estero 3 24 41 H Lunsfd W Marvin May Dodge E2834 FGnds 34 l12 fast 41 113 1 15J 2 4 9 G1S H Lunsfd 0 Mythology Meliora 52662 FGnda 5J f l05fast 135 107 1 11 li 3 H Lunsfd 8 Musknge Daydue TdHonuc TdHounr 52498 FGnds 34 l12V fast 85 112 1 11 11 11 H Lunsfd 9 StIsidore UltraGold MinJIan 52294 FGnds 34 l13fast 10 115 10 PasSwaln CI157 Jefson 34 lifast 1 120 3 35S Kill Jefson 5S JiOOTifagt 6 111 5 DR CARMEN oh ff 9 114 114Trainer By Boancrgei Lady Knighthood by Kalgbt ef XI XIlerslie Trainer W Perkins Owner R L Baker lerslie 65093 Latonla 34 l14 = slow 32 118 7 03 23 Il E Pool 12 Green Grass Lancelot Melvin 64809 Latonla 34 118 hvy 2110 117 7 53 2s 22 E Joslah 9 Ruby Lancelot Mary Fonso 64483 Churchl 1 l3Sgood 1 113 1 1 1 I IB4287 2 2 E Pollard 8 MissFtaine TNephew LkBoy B4287 Churchl 34 lllfast 95 1101 8 S S 31 3 L Lyke 9 BlnePdise MarMay JPbaker 64247 Churchl 34 l12fast 5 110 7 44 3n l2 D Gonnllyll AJackll SergtYork CBrown 63820 Lexton 34 l12fast 2110 112 4 55 5 41 E Pool 10 Cllntonville Herald Gl France 62787 FGnds ImTOy 144 fast 5 103 1 1 1 1 lh 42 E Pool 7 SirGrafton CommeCl LouisA LouisAIl 62714 FGnds Im70y l47mud S5 111 1 1 1 1 Il li E Pool 5 Warsaw FHbbtygibbet Fluzej 62604 FGnds 1 l3Sfast 5 109 4 4 3 1 21 5 E Pool 8 YChing SGrafton Barry Slin 62500 FGnda 1 116 146 fast 6 10S 5 3 3 1 li 3j M Garner 7 Sdragonll LonisA BarrySlion RUBY h f 4 104 By Golden Maxim Siva by SemproalnB SemproalnBTrainer Trainer J TJmecsetter Owner 7 Umenietter 65115 Latonla 34 l12Vifast 52 103 C 78 S S8 E Scobie 10 MabelG GrSwell Cllntonville Cllntonville54S09 54S09 Latonla 34 118 hvy 3110 112 2 22 1 I2 E Scobie DrCarmen Lancelot MyFonso 64547 Churchl 34 l12fast 23 108 8 7 12 12 12 P Long 12 Younoed HonMan BritisliMald 64289 Churchl 34 l12fast 7 107 4 4 4 61 7 J P Long 11 MabelG Cozette BrltlshMald 64118 Churchl 34 l14Mjmud 21 105 3 11 I2 I2 P Long 12 Mabel G Kalllpolls Brig ofWar 61406 Churchl 34 l14fast 12 108 2 2 2 2J 4 1 P Long 13 HonMan GlpsyQn TheNephew BELLE OF ELIZABETHTOWN 103 By Jack Atkia Cloittereii by Oarlton Grace br ta 6 6Trainer Trainer W Coll Owner T Hoffler 54681 Latonia 34 l12fast 17 114 f 4 61 6 J Hoffle 8 ANAkin RoyalDiek CTaylor E4547 Churchl 34 l12fast 13f 114 5 2 31 5 J J Hoffle 12 Youneed HonMan BrltishMaid 54414 Churchl 34 l12mud 30 107 5 5 f C20 J Hoffle G RisRock RapidDay Westwood 64118 Churchl 34 l14mud 9f 117 12 12 12 12 J Hoffle 12 Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis 53415 Havana 34 l12fast 4 117 3 2 ink 523 j Hoffle 7 Sirocco Mayor House Dif Eyes 63343 Havana 34 l12fast 4 117 4 1 Il 2s J Hoffle G MHouse Sirocco Sans Pcur II 63202 Havana 61 f l06fast 5 2 I1 in J Hoffler 5 DifEres Amer Ace Riverside OTJNEED b h 5 114 By Ogdan The Nnree by Taste TasteJ Trainer R J Gilmore Owner R J Gilmore 54755 Latonia 34 l16mud 26 110 2 3 G S S21 M Garner 8 Hadrian Marvin May S Combs 64547 Churchl 34 lI2Efast 7 113 3 11 Il 1s W W Tlorl2 IIonMan BMaid GAgramoiite GAgramoiite7S 54304 Churchl 7S l24fast llf 114 2 3 4 4 41 471 J Smallwdl4 MtheTime Adonis GrdSwell 64138 Churchl 34 l15hvy 225120 4 4 5 41 5 J Smallwd 7 Trooper NurseJane Philanderer 62498 FGnds 34 1 12f ast 12 104 3 22 4 5 J J J Mney 9 GeoStarr StIsidore UltraGold 62466 FGnds 34 l12fast 8 112 a 4 3 4l G2J C Ponce 12 GreenGold JockScot MMaxim 62040 Jefson 34 l14fast 4 109 8 S S 8 8 ° C Ponce 8 ArchieAlexander BAllen Title FRANK F ch g 4 104 By Master Robert Chestnut