Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-28


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 27. 1022.— Orient 1 Park 1 mile. Fifty-seventh day. Cuba-American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 86 . Stewards, J. Hachaaeisteri . H. Laaadale and I*. Rarke. Judges, c. CornenTaea and Edward Jasper. Kterlor. James Milton. Rating .Secretary. Martin Xathansou. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1 :.77 p. 111.. •indicates apprentice allowance. C£0 *?7,£ii FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and tJcJ 0*13 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5550; second, 00; third, 0. Judex Horses AWtPPSt ! j j :~"".f Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P~ S 56736 GORGE JAMES waa 4 no 2 4 3:1 3 2" In D PrTbie Brighouse Stable 4 I 8 i IS" 59644 PEACEFUL STARwB 9 112 4 3 1 V 112U Maiben L Letourneau 3 3 ZJ 7-7 7-10 39638tA LTAMAHA w 14 112 I I 0 9k 7 : J DomickB J McDonald 10 12 IS 5 Z| r 9«l« BETTERTON m M 110 « 6 2". 2» ::. 4ti ¥ Moore A Landon M 10 10 4 2 59348 JAP MCMA w I 196 N 19 71 , 5k 6 W Ketaay Goldapple Stable I 1 1 2-5 1-7 59766 DRAGOON am 7 IM E 9 W 7» S"i; 6"k B KeandyT Hode 8 8 8 3 8-7 53665 FRANK BURKE wa 7 111 11 l ♦»» 4s* t;1 I»| W MoraeyC R Smith 10 12 12 I 9J 33788tDANDY VAX waa 6 119 7 7 4*1 6] 4 «* E Joatah F R Doyle 1; s 8 :; 8 .7 .79013 AUTOMATIC "RED w 1 109 1 6 b V - ■ .- E Atkson.V M del Hierro 8 10 10 4 2 53766tLlTTLE PUSS wa 7 110 I 11 J» 11s 11" 10 F Hunt T Cheek 20 25 25 10 5 53614 HULLO WB 4 194 13 8 6 8s Mi 11* J Smith W L Drake s 8 s 3 8-7 .79278 PLANTAREDE ws 1; 112 3 12 12 12 12 U J ChuImorsII W Plant 12 12 12 6 2i fMatael held. Time, 232,, 4S:, 1:152.5. Track fast. 13 mutmds paid. Ceorge James. 826.10 straight. 2.30 place, S3. 70 -how: Peaceful Star. .80 place. 15.80 show; Altoamana, BeM, 84.18 show. Rqnivalent booking odds George James. 1265 to lw .straight, 516 to KKI place, 8.7 to 106 show; Peaeefal star. 2t»u to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; Altaaaha. held. 105 to Umi show. Winner— Ch. g, by Deatachlaad — Parse Rose, by Oraini trained by . Burliagaase; bred by Mr. A. Xe.il I. Went to p"~t al 2. 3.1. Al post J minutes. Start •- I and slow. Won driving: second nnd third the same. GEORGE JAMES, lose up lrom the start, wore PEACEFUL STAR down in the stretch and got ini to win in the fmal stride. ALTAMAHA closed a big gap. BETTERTON quit in the last eighth. DANDY VAN waa eased ap in the stretch. DRAGOON was shuttled back al the start and ctoaed ,1 big gap. JAP MIMA ran well. Overweights -Frank i.urke. 1 pound; Automate- Red, 1: Hullo. I. fi0997 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. lSO— 1:11— 6— 1C2. Purse 00. 4-ycar-olda and «J« OI 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winn-r . .550; second, 00; third, 0. Tndex Horses ~A~w7"pp"sT i ""■"•"sir Fin Jockeys Owaera o H 0 P S~ 597663GRATIAN ~~ w 4 192 1 1 81 P 1* 13 B KenndyW C~ Wmorcland2 2 2 7-M1-4 53788*AMEHN EAGLE w 7 112 7 :; I 3* 2 2 A Picfeena B Mock 2: 21 2, 1 2-7 58767 **SUGARMINT w .7 102 4 2 2* 2"« .: ;.-V D prihle K E Major 1 I I 1 2-7 69776*BYRNE wa 197 2 S P* 5s 1- P G Fields Roaedale Stable 8-5 8-5 8-6 1-2 1-5 58878 MAJOR PARKE wk 6 Ho 3 6 61 6 . 5»1 E AUtsonE McRednond E 1 1 2 I 471 17 M. DENUNZIO w 4 196 6 4 I1 4. .7- « c McCkle Will fauna Broa 24 24 20 8 4 Time. tS%, 47V-.. 1:13%. Trath far.t. 2 mnlacla paid. Gratiaa, 36.76 straight, .00 place, .10 show; American Eagle, .91 place. 84.26 shew: SuKarmint, .90 show. Kqnivalenl hooking odd-. Gratiaa, 23.7 to 166 straight, 100 to 1 place. .7.7 to 166 aaanr; iaanhaa Eagle, 295 to 108 place, 110 to 1 no show: Sugaruiini. 