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a l ■ I I i 1 0 ■ 1 0 I , I g I ,] 1 I r I I I ,. I I * I J 1 e t [ I I I f , I I 6 EIGHTH BACH .1-8 Mile. :»-jear-ol«l« and upward. Claiming. Muv JO, IBO 5B -4 107. RING. blk. m, 6 111 By Leonid— Handa Around, by Serpent. Trainer, W. Walker. Owner, W. Walker. 6o720 Tijuana 55 f l:»7-.,fast 22-10 108 2 4 4 4 4" H B Bwer 7 Kinglike. Br. Corbett, Shiftv " 60604 Tijuana 55 f I:o8°-.good29-10 108 I 1 2 24 2* H B Bwer 0 Kinglike. Tabloid. Uurou 11 59816 Tijuana 5i f 1:07 fast 12-5 114 2 2 3 6ft 81 H B Bwer 8 Furbelow. Siater Suale, Sedan 59141 Tijuana 5* f l:0S%slop 3 113 3 3 3 3 5«J B B Bwer 5 Sedan. H.O.Heela, G.Agramontf 69107 Tijuana 3-8 l:01%fast 7-5 112 2 11 1» l2 J Majestic 8 SamReh. WildThoughts, Sedan SHIFTY, br. t, 4 113 By Honeywood — Thrifty, by Ogden. Trainer. A. E. Stokes. Owner. A. E. Stokes. 60720 Tijuana 55 f 1 :07-.-,fast 11 M I 5 5 55 8*1 C Stud-r 7 Kinglike. Br. Corbett, Ring 60678 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0l-V,fast 6 120 G 2 2 24 6 C Gross 6 Aretie Kim;. Huron II.. H-rtler 60579 Tijuana 55 f 1:09 slow 4 116 4 11 fj B C Thpson 8 IkeMills, Dancing Girl, Don Jose 6*256 Tijuana 5-8 l:02V,good 8-5 112 2 3 2 2J 2° C Thpson 7 T.Craven. HazelDale. L.Rompor 60105 Tijuana 5-S l:01sifast 21-10 110 3 2 2 2J 1J C Thpson 10 HazelDale. Amer.Maid, MeLant ETHEL BROWN, b. f, 4 107 By Leonid— Rosirii, by Joe Carey. Trainer, W. Singleton. Owner, W. Singleton. BM Tijuana 5-S 1:01 " 11 103 6 8 I 5= 4-i H B Bwer ti Arctic King. Huron II.. Herder EUff Tijuana 45 f B81 ,hvy 10 107 4 5 5 4H 431 T Wilson 5 Hazel Dale. Joe Blair. Sedan 69S58 Tijuana 45 f 55.-,fast lft 107 5 4 4 4 B| C Cross 7 HamiltonA., JoeBluir. Ph. Ward 59130 Tijuana 45 I B fast 18 103 4 5 3 4J 6i E Noble 6 Huron II., Joe Blair, Shirty 54664 Dorval 3-4 l:21%hvy 14 95 1 2 5 10 10" E HarbnelO Ettahe. SterEinblem, W.SraoM HURON II.. b. g. 6 118 By Bweeper— Zuaa. by H»mbur». Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A. Parson. BBS Tijuana B-S l:" 8-5 118 2 1 1 15 2| T Wilson • Are. King. Herder. Ethel Browu 60604 Tijuana 55 f 1 :0.S--good 5 118 I I 3 3J 4 P Caron ti Kinglike, Ring. Tabloid 61-577 Tijuana 3-4 1:15t5s1ow 23-10 108 1 1 1 15 43 C Thpson 8 Veteran. Planet. Roisterer 60472 Tijuana 65 f l:09%slop 27-10 111 2 2 I 2» 2l J Hunmer 0 Rapid Stride. Planet. Redan 6o410 Tijuana 5i f 1 :07f ast 3-2 111 1 11 lft 2n G Willi ms • Sam Reh. Muleiber, Sedan SEDAN, b. g, 8 123 By Jim Gaffney— Kitty Belle Brooks, by Clifford. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 61 709 Tijuana 55 f 1 :"8 fast 1N-5 123 4 2 11" li1 P Martinet S G.Agiuotile. HamiltonA. S. Susie 60650 Tijuana 5j f l:06-.-,fast 5-5 102 2 I 4 4» 4 D Hurn ■ Siiimyland. Sain Reh, Motor Cop 60172 Tijuana 55 f l:094islop 1 104 4 I 3 42 45 D Hurn « Rapid Stride. Huron 11.. Planet 60410 Tijuana 6. f l:fflfcfeat 4 K16 5 5 2 21 4h J Htamer • Sam Reh. Huron II.. Muleiber 60329 Tijuana 2-4 l:14*f,fast 4-5 M 3 2 2 22 l»k J Htamer 9 Motor Cop, Sam Reh. Roisterer WILD THOUGHTS, b. f, 4 110 By Ivan the Terrible— Dream Girl, by Voter. Trainer, G. J. Miller. Owner, G. 3. Miller. 59107 Tijuana 5-S l:ff%fBat 3 105 5 I 3 3- 3= B Parke S Ring. Sam Reh. Sedan 59006 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 Vbfast 17-10 103 4 3 1 lJ 12J B Parke « Nonsuit. Vie.Munoz. Huron II. 56159 Dshire 3-4 28 100 6 5 5 61 8" B Parke 11 Hereafter. Younced. Nurse.Tane 56054 Dshire 3-4 l:18".-,hvy 33 106 9 8 7 71 911 B Parke 9 J.s Umrua, H.vanpom, Trantula FIREPLACE, b. g, 6 113 By Ossary— Anna May, by King Erio. Trainer, S. A. Ballinger. Owner, BalUnger ft Coif man. MB Tijuana 5 f IS 1".» 5 2 2 5:J 68 C Gross 7 Kinglike. Br. Oorkett, Shiftv 60077 Tijuana 5-4 l:14;!.-,last 7 I08 I 1 1 1 1« C Gross M Bob.Alien. OrehidKing. IkeMilla 5P797 Tijuana 55 f 2 113 5 4 4 41 3- C Gross 7 Hazel Bale. Herder. Nonsuit 59655 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 2J 114 1 11 l1 lJ C Gross 8 Kath. Rankin, McLane. JoeBIalr LARIAT, br. g. 6 105 By Rapid Water— Tourmaletta, by Lissak. Trainer, W. Sims. Owner, W. Sims. 5!250 Tijuana 5-1 1:19 slop 30 I06 6 5 5 41 4s R Duggan 7 Mnehen, Cl.tueWay, M.Statkcta 6X495 MapleH. 55 f 1:13 hvy 25 107 5 5 5 5 57i P Long 5 Marmite. Kama. St. Just 58291 Lexton 5-4 1:14 fast 88 107 4 8 8 8 817 G Fields 8 Lively, Gipsy Queen, Locarno 57491 Latonia 3-4 l:ll%good 81 110 7 6 9 91 9" N J Brnesll S.Liberty. G. -Swell, H.Burgoyno GLEN WELL, br. g, 6 113 By Diok Finnell— Paradiao Woa, by Prlioo of Mom. Trainer, F. W. Forstiair. Owaer, Bisbee Stable. aco. UTS Tijuana taffy l:47%riow 9 106 I G 5 4 4= 4SJ T Wilson 7 Billyluie. Franklin. PLBIu— uoa 8MB Tijuana 1 1-M l:S3%slop I 108 2 2 2 2 V 1| T Wilson 7 Ceadrll.. W.H.Pi". Bknll. MB Tijuana 1 1-16 1:49 fast 5 104 3 1 1 2 4 44J J Hunmer 7 Omond. Gath, Bon Bodge 60228 Tijuana 11-15 1:54 hvy 35 102 2 2 3 3 2" 3s P Hurn 7 Verdi Loone, Piedra. Franklin