untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-01


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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ISTAKESi I J TO BE KUN Z Under the Auspices of the b j Kentucky Jockey Club i " i i B ... INCORPORATED ... U i m i During Autumn Meetings I - i g KlNticky jockey club stakes I- B 3 I 2 for 1922 1 B " f B 3 For Two-Year-Olds in 1922 Foals of 1920 jj 1 j 0,000 Added j . B 8 I - Total Estimated Value 5 000 One Mile j D 3 I ,!, : LAT0NIA I CHAMPIONSHIP STAKES for 1923 " 1 5,000 Added l 2 Total Estimated Value Q qqq ; One and Three-Quarters Miles j B : BREEDERS9 fUTURSTY I I for 1923 I gijjn.tittmi IIIIIIHMIIII II III Him j a " For Two-Year-Olds in 1923 Foals of 1921- I " $ 5,000 Added I Total Estimated Value $ J 500 I Futurity Course B " About 170 Feet Short of Six Furlongs I i , n in in 1 1 i 1 1 mi nun ""jBBEHm B ! ENTRIES CLOSE j Friday, July 1, 1921 j B Address All Communications to H j KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB: H ... INCORPORATED ... B I COVINGTON :: KENTUCKY." J. N. CAMDEN, President m B a M. J. WINN Vice-President and General Manager m M SHERMAN GOODP ASTER Secretary and Treasurer : IIIIIlllllIIIIIlllllllHIIIII . T and I Z b i " i i i i i - g 3 I B 1 B 3 1 B . I 8 D 3 I The CHIEF CLOCKERS Daily Special, 50c. Occasional, .00. Wednesdays Advertised .00 Money Occasional Won Tuesdays Advertised .00 XXX Occasional Won MONDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT .00 MONEY OCCASIONAL WHIRLING DUN6.80- WON Fridays .00 Occasional Won Thursdays .00 Occasional Won Wednesdays Special .00 Occasional Won Mondays .00 Money Occasional Won Tho Following Were Somo of Our .00 Occasionals Which Won: Sea Court 8.60- Won Woodtrap 6.50- Won Mysterious Girl .1.90- Won Many others were given that are too numerous to mention. How is this for INFORMATION, and all we charge is ? Many Winners Were Given on our 50c Daily Sheet that are entirely too numerous to mention. ONE BEST AT LATONIA TODAY Oft tins one and piny it on tho nose o WIN MA. iis thi-; horse is placed right and will WIN in :i jiffy. Be suro you ask for and got THE CHIEF CLOCKERS 50c DAILY SPECIALS BIG LATONIA .00 OCCASIONAL TODAY Did you over hear of a suro thing? If ycu did, or did rot, hero is one that you can consider as a suro winner. Our "Chief docker" has been wateh-ing this horses moves for quite Some time and knows that there will be no stalling with this horse today, as connections have Kent all they have in then- possession in on this horse today. The others in this race have not shown much in works that should make it hard in this horse winning this race. BEWARE OF IMITATORS Make Sure That You Ask for and Get THE CHIEF CLOCKERS .00 OCCASIONAL Horse must -win or you get our next Occasional , FREE OF CHARGE by mailing us in ycur sheet. CHIEF CLOCKER 501 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS CINCINNATI, O. Bob Bishorn Fountain News Co., 5th ad Walnut Sts. COVINGTON, Ky. Robert Gordon Pharmacy, S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. TURF TOPICS FOR SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS 5 Publication for 35 Cents TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Lakc-42-40 Aqueduct: Brook-14-22 Bio Mew Issue Qui Today The meeting at Latonia is fast coming to a close and many a good thing will he cut loose these remaining days. Our staff has reported many live ones in this issue, both at Latonia and Aqueduct; also many ADVANCE INFORMATION HORSES Each and every one specified in advance the day they are intended to be cut loose. If you want to get in on some of this live stuff go to your newsstand and purchase a copy of Turf Topics. Sold at the following leading News-stands LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Gcodman, 227 4th Ave. DAYTON, O. H. ,uphrat, 129 S. Jefferson St. CLEVELAND, O. O. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior St. DETROIT, Mich. L. Grosscup, 85 Congress St. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Foster Book Co., 410 Washing- ton Ave. ST. LOUIS, Mo. W. Laser, 7th and Market Sts. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Rickersecker, Ninth and Wal-nut Sts. CINCINNATI. O. R. Bishorn, 5th and Walnut Sts. HOT SPRINGS, Ark. Fort Pitt News, Malvin and Valley Sts. AKRON, O. B. Wheatman, 7 S. Main St. MOBILE, Ala. E. G. Bonner, care St. Andrews Hotel Newsstand. TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO. Room 54, 111 Nassau St., New .York City, N. Y. WILLIAM RYAN Formerly of Chicago Now located in Now York, wishes to announco that ho can secure several choice seats, box office prices, for Dempscy-Carpontier exhibition Saturday for Western friends and patrons. Address HOTEL ASTOR NEW YORK : MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month ol JUNE, will be on sale Todayjoon Price .