85 to 100 show. V.inn.r -B. f. by Astronomer— Helen ft., by His Highness trained by W. . Westosorelaad; bred by Mr. David Gideon. Went to put .it 2:58. At poet 1 minute. Start good and stow. Won driving; second and third the same. G RATI AN saved ground oa all the turn-, and. taking the lead in th" stretch, outgamed A.MERK AN EAGLE in the final drive. The fitter began slowly, but moved no rapidly after rounding the far turn, bul tired after getting to the lead.r. SUGARMINT raced in nearest pursuit to the Ktretch and finished gamely. BYRNE ran a poor race. MAJOR PARKE can beat such bones when fit. MARK DENCNZTO set a fast early pace. CAQ430 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1320—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and tXiZCj/iiiCj upward. Claiming. Hot value to winner 50: soooad, 00: third. b_ _ Index Horses A wi IPSt 1," % Str JTin Jockeys Ownera ~°~H_r_ P S 59736s WIN OR QUIT w 4 111 8 4 5« *» 4« i« W M or scyO B Potto 4 6 6 2 1 58788 MOLINERO wa I 198 2 6 S* r. 3* ;: : 1: KenndyA J Molera t 6 S - 1 58665 EINDO w 5 113 .7 :: 2* 2 2 i 3» W EeJsay J I. Wade 6 5 r 2 1 59665 = HAMAN a 6 111 I 5 a3 S 5" 4 A Pickens H Coons J-6 1-3 53767 BLONDEL whb 6 IN :- 9 9J 71 «5 and* F Wilson II Herdel 1-5 2-6 53764 tMEKH KIT wr.:, 11.7 it 2 1- 1- l«k V v Moore M E Thompson hi 10 12 6 24 58765JWRECKLBSS wi 3 99 14 i 7"* 8 8J 71! N Swart T J Breslin l" W 1" • . 56561 SHY ANN wa I W3 S M W 1"? 91 %* L Penman A L Crist 15 17 16 i I 58531 TH*TLESS BUTY wa 1103 8 s r 3" 7 :•- A McLhllnA B Davkteon M 12 12 6 24 ."»l!f» P*CESS MYRTLE wb 5 119 7 11 Ii It in •• I9« ii Myers .1 r Bartolomeo 29 20 29 8 4 5368S+OCC1 PATION IMC 1 7 :; 9*11 11 11 Wakoff bquan Stable ll 12 12 3 21 fMatael Held. Tim. 23, 47:,. 1:14%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Win or Quit, .?l!.;:i straight, .60 place. .70 show; MoUaero, .76 place, .30 show: Zindo. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Win or Qait, 815 to 168 Rtraigbt, I.iO to 1M pine. 83 to W show; Motinero, ::::."■ to 100 place, 119 to 169 show; Zindo, 17 to 100 show. Winner — B. . by McGee— Stolen Moateato, by Kingston trained b.i I. Hector; bred by Mr. Chat lea W. Moor-1. Went to post at 3:24. At post 1 minute. Start toad and slow. Won driving; second arid third the same. WIN OR QUIT came fast through the stretch and ju -: gol i; to win in the last stride. MOLINERO ran a game race and finished fast. ZINDO waa sore when going to the post and tired iu the iat sixteenth. BLONDEL raced «i,|" oa all the turns. MESS KIT set a fast pace to the last eighth and gave way. Scratched- 58695 Mister .liggs, His. Overweights Win or Ouit. 3 poaads; Occupation, ... Prine* Myrtle, 5. EZGykQtpandii 101TETH HACE— 3-4 Ki?. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—103. Pur.,e 00. 3-ycar.olds and O t O Asi S7 upward. Chiming Handicap. Hot value to winner vCO; second, 5100;_third, 0. l"nd»7x "l torses A Tpp~7;~t "■-, f1 "j~" i~Sir"Fin~~3 ockeys "1 hrnera i _H_ C P 3 _ 58364 LACKAWANNA w 6 H2 6 1 15 U 1»J 1*1 A Pic kens M D Suggs 3 3 I 1 1-2 58564 THE LEOPARD wb 6 146 1 3 31 ■■ V 21 W Kelauy J Lowe 2] SJ 24 1 1-2 r,!»79l» LUSTRE wb 3 97 C 2 V 2 2" 21 L Penman R L Baker 21 3 I 1 1-2 .7!766 OSGOOD w C 163 1 7 9*4*4] | B KenadyB i: Rtoa 4 4 4 8-3 4-5 ",! 3«1 SMART MONEY w S 1 H 3 1 6 5 5 5 II Scheftel G Holmes I 5 6 I 1 58664 BLUE WHACK wa 5 168 ! 6 Bolted. F Wilson V andU Stable 4 3 5 2 1 Time, 23. 47%, 1:13%. Track fast. miituels paid. Lackawanna. 87.69 straight. .70 place. .00 slew: The laBSBBrd, J3.10 place. .40 show; Lustre. 38 show. Equivalent booking odds— Lackawanna. Lso to 1t| straight, S.7 to loo place. 30 to KM show; The Leopard. .7.7 to 110 place, 21 to 100 show; Lustre. 23 to 168 show. Winner Ch. in, by King Jaaaea— Lotowaaaa, by Trenton trained by W. K. Suggs; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxaaid. Went to post at 3:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LACKAWANNA tank the lead at once and setting a last pace all the way won hard held. THK LEOPARD came through fast on the in-ide. easily passing the tiring LUSTRE. The latter raeed gamely and was on the outside of the leader all the way. BLUB WRACK began with the others, but bolted to the inside fence. OSGOOD ran well. 5fT Q • f FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and CO Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. O O «J5 4j? 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. "imle Hones A~wTpr7St 4 "_■ ?4~SLv~Fin~ Jockeys Owners O H 0 "P W~ 53737 GREAT HAWK w 7 US ;~ :,— t ■ :: 3: 5* jS o Prible W A Crawford 3 3 3 K-5 3-5 ~.l~.C! LITTLE DEAR w 4 100 6 6 10 9] •* 1 2- X Swart T Hodge « 8 8 3 8-3 53636 ZOIE WB 1 103 10 8 !»= 63 7! V 3* F Moore 11 E Thompson 8J I 3 6-5 3-3 .r 97t!f SIR ADSUM wa 7 166 7 6 8*8 6» 61 4 J Smith J Booker Jr I 8 8 3 36 r. 711 WHIPPORWILL WB 7 119 1 1 2" l1 2 1T 5 E AtlsonJ Kverest 8 8 8 3 8-5 68763*COUNSEL w S 105 9 19 7 7 7 7 iP G Fields G HlWaa 3 3 3 6-5 3-3 C3741*DIXIE GIRL w U 105 2 2 I1 2» l"i 1« 7« F Wilson H M Paul 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 .70703 JAMES w S 113 8 4 SB 4- 9" 9»1 , W Kelsay J E Alley 5 ft « 24 «-3 53736 INRO ws 6 10U 4 9 6» 19 14 10 8* j Carroll B J Sheldon 10 12 12 5 24 "y737 CABIN CREEK wa 4 101 3 7 63 6» t3 S- 10 S MeCraw J L Wade 12 12 7 8J 6-5 Time, 4. 63%, 1:15%, 1:43. 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid. Groat Hawk. 812228 straight. 30 place, .70 show; Little Dear, 4.90 place, 6.58 siiow: Sato, 86288 show. ■qarfvaleat booking odds— Croat Hawk. .710 to Kill straight, 240 to 100 place, 185 to 100 show; Little Hear. 843 to 133 place, 42.7 to 100 show: Zoj... 21.7 to KM show. Winner — I,. f, by Great Britain — Hawksora, by Hawkswick trained by W. Scuitto; bred by Mr. Walter tL Paraser. Went to post at 4:17. Al post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. GREAT HAWK was a forward contender from the start and came wide when entering the homestretch, but finished fast and got up to win in the final strides. LITTLK DEAR was in a jam on the turn into the backstretch and closed nil immense gap. but tired near the end. ZOIE closed a gap after rounding the far turn and made a fast finish, but could not get up. SIR ADSUM ruu well. BciaUaad 1 1364 B1 MareoHa Roy. !» . rOD9-J SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purso 0o! Ot Oel JL 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. 1 aitex Horses A WtPP8t j ih % gtrghll JfK.ke.vs Owners f H C~P~ ■ "" 83f33*SIBOfiA w 7 Mb 4 6~ls 1* *» ll 1 F Wilson T A Sears 86 8-6 3-5 1-2 1-4 B376fs*HABY FAUST U» IM 2 1 2 2 2 2- 8* N Swart B Mock 4 4 4 8-5 7-10 53766*STrEZ w 4 lot :; 3 31 :, 4* V 3 J Maiben 8 McNeill I 8 8 3 S-.7 SaT444*WINALL wn 4 !5 1 2 $•] 7 7 41 4s J Pevie C Middleton 6 7 7 21 6-5 53184*BIANCA w 6 14$ 7 ii t3 V 9 3" 5.. 61 I. Penman Carvallo Brog 8-5 8-5 8-5 1-2 1-4 83703 W. !. McCTOCK w 4 It 1.7 6 7 7 6 6J 6- fe F Hunt J S Wiggins 444 8-57-10 63768 FORBID w 5 105 t 4 3ns l"k cuk 7 7 J Carroll J P Waite 12 12 12 5 2 Time, 24, 48%. 1:16%, lr3B%. 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Sibola. $.7.90 struight, .30 place. .0 sjiow; Paby Faust. .10 place, $.7.20 show; Suez, gs.lt show. Equivalent booking odds— Sibola, 19.7 to 100 straight, 73 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Baby Faust, 20.7 to 100 place, 1H0 to 100 show; Suez. 305 to 100 show. Wiaaer — Ch. m, by atonal Water — Playground, by Hurst Park trained by F. C. Frisbie; bred by Mr. John E. Madden I. Wc nt to post at 4:4.7. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SIBOLA took the lead quickly and easily won all the way. BABY FAI.ST raced in nearest pursuit, but tired and just lasted long enougli to outstay SUEZ. The latter made a fast finish. BIAXCA quit as if unfit. Scratched— 59014Sliipmate, 110. Overweights — Suez, 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012801/drf1922012801_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922012801_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800