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, GOING WELL AT TIJUANA | — — h Conditions Never More Auspicious for a Successful Meeting — Saturdays Results. SAN DIKOO. Cal.. January 1. Old 19lM cleeed in aeateia raciag jreaterdaj and aa Sunday the sixth aaaivereary "f njaaaaa track will be celebrated A and all of the official family, from president James " W. Coffroth down, say that records of other sea- j sons are certain to be sarpaaaad. Within two arc ska tie- peak of winter travel in tile sunny spats of California will be reached and reservation at San Diego hotels a heavy influx. Within the last lew days many follower- af raciag, area hac put jn the first part of the winter at New Orleans, have been noticed in the Tijuana crowds. The report that the arrangement af wageilng here beaks and tnutuels offer a we! come diversion. They alee tell of many others to come here with the new year. Tin Tijuana Beaaoa to date has proved an exception lo I lie rule that no serious handicaps to an enjoyable aaeetiafl have In en pre seated. Tijuana in the past has raa the gauntlet of floods, pasaports, wend war restiH-tieaa and otbei aaaoyaaces. It lias survived all these obstacle- and it i-. pleasing to Dote that there , • is not a clone! in the sk ta keep the present meeting from excelliag aaythiag of its kiad ever offered in the Wcat, Al a formal dinner last night BtesidCBl Coffroth , laras the recipieet of many compliments for bis able management of the 1ijuana Jockey Club. PRESIDENT COFFROTH WELL PLEASED. "Never before have coaditioaa been as bright as : now for a fine meeting. " said preehleal Coffroth. "it pleases me great Ij to he satrauaded with each capable officials anil employe- r n« I miah of the sacceesa of the meeting is due to their efforta. I have always eadea voted to give Tijuana the best in racing There ate liberal stake- to be decided a I thi- meeting anil i he appreciation of nor-enu n i- reflected in the whale-hearted manner in which they have filled the-e fixture- with thoroughbreds af better class." Over a track that was still a hog from the head of the stretch to the judicial staed favorites fared badly today. The winning of Sherman A saved tin ftrat rhaices from complete aaaihilathN The victory of Sherman A. in the fifth race was acceaapHahed in the easiest kind of style. As u-ual he was fleet of fooi and his extreme ipted in the going enabled him to lead his oppi-ition by a wide nargin threaghoat. Pueblo, in a game and valiant effort, fiaiahed in secaad place, twe leagtha behind the winner, Ier. u taking the coaaolathMi end of the parse. The sixth race produced the claaesl fiaisk of the day. in this Mis- Btatheas, ridden bj i lie reteraa jockey gei no ir. the last stride. Ir was an energetic ride by i.o-s and the filly snatched a clone decision from Kitty Cheatham aad Aaierican Maid. KUNTAMERS GOOD RIDING. it w.i- the Jeekeyahip of j. Baateaser which realty made Barvey Sasarr a winner in the second race. The start wi- a poor one and racing dawn the backet retch Barvej Kauurra chance- appeared slfaa indeed. In what seemed a hopeless task Bantaater moved his moui.t rp gradaaUy and taking him out in the good going after entering the sin till put ui a ma-torfitl finish. While Huntamor was ridinu like a demon with heels and hands iin key Jacobs, astride of Plaatageaet, made the fatal breeder of allowing his bene ta swerve toward lie inner rail. Here 1 e foaad a heavy and holding track, while Harvey Smarr was racing along a par tially dry path. Indian Brigade was given a pear rid" by jockey ! . PlOggattC. Jockey i». Barn was sa upended by the startei ta three days for misbehavior al the post it! the fifth race. J. J. Sharkey claimed Mannchen out of the ixth race for SI. ink.