Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-14

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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 920 920NEW NEW TORIv N Y May 13 Todays training gallops over the local courses in ¬ cluded the following 1 JAMAICA JAMAICAi i Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Kile Kile91Srroomst 91Srroomst r 37 S4GKirtle S7 S7018Goldon 018Goldon Dawn 374 018Mawrcoron 3C 3CS18Uullabaloo S18Uullabaloo 37 912Trjjanu 38 38913Ir 913Ir Brigadier 38 Zues Lassie 40 80SCath fsrronno 918Palsy B 52 52018Gen 018Gen Cadorna51 918Rork 4S l18Johu Joseph 50 = i iFiveEighths FiveEighths Kile Kile630Brink 630Brink 10 = 3 550Kitty Warnicrl04 Warnicrl04917Esquire 917Esquire l05 = s 910Wynnewood 103 103Three Three Quarters Kile 915Alex H 1106 910Frank 1 1918Bruinado 918Bruinado 123 917Lucky Buttoal13 917Bill Block 117 117753Calty 91SMnbel A 120 753Calty Jane 113 113Charlton 917Monastery 117 Charlton 127 127916Cahalan 915Rubidium 117 916Cahalan 118 914Runnyol 118 918Exodus 124 124EsvcnEishtks EsvcnEishtks Mile Mile910Daydae 910Daydae 133 133One One Kile Kile919Moco 919Moco 144 917Tufter 141 141817Sircn 817Sircn Maid 143 143Eork Eork is training well Lucky Button worked impressively Alex H was under re ¬ straint Calamity Jane was not fully extend ¬ ed Siren Maid galloped an easy mile Tuf ter seems in his best form formBELMONT BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACE TRACEWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEisnths Kile 917Bantry Pass 671Kcllorrnan 917Chewink 918Links 915Citation 918Last Straw 47 47Majority 910Cape Clear Majority 51 51Nassau 800CIiesterbrook Nassau 52 52Three 800CIiesterbrookDot Dot Three Square 53 53918Vice 918Golden Rule RuleHot 918Vice Regal 48 Hot Muffins FiveEighths Mile Mile91SBlue 91SBlue Brnsh 103 907High Speed 103 Threeauarters Hile 910 Arnold B 117 917Knohbic 113 113KJ2Bettie KJ2Bettie Bine 110 918Lord Uerbcrtl153 Uerbcrtl153918Cum 918Cum San 123 Loiterer 122 122741Doughnut 741Doughnut 11G 913Modo 117 918Devastation 117 C64Naturalist 122 122813Flnff 813Flnff 118 918Smoke Screenl17 Screenl17918Gcorgie 918Gcorgie 113 918Swift Grass 110 11091SKings 91SKings Fancy 119 917Tiibnne 115 115One One KU 918Canyon 140 91SMaBter Hand 141 918nxcclsts 143 917PhiIoTopher 145 810Irish Sea 152 917Scourgeman 150 917Pilgrim 150 916Wampus 14G Last Straw seems fresh and good Vice Regal ran easily Georgle was never bolter Knobbie as usual worked well Modo had an easy gallop Smoke Screen is in great condition Devastation was under restraint restraintAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Kile Kile854Bobbed 854Bobbed Hair 41 Nat S 3G Half Uilo 91SBayonne 49 918Santa Clara 51 51918Emotion 918Emotion 01 916Superillusion 53 53FiveEighths FiveEighths Hile Hile917Be 917Be Frank 102 917Sunnylnnd 103 103743Desteroua 743Desteroua 109 GCOTalenthie d0rl03 895Barly Bird 109 018Witchwork 100 10091SRecount 91SRecount 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Hile Hile91GLlberry 91GLlberry Girl 121 91GEea Mint 117 My Agnes Sl18 918Polythla 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Kile 917Ncw Orleans 13C 915So It Goes 136 136One One Kile Kile915Anniversary 915Anniversary 151 918Rcgal Lodge 148 S13Jock Scot 144 914Ralco 144 144Be Be Frank ran well SunnyJand was not extended Liberty Girl just cantered Poly thia is improving Sea Mint ran well as did So It Goes Anniversary was only cantering Regal Lodge looks good Jock Sect worked well Ralco Is in good form CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 13 Todays training gallops here included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Hile 014Arna Tod 914Jack Bauer 35 35579Justina 918Admirer 579Justina 87 87014Kindred SICAvisack 014Kindred S7 S7917Lavinia 915Big Sap 917Lavinia 36 36OlGMonsoon 913Bright Trash OlGMonsoon 37 37917Piedmont 72SBlaise 917Piedmont 40 40916Powcr 918Coyne 916Powcr 36 36907Pec 820Colored Boy 907Pec of Umbria 35 914Dor Euchner 90 5Rusticator 36 909Flor Blossom 915Show of Gold 35 Grass Maid 7GSThorny Way 37 913HopclePS 732Twinkle Blue 35 B07Irene Walton 913Blk Servant 53 910Miss Minerva 49 49910Corto 910Corto 4S5S 724Mar WInsor 48 48917Day 917Day of Peace 51 913Miss Jane 50 50903Great 903Great Luck 48 914Roulcau r2 r2OlSGreen OlSGreen Grass C2 914Temptinjj 50 50723Hereafter 723Hereafter 50 OOSVictoire 49 49914Indian 914Indian Trail 49 49FiveEighths 49s s FiveEighths Hile Hile918Caladium 918Caladium 103 915Hlnklc 105 10582GCap 82GCap Hock 101 H Graham 104 104JTlip JTlip 104 827J Pennybakerl04H Pennybakerl04HThree Three Quarters Kile KileS09Advocate S09Advocate 110 918Colonel Baker 114 114913Bit 913Bit o Black 110 C17Cinderclla 114 114Bit Bit Bolder 110 909IIonor Man 11614 11614915Bright 915Bright Leaf 116 918Lit Blossom 115 115SCOBritish SCOBritish MaidllG 914Mar Fallen 115 115912I5inding 912I5inding Tic 116 C34Nancy Wyattl16 913Bartered 117 600Prince Wells 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Hilo HiloCISAmerican CISAmerican Boy 127 91f5NVrth Tower 130 130730Bojul 730Bojul 131 918Ring Rose 128 128911Glengary 911Glengary 131 OlCUnclc Telo 127 127914Glyn 914Glyn 130 130One One Kile Kile013Bankcr 013Bankcr Brownl43 917Marlne Corps 141 141910Boy 910Boy P Homel43 907Nurture J44 J44913Bit 913Bit of Green 144 731Paris Maid 148 919CharIes Hcnryl41V Princess LuU 143 143016FauiCol 016FauiCol 141 019Piudar Peel 144 144SinFair SinFair Phantom 139 014Tuibodaux 143 143918Honoluln 918Honoluln Boy 144 015Tulane 142 142019Lcsal 019Lcsal 144 919Wrn Oldt J412i

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Local Identifier: drf1922051401_4_4
Library of Congress Record: