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ARDSLEY HANDICAP WEIGHTS Morvich Assigned 133 Pounds and May Start in Feature Race at Empire City Thursday. The unbeaten two-year-old Morvich is among the eligibles for the Ardsley Handicap, to be run at Empire City Thursday, and it is probable that trainer Fred Burlew will give metropolitan racegoers an opportunity to see the champion in action before going to Maryland to start in the rich Tim-lico Futurity. If Morvich starts Thursday he will have to carry 133 pounds and Kai-Sang 130. The complete weights for the race follow: Horse. Wt. Horse. Wt. Morvich 133 Hephaistos 105 Kai-Sang 130 Fanfare 105 Runstar 124 Xortlicliff 105 William A 122 Mary Patricia 105 Surf Rider 122 Pierre Qui Roule 105 Horologe 122 Reparation 105 Snob II 120 Yashmak 105 Little Chief 120 Sedge 105 My Reverie 11! Long Island 105 Runnntell US Rib Grass 105 Xancy F 117 Sleiveconard 105 Lord Baltimore 111! Stacy Adams 104 Deadlock 110 Blue Teal 104 Modo 115 Irish P.rigadier 101 Oil Man 115 Many Smiles 103 The Dictator 115 Cherry Tree 103 Pantheon 115 Xovian 102 Prudish 115 Draft 102 Mustard Seed 112 Knot Grass 102 Galantman 112 Twen. Sev. Division. .102 Bndana 112 Aknusti 102 My Play 110 Penitent 102 Monday Morning 110 Leghorn 102 Pillory 110 Sling 100 Joseph L. Levy .110 Xightboat 100 Firm Friend 10! Venizelos 100 Toil 100 Fitzgibbon 100 Bighcart 10! Philosopher JIS Emotion 109 Rainbow Boy OS Itose Brigade 10S Picnic 97 Sidereal , 10S The Falconer.. 07 i San ta-Cliira: . . .107- Occidcn tSmTfTTTTT7"0T Brainstorm 107 Trajanus ... 07. Harridan 107 Gondolier 95 Fifty Fifty 10i Silverton 95 Mnster Hand 100 Valentia 95 Black Rascal 100 Candlestick 95 Flannel Shirt lOfl Penalties accrue from C p. m. October 22.