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ATTACKS KENTUCKY RACING Drastic Anti-Measure Introduced in Senate of Blue Grass State. FRANKFORT. Ky.. January 10. — Senator John A. I ee of Owen county today introduced tlie ami rating bill in the Kentucky senate, where it was referred, at his reqacst, by lieutenant governor Ballard to the committee on judiciary. In the past, bills of similar nature always have been sent to the committee on agriculture and state fairs, but the advaeatea of rating dill not resist its reference to the other committee, which, it is believed, will Ofgaee the measure. Senator Lees bill is a much more drastic bill than the one introduced at the last session, which merely repeated the exemption clause in the Kentucky anti-gambling statutes under which pari miiinel operations are permitted. The new bill is a combination of anti-pari-muiuel. anti-bookmaking and anti-poolroom legislation. Inder its provisions. if enacted. Kentucky would lose an annual revenue of more than £300.000 now derived from the three race tracks at Lexington. Louisville and Ijttmia. The Lee bill strikes out the exemption clause as to niutuels and French pools, repeals the exemption clause as to licensed racing enclosures, provides ,000 to ,000 fine and from eight to twelve months imprisonment for operating a poolroom where bets are taken, makes agents punishment from six month to one year in jail, provides a fine of from ,000 to $.i.000 for renting property for use as a poolroom, ten to thirty days in jail for one playing races in a poolroom, six months to one year in jail fat sheriff or for other peace of f i -cers for failing to enforce regulation, one to twelve months in jail for telephoning bet for self or another, one to twelve months for making a bet on a horse rate. The bill further provides that the commonwealth does not have to prove that the race is actually tun. The judiciary committee, which will consider the bill, is composed of Senator White L. Moss of Middle?boro. chairman: Ben T. Davis of Hickman; R. C. Simmons of Covington: Frank E. Daugjierty of Bardstown. and William Wallace of Richmond. Senators Moss and Wallace are Republicans, the other three Democrats. In the House of representatives, while forty-nine bills were introduced todav. no member brought in a measure against racing.