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extr charge of ten cents tor registration. Not re sponsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Go., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-15and East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE, STREET ;; BUFFALO, N. T. JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAY SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS DAILY Tho following horses were among my ONE HORSE SPECIALS: PARIS MAID ...,50- WON REPEATER .....10- WON MARJ. HYNES . ..90- WON HERALD 2.30- WON HIS CHOICE... 2.40- WON HARL0CK .20- WON PLANET 5.40- WON HARVEST KING..80- WON IVIARSE JOHN ...30- WON REMEMBER I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAY NEVER MORE TODAY AT LATONIA This one comes to me DIRECT FROM THE FIR. ING LINE from one of the shrewdest manipulators of the turf and he states that this horse is so full of pep that the jockey will have to take it easy when tho harrier is sprung open, as this horse will make every pole a winning one and will WIN as its rider pleases. By no means overlook this one today. NOTE A WEEK we will mail our sheet over-night in a plain sealed envelopo and is received the first mail in the morninsr. JACK FIELD 505 S. Dearhorn St. Chicago, 111. For Sale at Principal News-stands CINCINNATI, O. Bob Bishorn, Fountain Newi Co.. 5th and Walnut Sts. COVINGTON, Ky Robert Gordon Pharmacy S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. On account of oxtended visit to Europe Mr. EDWARD CEBRIAN has instructed us to SELL HIS HORSES in training in the PADDOCK of the LATONIA RACE TRACK Saturday, July 2, 1921 The List Comprises: Salamander, second to Article X. on June 15. The winners Hold Me, Jou Jou, Foul Weather, Tout de Suite, Whispering, and tho promising maidens Lovo Nest, Querida, Plus Ultra, Advance, Isosceles and Money Maid; and for the account of Mr. Hal Price Headley, Marjorie McKay, Spods and Four Leaf. Other lots are Walter H. Pearce, Lorna, Clem Theisen and Pinecrest. W. T. WOODARD. J. S. WALLACE. MERCHANT ...0.10- WON and a 3rd were last Saturdays S2.00 XX Specials Dont Fail to Get Next Saturdays Two Live Ones ONLY .00. YESTERDAYS FREE SPECIAL WON, making 8 winners, seconds and 1 third out of the last 11 starters. Tins is sure going some. Deal with the live ones. GET NEW BOOK TODAY. Contains code to Free Specials that appear daily in t.ns paper, besides giving best line on horses that is to be obtained. 35c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Copies Mailed in Plain Sealed Envelopo for SI. Todays Free Special: April-Plum-19.il. 13-34 THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 o W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY All Stands 15c a Copy Code Changes Every Thursday TODAYS FREE CODE: Twenty-eight-Five-Faith-Latonia BOTH FREE CODE HORSES WON YESTERDAY Our daily service daily, 0 weekly TURF LIGHT 25 W. 42nd St. New York City NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 7 WINNERS 7 Out of the Last 14 Starters Is What We Had on Our "ONE BEST BET" Get Todays Sheet Lcoks Extra Good. Gives One Best and Long Shot Special, and All It Costs Is 50c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, 00; 2 Weeks, .00. NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. Daily Racing Form Circulates in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Continental Europe, Great Britain, Cuba, the Philippines. On sale each day before noon in Chicago, New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington. Itoston, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, St. Iiuis, Cin.-iiinnti, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Cleveland. Kuffalo and points between, and shortly after noon in Kansas City and correspondingly distant points. No opinions; just the news of each day by wire. The only daily newspaper in existence devoted to the thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American form charts by telegraph, with indexed entries. Compact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of racing. Haudicap figures on all entries. No tips; Just the mathematical calculations of experts. The index numbers are always correct. Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspapcrdoin. TERMS: 10 Cents Per Copy, .00 Per Month. 0.00 Per Annum. As plain enveloped letter; first-class mail. Single copies by mail 12 cent3 each, F. H. BRUNELL, Editor. C. C. RILEY, Associate Editor. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y, SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921070101/drf1921070101_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1921070101_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800