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or or yv yvLAST LAST WINNER WINNERCLONCANNON CLONCANNON 81 WON Closing Price When I filet my horso the night before with this paper here is what I said in my letter Ask the publisher of this paper to verify my statement before doing business with me meFirct Firct race Eelmont Cloncsnnon Taplin ridec Will bo gt cd pries and will go rain or shine Is a very VEHY pood tiling I have wired 2253 clients this information Remember not a soul gave the horse a 1C3I chance Look it up I have without a doubt tho highest class acd largest number of turf followers in America AmericaALL ALL EOE3ES MUST WIN AT 21 OE BETTER OE AHOTEES WIRE EEEE EEEEI I tend only one cr two a week no more Some recent winners and losers filed with Racing Form LECLAIRE 51 21 Place BETTER LUCK 4310 W01I SWEETHEARTAVISACIC SWEETHEART 112 WON TTJFTER 52 Place AVISACIC 21 WOK IRISH DREAM 9510 WON HUTTIKINS 5210 WON LADY ZEUS bad start startEXTERMINATOR Lost CARETAKER 47 10 Place EXTERMINATOR 4D10 WON CATAPULT 151 WON BEES WAX 12 WON Greatest number of telegrams ever sent out on a winner CLONCANNON CLONCANNONWestern Western Union UnionJERSEY JERSEY CITY N J June 2 1922 Received Hr Georgo E Black 2283 telegrams telegramsSigned Signed T J SPHLANE Manager ManagerAt At lha ramo time I scut 315 Cloncanncn winding telegrams with tho Postal Both of the above original receipts on file with New Yoik Daily Racing Form FormREVISED REVISED TERMS Wiro me the cost of six prepaid telegrams of ten words each and I will wire you tiz times I will send no telegrams collect and will not send you less than six telegrams telegramsAfter After you win wire me the winnings of a 10 straight play No excuses taken I mean what I say Be sure to wiro jour correct business or residence address where code can bo mailed you youI I have 104 subscriptions to whom I cannot wire for want of proper addresses to mail codes codesAOAIH AOAIH UOTE ALL PEICES MUST BE 2 TO 1 OE SETTEE SETTEEMy My jniaranteo from this date UNLESS I TTATTR YOU WINNER PLAYING STRAIGHT ON MY SIX WIRES I WILL REFUND YOU THE 10 that you are betting for me or in other words refund you GO in s11 This goes to demonstrate to you tho confidence I have in my information If I do not live np to my guarantee UNCLE SAM WOULD GET ME MEHy Hy stable connection says to me Unless you can get 21 or better do not bet E TUESDAY JUNE 13 I WILL HAVE A PHENOMENAL COUP ON JUNE 17 AND 21 I ISTILL STILL HAVE TWO SPECIALLY PREPARED HORSES ALL THREE WILL BE FILED WITH THE NEW YORK DALLY RACING FORM TWO DAYS BEFORE THE RESPECTIVE DATES THAT THE ABOVE HORSES ARE SLATED TO RUN EANDICAPPERS WILL NOT BE ABLE ABLEK K TO GIVE THEM A 123 CHANCE UNLESS THEY CAN ACCOMPLISH THE IMPOSSIBLE FEAT H OF EAtTDICAPPING TRAINERS INTENTIONS L A few out of hundreds of unsolicited testimonials received These goad mo to obtain still greater resuHs for you youHave Have been petting trainers information here at Latonia In future only your information for me Dated Cincinnati Ohio Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing form formCongratulations Congratulations Will wire money Kosday a m Dated Hammond Ind Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormI I swear by your information Thanks Dated New York N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormGoid Goid service Keep up the good work Dated New York N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form j You got over a nice one I always had confidence in you I could see every horse was well meant Dated Pine Bluff Ark Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormHorses Horses that you sent me show that you get good information Dated Detroit Mich Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormYours Yours is the only reliable information that I have ever seen in the town Dated Pontiac Mich Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormI I am convinced that you are getting the right staff Dated Brooklyn N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormThank Thank you for Cloncannon It plainly proved that you were on the job Dated Detroit Mich Signature and oiigiual on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormWill Will wire winnings Monday That was a nico one Dated St Louis Mo Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormYours Yours is the best information I have received from anyone Dated Boston Mass Signature and original ou file with New York Daily Racing Form FormThat That was sure a dandy winner You must be in right to get that kind of information Dated Bronx New York City Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormHope Hope future horses will be as good as Cloncannon Dated Brooklyn N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormYour Your information is what I want I could never have picked out any of the last three horses you tent me Dated Medina N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormI I assure you of my continued support and appreciation Dated Yonkcrs N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormI I am a veteran trainer and horseman but trainsrs have very seldom excelled your continuous good work Dated New York N Y Signature and original on file with New York Daily Kacing Form FormAs As a veterinarian I get pood information However your information is phenomenal Dated Bal ¬ timore Mel Signature nnd original on file with New York Daily Racing Form Formlieep lieep sending ma only one or two a week No one can liava a winninj coup every day Dated Louisville Ky Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing Form FormYoar Yoar terms are the snuarcst in turfdom It isnt what a fellow SAYS he can accomplish that counts It is the real GOGETTING downright RESULTPRODUCING stuff that you have put over that counts Dated Philadelphia Pa Signature and original on file with New York Daily Racing 1oim Positively no callers at my office as I am at various tracks getting information for you youm m BLACK 89 Montgomery St jersey City N J JNever Never buy racing information unless you first ascertain whether the said information was filed before tho races with Daily Racing Form I always file my information with them in advance Ask them for proof