Bell by Pirate of Pen PenTrainer Trainer X Spence Owner W E Applegate zance zanceE5075 E5075 Latonia 1 14 2OGMfast 9S 2 2 4 4 43 47 E Scobie 9 JCStone Wave WwrthsLast 54893 Latonia 1 14 205fast 22 109 i 3 3 i H7 H Lunsfd 10 SJVergne InHnshes LaFdre 54683 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 22 113 9 9 9 11 101 1021 T Murray 12 Repeater Corson Merchant MerchantE3S26 E3S26 Lextou 1 116 l4GV fast 12 111101010 9 6l S T Murray 12 Merchant Poilu Mamie 0 51426 Churchl 1 18 154 fast 5 107 5 4 6 1 42 4 F Wilson 12 Pirate McGee Keep Gourmand 51394 Churchl 1 14 208fast 2110 99 1 1 1 1 I5 F Wilson 12 Keep Warlike FauxCol 61342 Churchl 1 14 2OSfcfast 3710 99 9 3 2 1 11 21 F Wilson 9 Counterbalance Warlike Keep DIFFERENT EYES b h 6 109 109Trainer Rr The Manager Acnshla by Miner Trainer E L Fitzgerald Owner E L Fitzgerald 55168 Latonia 34 l12fast 10 113 9 9ES415 9 S W 102 A Pickens 11 Meliora Greon Grass Cozette ES415 Havana 34 l12fast 24 110 2 1 1 21 33 W Kelsay 7 Sirocco Mayor House Mat idol 53302 Havana El f l06fcfast 3J 109 1 1E3200 1 1 21 2 A Pickens 5 BofEltovn Am Ace Rivsidr E3200 Havana El f l06fast 85 109 1 1 2 11 23 W Kelsay G Furbelow Sirocco MayorHousc 53181 Havana 34 l12fast 4 109 2 2E313S 2 2 3i 2 W Kelsay 8 Riverside BofElbtown LOno E313S Havana 34 113 fast 5 110 1 2 2 31 32 R Lcaster 5 Last One Furbelow Sirocco MISSED THE TIME ch f 4 113 113Trainer By Duke of Ormonde Snian Lennox by HandieL Trainer T L Paul Owner T L Panl 55115 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 110 8 5 5B5078 rh T J Francis 10 MabelG GrSwell Clintonvillo B5078 Latonia 34 l12fast 28 110 C 7 74 712 v LUiey 9 BuddieKean MarvinMay Estero 64654 Latonia 24 l13fast 18 113 9 10 81 S9i W Lilley 12 Marvin May Dodge Meliora 64304 Churchl 78 l24fast 13 10S 4 4 3 2 I2 W Lilley 14 Adonis GroundSwell Youneed 64247 Churchl 34 l12 fast 20 107 3 1 I 7 i H J Burkell DrCmen AJackll SergtYork 61350 Churchl 78 l26fast 20 107 4 2 2 41 351 H J BurkelH HighGear GdSwell BroLove BroLoveBy PORT LIGHT b g 8 109 109Trainer By Hambore Mondaf tide by Meddler Trainer R McGarvey Owner W O Btoner 55197 Latonla 34 l12hvy 10 lir 2 7 n C3 C12 W Lilley 12 Orlova TwinkleBliie ColTylor 54918 Latonia 34 l13fast 11 112 7 78 8l 83i E Pool 12 SwtLiby MFonso EyesofYMh 64547 Churchl 34112fast 13f 110 2 10 11 10li 9 i C Thpson 12 Youneed HonMan BritishMald 64377 Churchl 34 l12 = 3fast 3310 110 14 12 11 11E4264 II213 r Garner 15 Big Son Tom Norris Hereafter E4264 Churchl 34 l13 fast 16 115 3 25 25E3119 4k 13 J F Smith 15 Lady Rachel Troilus Syueelei E3119 Shport 61 f lOSfast 135 113 3 34 4ll 4 i L Aron 6 Trusty BackBay Peppery Polly 63090 Shport 61 t l10hvy 2 114 3 45 45HONDO 51 511 L McDott 8 End Man Trusty Sandy H HBy HONDO blk g 7 109 109Trainer By Plaudit Bine Jacket by Whistle Jacket Trainer R Ferris Owner W Ritte 55170 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 12 104 1 3 2 4 52 10r G Fields 12 Amanda Miss Patty Miss Xell 4923 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 41 104 2 4 C 7 730 78 E Josiah 8 JCStone Exhorter Mab 54842 Latonia 1 116 l55hvy 45 106 4 4 4 G 7 714 F Porretto 7 Tulsa Rapid Stride Corson 64683 Latonla 1 116 l47fast 98 113 2 2 2 10 12 1228 W Andressl2 Repeater Corson Merchant 54310 Churchl 116 l46fast 19f 115 0457 81 9l W Andressl2 FauxCol YBlosm WFlower 64141 Churchl 1 143 hvy 21 108 7 7 8 8 71 714 E Pollara 8 Jim Bettering Aph Simonite